Special Master to Newsmax: Executive Privilege Cases Come Up ‘Once Every 50 Years’

Special Master to Newsmax: Executive Privilege Cases Come Up 'Once Every 50 Years' (Newsmax/"American Agenda")

By Nick Koutsobinas | Wednesday, 07 September 2022 05:52 PM EDT

Special Master David Cohen spoke with Newsmax to give his take on the uniqueness of Former President Donald Trump's call to appoint a special master as well as explain what someone in that position does.

Speaking with "American Agenda" on Wednesday, Cohen says that a special master "is kind of a fancy old term for judge's helper."

Cohen, who is not working on Trump's case, adds that "anytime a judge needs help, normally in a complex case, they will sometimes appoint a special master. Sometimes parties will ask the judge for appointment of a special master. Sometimes the judge will come to the parties and say, 'you know, this is a case that's very complicated. There is a lot of work here. I'm only one person, and I would like to appoint a special master.'"

From there, the special master works as an arbiter, deciding which information or documents, say during a period of discovery, are attorney-client privileged and which are not.

But as Cohen points out, Trump's case is unique. In most instances, "attorney-client privilege comes up every day." But "executive privilege seems to come up, maybe once every 50 years."

Because of that, Cohen speculates that a special master with top secret clearance would need to be appointed. Cohen says such a person would likely be a "retired federal judge."

Cohen illustrates the uniqueness of Trump's case by providing an example of his own "opioid" case.

"For example, in the opioid litigation, there are literally tens and hundreds of millions of documents, and many of those are potentially privileged. The court will appoint a special master to review the documents. The special master will receive those documents in camera — meaning in private; the other side doesn't get them yet — and will review them, and make sure that the claims of attorney-client privilege are valid."

"That is part of what's happening in this case," Cohen continues. "President Trump has said some of these documents are attorney-client privileged, and the FBI has agreed. The FBI said, 'yeah, you're right, about four or 500 of them, they are privileged. And we agree. We should not be able to use those.'"

For the special master, they would decide which documents are attorney-client privilege, or in Trump's case, possibly executive privilege. From there, they would write a "report and recommendation."
In such a case, "I sign it," Cohen says. "And it is my document that I send to the judge. And, of course, both parties get a copy of it. And I say 'here are the documents that I think are privileged. And here are the documents that I think are not privileged. And here are my reasons why.' And the parties then have an opportunity to object. They can file an objection and ask the court to review it. It's essentially an appeal to the court."

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Florida Gubernatorial Hopeful: ‘So Damn Proud’ of Biden’s Anti-MAGA Speech

Florida Gubernatorial Hopeful: 'So Damn Proud' of Biden's Anti-MAGA Speech Florida Gubernatorial Hopeful: 'So Damn Proud' of Biden's Anti-MAGA Speech Florida gubernatorial candidate Rep. Charlie Crist, D-Fla., gives a victory speech after defeating Nikki Fried in the state Democratic primary election in August. (Octavio Jones/Getty Images)

By Jay Clemons | Wednesday, 07 September 2022 05:27 PM EDT

Rep. Charlie Crist, D-Fla., might be embracing the reputation of being a maverick candidate in Florida's gubernatorial election.

During a recent campaign speech, Crist — the Democrat challenger to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis — said he is "so damn proud" of President Joe Biden for last week's controversial national address in Pennsylvania, amid an ominous backdrop, in which the commander-in-chief condemned "MAGA Republicans" as a threat to the republic.

Biden was essentially alienating half the American audience with his anti-MAGA/anti-Donald Trump rhetoric. But Crist didn't see it that way.

"How many of you saw Joe Biden speak [last Thursday] on national TV?" Crist asked his group of cheering supporters.

The former Florida governor (2007-11) then praised Biden for having the tenacity and "courage" to call out the Make America Great Again wing of the Republican base.

"God love him. God love him, and I do," said Crist of Biden. "And he's told it straight. Democracy is at stake. … Our freedoms are at stake. And the President laid it out, and he couldn't hold back, and I'm so damn proud of him for it."

Crist continued in the speech: "We have to have that kind of courage and just tell it like it is. I'm gonna be a happy guy. You know, I'm a nice fella. But don't ever confuse my kindness with weakness. We're gonna take it to them."

The upcoming Florida gubernatorial election will be a popular-vote format. But last week, Crist was seemingly in no mood to plead for Republican, independent, or even moderate Democrat votes, telling reporters, "Those who support DeSantis should stay with him and vote for him, and I don't want your vote. If you have that hate in your heart, keep it there."

Back in July, Governor DeSantis trumpeted Florida as having more registered Republicans than Democrats, seemingly making Crist's climb to a gubernatorial victory — minus GOP voter crossovers — more difficult.

DeSantis has also taken note of Crist's penchant for chastising conservative and independent voters.

Crist has "referred to conservative voters as the 'toothless set.' And so this is a guy that is — I think he realizes that this is the end of his career," DeSantis recently told conservative talk show host Mark Levin. "So, he's lashing out. He's attacking people. And this is just not a way to win an election."

Citing the last four Florida gubernatorial tracking polls from Five Thirty-Eight, covering Aug. 17, 29, 30, and Sept. 2, the incumbent DeSantis maintains an average lead of 3.8 percentage points over Crist.

However, the previous two polls from Five Thirty-Eight had DeSantis sporting an average lead of 7.5 percentage points.

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Hillary Clinton confirms she will not run for president in 2024

A mature woman with short blonde hair stands against a blue background. She wears a white jacket over a black top, accessorized with earrings and a lapel pin, showing a serious expression resembling Hillary Clinton

ST LOUIS, MO - OCTOBER 09: Democratic presidential nominee former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton listens to a question during the town hall debate at Washington University on October 9, 2016 in St Louis, Missouri. This is the second of three presidential debates scheduled prior to the November 8th election. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

ST LOUIS, MO – OCTOBER 09: Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on October 9, 2016 in St Louis, Missouri. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 3:00 PM PT – Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton has confirmed she will not run for president again.

On Tuesday, during an interview with CBS’s Norah O’Donnell, Clinton addressed to the question of whether or not she will run in 2024. Clinton also added that she would endorse President Biden should he decide to run for re-election. The conversation then shifted to her comparing the FBI’s Mar-a-Lago raid to how the bureau handled the investigation into her private e-mail server. The former Secretary of State said that then FBI director, James Comey, ruined her chances of getting elected.

“There’s no doubt at all that he (James Comey) impacted very negatively my chances of winning,” Clinton said. “So, it was in the middle of an election, there was no ‘there there’ and the guy never shut up.”

Clinton then went on to praise the current leaders of the DOJ and FBI. She claimed they’ve been “incredibly patient and careful.”

Her remarks come as many believe the current FBI and DOJ are biased against former President Trump. A recent Rasmussen Reports poll found that 46-percent of voters, who do not identify with either major political party, trust the FBI less following the Mar-a-Lago raid.

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Erik Prince: Afghanistan the terrorist haven we fought to stop after Biden’s botched withdrawal

A man with short light-brown hair, dressed in a dark suit and tie, speaks at a conference about Biden’s botched withdrawal, with a microphone in front of him and people seated in the
Neil W. McCabe — OAN National Political Correspondent
UPDATED 2:51 PM PT – Wednesday, September 7, 2022

(MIDDLEBURG, VA.) One year after the fall of Kabul, the founder of Blackwater told One America News his warnings were about Afghanistan were ignored by incompetent military leaders and national security professionals.

“Because the Pentagon is all about money and power, as any bureaucracy is, and so they mobilized and moved in—and when Bagram becomes a saluting zone and a no-beard zone and a starched khaki zone, all progress stopped,” said Erik Prince, whose book “Civilian Warriors,” told the story of his private military company and how he brought private enterprise thinking to the war on terror.

“In addition to the closed-minded generals who were constantly rotated in and out of theater, the highly educated American national security professionals were equally clueless about Afghanistan,” the Navy SEAL veteran said.

“They abysmally failed, and they’ve wasted trillions of dollars and thousands of our sons’ and daughters’ lives and limbs,” he said.

Prince said one galling example of American mismanagement of the war in Afghanistan was the refusal to reboot and develop the Soviet-era oil production in the Angot field.

Instead, the U.S. insisted on importing oil to support the war with massive markups that included bribes to the Taliban as we were fighting the Taliban, he said.

“Up until the last day, all the energy supply that the United States and NATO needed in Afghanistan was trucked in,” he said.

“It was boated down from the Med, up by truck from Karachi, up through the Taliban areas, paying a huge toll. About a third of the Taliban’s operating budget was collecting tolls on all those U.S. trucks,” he said.

The patriot businessman said it is a tragedy that one year after the fall of Kabul, there are still Americans and American allies left behind, and the country has become the terrorist safe haven the war was fought to prevent.

“I would say between citizens and Green Card holders, it’s definitely in the thousands yet, so there is genuine despair,” the Hillsdale College graduate said.

“It’s going to be a rough winter there. With the cost of energy up globally and the economy in Afghanistan effectively frozen, it’s going to be a rough winter,” Prince said.

“I would say you’ll see some significant fighting once the fighting season starts again come May, June of next year because there’s a lot of people that are just not going to take it anymore.”

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John Browne, Jeffrey Lord to Newsmax: WH ‘Lies’ Putting US Economy in Peril

John Browne, Jeffrey Lord to Newsmax: WH 'Lies' Putting US Economy in Peril (Newsmax/"American Agenda")

By Jay Clemons | Wednesday, 07 September 2022 04:44 PM EDT

On Wednesday, Newsmax chronicled a recent CNBC interview where renowned economist Niall Ferguson said "the ingredients of the 1970s are already in place," in terms of financial shocks, political unrest, and low consumer confidence being pervasive in many corners of the world, including the United States.

In the same segment of "American Agenda," host Bob Sellers spoke to John Browne, the longtime chief executive at British Petroleum energy company (1995-2007) and former Trump White House adviser, and Jeffrey Lord, now a columnist for American Spectator, regarding the state of the U.S. under the Biden administration.

While Browne and Lord were being introduced for their dual interview, Newsmax displayed a graphic showing that 68% of Americans surveyed last month acknowledged they were experiencing either "severe" or "severe-to-moderate" financial hardships — up 13% from a similar poll from last November.

Ferguson's warning might have seemed dire on TV, but Browne says it was likely a conservative assessment of the financial and political troubles that potentially lie ahead.

"I think the situation is far, far worse than Niall Ferguson had stated," Browne told Sellers. "But of course, few people are aware of it, because the official figures have all been manipulated, and they're all wrapped in White House lies."

As one example, Brown estimates the July inflation rate of 8.5% was significantly higher than reported.

"The real rate is about 16" percent, says Browne. "And yet, [President] Joe Biden says it's at zero [percent]."

Also, Browne knocked the Biden administration for being untruthful about the chaos at the U.S.-Mexico border, the massive drug flow at the southern border, exorbitant gas prices, high prices for proteins at grocery stores, and the country being in "recession" territory, after posting back-to-back quarters of negative GDP growth.

"But what can you expect, when the president is in the pay of China, our largest challenger?" asked Browne. He then added, it's "no wonder the [American] people are unaware and increasingly vulnerable."

Lord agreed with Browne during the Newsmax interview, saying that "anybody who was around during the 1970s" has likely noticed the similarities between the respective administrations for President Biden and former President Jimmy Carter (1977-81).

"They say that 'history may not repeat itself,' but it certainly rhymes," says Lord. "And that's exactly what's going on" today.

As a possible remedy to what ails America, Browne and Lord agree the U.S. must regain its economic and political standing of the Trump years.

"The only solution I see is a sweeping majority for Republicans in the [November] midterms, and voting in Trump" as president in 2024, says Browne.

And even then, due to President Biden's ineffective policies, Browne says Trump "would have a huge mountain to climb."

Lord believes the support for Trump — as a potential 2024 presidential hopeful — might even more rabid than the previous two presidential cycles.

The American people "want to put an end to this," says Lord, who attended Trump's Labor Day weekend rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. "This [upcoming election] is a big deal, they get it, and they're looking to him for leadership."


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Pentagon announces 2nd ICBM test in less than 1 month

This photo provided by Vandenberg Air Force Base shows an unarmed Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile launching during an operational test on Wednesday, May 1, 2019, at Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif. A fiery streak lit up the California sky as the U.S. Air Force conducted an early morning test of an unarmed Minuteman 3 intercontinental ballistic missile. (Staff Sgt. Brittany Murphy/Vandenberg Air Force Base via AP)

This photo provided by Vandenberg Air Force Base shows an unarmed Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile launching during an operational test on Wednesday, May 1, 2019, at Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif. (Staff Sgt. Brittany Murphy/Vandenberg Air Force Base via AP)

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 8:26 AM PT – Wednesday, September 7, 2022

The US military conducted another intercontinental ballistic missile test. A Pentagon spokesperson announced Tuesday, it would be launching an unarmed Minuteman III missile Wednesday from Vandenberg Space Force Base in California. The Pentagon called it a routine test to verify the readiness of the system, even though it comes less than one-month after the last test.

“As you may recall, the last test launch was August 4th, which had been delayed,” stated Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder, Pentagon Press Secretary. “So for those wondering about timing, the two launches moved closer together due to the delays from the August date sliding to the right. And again, tomorrow’s launch was scheduled far in advance.”

Minuteman III ICBM’s are located in underground silos in five western states. They have a range of more than 6,000 miles and can travel 15,000 miles per hour.

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Craig Shirley to Newsmax: ‘One of the Few Bipartisan Ceremonies’

Craig Shirley to Newsmax: 'One of the Few Bipartisan Ceremonies'

(Newsmax/"American Agenda")

By Theodore Bunker | Wednesday, 07 September 2022 04:09 PM EDT

Presidential historian Craig Shirley told Newsmax on Wednesday that the presidential portrait unveiling, which took place at the White House on Wednesday, is "one of the few bipartisan ceremonies" left in Washington, D.C.

Former President Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama visited the White House on Wednesday for the unveiling of their official portraits after a delay, partly due to the COVID-19 pandemic and partly, according to press reports, because former President Donald Trump refused to invite the Obamas back to the White House and broke with the tradition of unveiling his predecessor's portrait.

Shirley said on "American Agenda" that the portrait unveiling is "one of the few bipartisan ceremonies or events that actually happens anymore in Washington, very few of these events actually take place."

He also noted that "this is a fairly recent phenomenon … of the current president introducing the portrait of the former president; it only goes back … the last 20 or 30 years. I can assure you, [Dwight] Eisenhower, who despised Harry Truman, did not invite Truman for the unveiling of the Truman portrait."

Shirley said that each of the presidential portraits has "a little bit of history assigned to them, and that … makes it fun."

He also said that the Obamas saw their portraits before their unveiling, saying, "They wouldn't allow them to be seen unless they had already seen them and approved of them."

Shirley said that Obama's portrait has a "bright white background," which has "never been done before," but noted that "all presidential portraits are unique in their own way."

He noted that many presidential portraits have had delayed unveilings and said, "There’s no plan; it doesn't follow a distinct pattern" and is "the prerogative of the occupant of the Oval Office and of the man who he succeeded and when he gets around to getting his portrait taken."

Original Article

Craig Shirley to Newsmax: ‘One of the Few Bipartisan Ceremonies’

Craig Shirley to Newsmax: 'One of the Few Bipartisan Ceremonies' (Newsmax/"American Agenda")

By Theodore Bunker | Wednesday, 07 September 2022 04:23 PM EDT

Presidential historian Craig Shirley told Newsmax on Wednesday that the presidential portrait unveiling, which took place at the White House on Wednesday, is "one of the few bipartisan ceremonies" left in Washington, D.C.

Former President Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama visited the White House on Wednesday for the unveiling of their official portraits after a delay, partly due to the COVID-19 pandemic and partly, according to press reports, because former President Donald Trump refused to invite the Obamas back to the White House and broke with the tradition of unveiling his predecessor's portrait.

Shirley said on "American Agenda" that the portrait unveiling is "one of the few bipartisan ceremonies or events that actually happens anymore in Washington, very few of these events actually take place."

He also noted that "this is a fairly recent phenomenon … of the current president introducing the portrait of the former president; it only goes back … the last 20 or 30 years. I can assure you, [Dwight] Eisenhower, who despised Harry Truman, did not invite Truman for the unveiling of the Truman portrait."

Shirley said that each of the presidential portraits has "a little bit of history assigned to them, and that … makes it fun."

He also said that the Obamas saw their portraits before their unveiling, saying, "They wouldn't allow them to be seen unless they had already seen them and approved of them."

Shirley said that Obama's portrait has a "bright white background," which has "never been done before," but noted that "all presidential portraits are unique in their own way."

He noted that many presidential portraits have had delayed unveilings and said, "There's no plan; it doesn't follow a distinct pattern" and is "the prerogative of the occupant of the Oval Office and of the man who he succeeded and when he gets around to getting his portrait taken."

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‘Astonishingly False’: Hillary Claim of ‘Zero’ Classified Emails Fact-Checked

'Astonishingly False': Hillary Claim of 'Zero' Classified Emails Fact-Checked hillary clinton speaking at a church Hillary Clinton (Getty Images)

Wednesday, 07 September 2022 03:44 PM EDT

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton drew mockery and ridicule after claiming she had "zero" classified information on a private email server, even as she attempted to criticize former President Donald Trump over his clash with the Justice Department regarding material seized from his home.

Judicial Watch's Tom Fitton and other conservatives called her assertions "astonishingly false," a "verifiable lie," and gaslighting with more 2016 "stolen-election" allegations.

The barrage of posts on Twitter came after Clinton took to the social media website to suggest she had no classified material on the non-government computer server that was the subject of an FBI investigation in 2016.

"I can't believe we're still talking about this, but my emails," Clinton tweeted Tuesday. "As Trump's problems continue to mount, the right is trying to make this about me again. There's even a 'Clinton Standard.' The fact is that I had zero emails that were classified."

Clinton added claims of exoneration by fired FBI Director James Comey and even State Department members held over in the Trump administration.

"Comey admitted he was wrong after he claimed I had classified emails," Clinton added via Twitter. "Trump's own State Department, under two different secretaries, found I had no classified emails.

"That's right: ZERO," she repeated.

The Washington Times' Tim Young shot back, "Don't wait up for this complete lie to be fact checked."

Fitton, however, obliged.

"Fact check: Astonishingly false," he tweeted.

The Justice Department inspector general report in June 2018, reviewing the FBI's 2016 presidential election actions, provided clarity for the Clinton claim, saying the emails were not marked classified, but contained classified material and should have been marked as such. Also, there were classified emails missing and not turned over by Clinton's lawyers.

The DOJ IG report explained:

"'81 email chains containing approximately 193 individual emails that were classified from the CONFIDENTIAL to TOP SECRET levels at the time the emails were drafted on UNCLASSIFIED systems and sent to or from Clinton's personal server.' In other words, the USIC agencies determined that these 81 email chains, although not marked classified, contained information classified at the time the emails were sent and should have been so marked. Twelve of the 81 classified email chains were not among the 30,490 that Clinton's lawyers had produced to the State Department, and these were all classified at the Secret or Confidential levels."

Clinton complained she was tired of the investigation into her handling of classified materials but still insisted the Justice Department continue its investigation of Trump's handling of information, which he maintains he declassified when he was president.

"By contrast, Trump has hundreds of documents clearly marked classified, and the investigation just started," Clinton tweeted, concluding, "I'm more tired of talking about this than anyone, but here we are."

The Spectator's Stephen Miller suggested the latest pursuit of Trump seems to go back to the start of the left's painting of him as the political enemy.

"We're never escaping 2016. Ever. As long as you know this and are prepared," Miller tweeted.

Clinton's reference to the "Clinton Standard" is a direct reference to the analysis of Newsmax contributor and former Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz, who has said he voted for Clinton in 2016 and is a liberal Democrat friendly with the Clintons.

Regardless, Dershowitz said any investigation and/or indictment of Trump should have to meet the former President Richard Nixon or Hillary Clinton standards.

"No. 1, it has to beat the Nixon standard: So egregious, so serious, that even Republicans would agree," Dershowitz told "American Agenda." "No. 2, it has to meet the Hillary Clinton standard. Why is this different than Hillary Clinton? What's the justification for doing to Trump what was not done to Hillary Clinton?

"I don't think those two standards were met in the unredacted portions of the affidavit," Dershowitz continued, referring to the document that justified the warrant obtained by the Justice Department authorizing the FBI’s Aug. 8 raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home in Florida.

"Maybe they were met by the redacted portions, but I haven't seen it," Dershowitz said.

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NARA Letter May Refute WH Claims of Not Knowing About Trump Raid

NARA Letter May Refute WH Claims of Not Knowing About Trump Raid mar-a-lago Mar-a-Lago (AP)

By Jay Clemons | Wednesday, 07 September 2022 02:34 PM EDT

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) reportedly refuted a White House claim that President Joe Biden had no advance knowledge of the FBI's Aug. 8 raid of former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort.

On Monday, U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon granted the Trump team's request for a special master in the legal dispute between Trump and the Justice Department.

During the course of that ruling, Judge Cannon also identified a springtime letter from the National Archives to Trump's legal team, with the conclusion reading: "NARA will provide the FBI access to the records in question, as requested by the incumbent President, beginning as early as Thursday, May 12, 2022."

The "incumbent" president being Biden.

The significance here: In the weeks after the FBI visit to Trump's Florida home, White House officials have denied any prior knowledge of the raid on a former U.S. president — and someone who's also the current favorite to secure the Republican presidential nomination in 2024.

"No. The president was not briefed … was not aware of it. No. No one at the White House was given a heads up," White House press secretary Jean-Pierre said on Aug. 9, a day after the FBI raid. "We learned about this just like the public, just as you all were reporting it, through the public reports."

NARA's acting archivist Debra Wall might have also played a role in the Biden administration knowing about the Mar-a-Lago raid well in advance.

According to reports, Wall alerted the White House sometime that an initial review of the records sent to NARA from Mar-a-Lago included "identified items marked as classified national security information."

In her follow-up letter, Wall wrote: "NARA informed the Department of Justice about that discovery, which prompted the Department to ask the President to request that NARA provide the FBI with access to the boxes at issue so that the FBI and others in the Intelligence Community could examine them. On April 11, 2022, the White House Counsel's Office — affirming a request from the Department of Justice supported by an FBI letterhead memorandum — formally transmitted a request that NARA provide the FBI access to the 15 boxes for its review within seven days."

A day later, according to reports, a DOJ-obtained grand jury subpoena allowed for investigators to visit Mar-a-Lago in June — with the raid taking place in August.

Last month, after word broke of the FBI raid on Trump's Florida estate, Attorney General Merrick Garland revealed he "personally approved the decision to seek a search warrant in this matter."

Biden has yet to formally answer a question about when he personally learned of the FBI raid involving Trump, although Biden recently mocked his White House predecessor by saying, "I just want you to know I've declassified everything in the world. I'm president, I can do — come on."

While appearing on Newsmax last week, Trump attorney Alina Habba told "Spicer & Co." the ongoing circus involving Trump's stored documents has become absurd.

Habba said the Presidential Records Act gives Trump — and every other U.S. president, past and present — the authority to declassify documents while holding office.

And by all accounts, Habba said Trump's team of Florida attorneys had been fully cooperating with NARA officials.

"So, it was a bit of surprise, you can imagine, when the [FBI] raid happened," says Habba.

Original Article

Archives Letter Seems to Contradict WH Claims Biden Didn’t Know of Trump Raid

Archives Letter Seems to Contradict WH Claims Biden Didn't Know of Trump Raid mar-a-lago Mar-a-Lago (AP)

By Jay Clemons | Wednesday, 07 September 2022 03:40 PM EDT

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) reportedly contradicted a White House claim that President Joe Biden had no advance knowledge of the FBI's Aug. 8 raid at former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort.

On Monday, U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon granted the Trump team's request for a special master in the legal dispute between Trump and the Justice Department.

Judge Cannon also identified a springtime letter from the National Archives to Trump's legal team, with the conclusion reading, "NARA will provide the FBI access to the records in question, as requested by the incumbent President, beginning as early as Thursday, May 12, 2022."

In the weeks after the FBI visit to Trump's Florida home, White House officials have denied any prior knowledge of the raid on a former U.S. president.

The issue of foreknowledge comes into play because Trump and his allies have alleged that political animosity led to the raid. Trump is widely seen as a frontrunner in the early jockeying for position in the 2024 presidential campaign, and has said political enemies are trying to derail his plans to again seek the high office by generating scandal.

"No. The president was not briefed … was not aware of it. No. No one at the White House was given a heads up," White House press secretary Jean-Pierre said on Aug. 9, a day after the FBI raid. "We learned about this just like the public, just as you all were reporting it, through the public reports."

NARA's acting archivist Debra Steidel Wall might have also played a role in the Biden administration perhaps knowing about the Mar-a-Lago raid well in advance.

According to reports, Steidel Wall alerted the White House that an initial review of the records sent to NARA from Mar-a-Lago included "identified items marked as classified national security information."

In her follow-up letter, Steidel Wall wrote: "NARA informed the Department of Justice about that discovery, which prompted the Department to ask the President to request that NARA provide the FBI with access to the boxes at issue so that the FBI and others in the Intelligence Community could examine them. On April 11, 2022, the White House Counsel's Office — affirming a request from the Department of Justice supported by an FBI letterhead memorandum — formally transmitted a request that NARA provide the FBI access to the 15 boxes for its review within seven days."

A day later, according to reports, a DOJ-obtained grand jury subpoena allowed for investigators to visit Mar-a-Lago in June — with the raid taking place in August.

Last month, after word broke of the FBI raid on Trump's Florida estate, Attorney General Merrick Garland said he "personally approved the decision to seek a search warrant in this matter."

While appearing on Newsmax last week, Trump attorney Alina Habba told "Spicer & Co." the ongoing circus involving Trump's stored documents has become absurd.

Habba said the Presidential Records Act gives Trump — and every other U.S. president, past and present — the authority to declassify documents while holding office.

And by all accounts, Habba said Trump's team of Florida attorneys had been fully cooperating with NARA officials.

"So, it was a bit of surprise, you can imagine, when the [FBI] raid happened," says Habba.

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Rep. Comer to Newsmax: White House ‘Hypocrisy’ Shown By Press Secretary

Rep. Comer to Newsmax: White House 'Hypocrisy' Shown By Press Secretary

Rep. James Comer, R-Ky. (Getty Images)

By Sandy Fitzgerald | Wednesday, 07 September 2022 02:10 PM EDT

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, by answering a question about if she believes the 2016 election was stolen as being "ridiculous," showed a "perfect example of the hypocrisy of the Biden administration," Rep. James Comer said on Newsmax on Wednesday.

"They are so arrogant," the Kentucky Republican told Newsmax's "National Report." "They believe whatever they say is the rule. That is the law. That is the way it's supposed to be and if you disagree with them, then you're wrong. If you look like me and you disagree, then you're a white supremacist; you're a radical. You're 'ultra-MAGA,' and I think the American people are starting to see through this."

During Tuesday's press briefing, Fox News' Peter Doocy asked Jean-Pierre if she thinks the 2016 election was stolen, referring to tweets she posted around the time when former President Donald Trump won his election, reports The Hill.

Her tweets also suggested that the 2018 Georgia governor's race wasn't held fairly.

"Let's be clear that that comparison that you made is just ridiculous," she told Doocy. "I was talking specifically at that time of what was happening with voting rights and what was [endangering] voting rights.”

Comer noted that there were Democrats who voted to object to Trump's win, but said "all they talk about are the 140 or so Republicans that voted to object in the last presidential election. … I see their hypocrisy every day, and it's only getting worse."

Meanwhile, President Joe Biden, in his "very offensive speech" at Independence Hall last week, shows he's a divider, not an uniter, despite his presidential campaign promises, Comer said.

"It shocked me watching him speak from the very red podium and the message that he gave to at least half of America," said Comer. "This guy has a 40% approval rating, yet he's lecturing the 60% that disapprove of his job performance and the 50% that voted against him, and he's saying that you know you're a threat to American democracy. Give me a break. You know this Biden administration, the level of arrogance and hypocrisy grows on a daily basis."

Comer also spoke out about the way suspicious activity reports concerning Biden's son, Hunter Biden, continue to be suppressed, even though until Biden took office, any member of Congress could get them from the Treasury Department.

"Two things Joe Biden did on the first day he took office, number one, he stopped members of Congress from having access to this suspicious activity report," said Comer. "Number two, he hired Nicholas McQuaid to be the head of the FBI criminal division. We've learned he is a law partner of Chris Clark, who is Hunter Biden's attorney."

But still, Comer said as the top Republican on the House Oversight Committee, he continues to be blocked from the bank records, but that could change in November if Republicans take back the House.


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Rep. Tom Tiffany to Newsmax: Dems Trying Trump by Leak

Rep. Tom Tiffany to Newsmax: Dems Trying Trump by Leak (Newsmax/"National Report")

By Brian Freeman | Wednesday, 07 September 2022 02:06 PM EDT

Rep. Tom Tiffany, R-Wis., slammed leaking contents of the items seized during the FBI raid of President Donald Trump's private Mar a Lago residence.

"It seems to be adjudication by leak," Tiffany told Wednesday's "National Report" on Newsmax, adding, "they are trying President Trump by leak at this point."

"Lets be real clear what is going on: Democrats want Trump very much to be the face of this election to serve as a smoke screen, instead of talking about a number of problematic issues – such as inflation, energy, border security, crime and all the other problems that Americans care about."

Tiffany also commented on the remarks made Tuesday by Dr. Ashish Jha, the White House's COVID-19 coordinator. He promoted ongoing regular shots against the coronavirus, saying, "I really believe this is why God gave us two arms, one for the flu shot and the other one for the COVID shot."

Tiffany criticized this paternal mindset, stressing the federal government should not "push to dictate to people how their health should be treated."

Instead, Tiffany insisted, "the first thing that the federal government health agencies should do is put all the information out there that has been garnered over the past two years, including different ways in which to be able to be treated for COVID."

He added, whether the issue is the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago or coronavirus policy, "the federal government should be giving the America people all the information that is available; let them make the decision rather than stifling the information."


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Rep. Tom Tiffany to Newsmax: Dems Trying Trump by Leak

Rep. Tom Tiffany to Newsmax: Dems Trying Trump by Leak (Newsmax/"National Report")

By Brian Freeman | Wednesday, 07 September 2022 02:06 PM EDT

Rep. Tom Tiffany, R-Wis., slammed leaking contents of the items seized during the FBI raid of President Donald Trump's private Mar a Lago residence.

"It seems to be adjudication by leak," Tiffany told Wednesday's "National Report" on Newsmax, adding, "they are trying President Trump by leak at this point."

"Lets be real clear what is going on: Democrats want Trump very much to be the face of this election to serve as a smoke screen, instead of talking about a number of problematic issues – such as inflation, energy, border security, crime and all the other problems that Americans care about."

Tiffany also commented on the remarks made Tuesday by Dr. Ashish Jha, the White House's COVID-19 coordinator. He promoted ongoing regular shots against the coronavirus, saying, "I really believe this is why God gave us two arms, one for the flu shot and the other one for the COVID shot."

Tiffany criticized this paternal mindset, stressing the federal government should not "push to dictate to people how their health should be treated."

Instead, Tiffany insisted, "the first thing that the federal government health agencies should do is put all the information out there that has been garnered over the past two years, including different ways in which to be able to be treated for COVID."

He added, whether the issue is the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago or coronavirus policy, "the federal government should be giving the America people all the information that is available; let them make the decision rather than stifling the information."


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Fla. to choose between Sen. Rubio, Rep. Demings in Nov.

A man in a dark suit with a white shirt and blue tie speaks at a podium, set against a blurred background in a formal setting during the Fla. election. His expression is serious and focused.

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., speaks during the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies hearing to examine proposed budget estimates for the fiscal year 2023 for the National Institutes of Health on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, May 17, 2022. (Anna Rose Layden/Pool Photo via AP)

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., speaks during the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies hearing to examine proposed budget estimates for the fiscal year 2023 for the National Institutes of Health on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, May 17, 2022. (Anna Rose Layden/Pool Photo via AP)

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 6:31 AM PT – Wednesday, September 7, 2022

GOP Florida Sen. Marco Rubio is prepared to slug it out against Democrat challenger Rep. Val Demings to retain his seat. In August, Demings trounced her three primary opponents winning 85 percent of the vote.

Demings has served three terms in Congress and was the chief of Orlando police department from 2007 to 2011. However, despite her law enforcement background, the Fraternal Order of Police and multiple Florida sheriffs have put their weigh behind Rubio. This is likely due to Deming’s close ties to “defund the police” Democrats, who’s policies have ushered in crime waves throughout America’s cities.

“The other candidate in this race, however, Val Deming’s turned her back on her profession and she stood with the soft on crime crowd in Washington D.C.,” stated Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey. “And in doing so, put our citizens and our law enforcement officers at risk. For someone who claims to have been a cop and to have worn the badge; what she did in Washington D.C. to support criminals forever tarnished any badge she ever wore. And sadly, she did it to further her own political career.”

Demings has been a large proponent of “re-imagining policing” and supported the Minneapolis City Council’s move to disband its police department. On the economic front, Demings has been a supporter of the large spending packages that preceded the current economic recession. The representative has specifically touted the passing of the Inflation Reduction Act, which she says is doing exactly what it was intended to do.

Sen. Rubio, by contrast, has positioned himself as a fiscal conservative who claims Democrats’ spending has done nothing but cripple the working class.

Demings is a vocal supporter of abortion, believing the procedure should be performed until the point of birth and funded by the government. Rubio has called her stance outrageous. He supports the right to life, but recognizes the statute of state’s rights guaranteed by the Constitution.

“I am in favor of laws that protect human life,” stated Rubio. “I do not believe that the dignity of worth of human life is tied to the circumstances of their conception, but I recognize that’s not majority position. And therefore, I’ve always said I support bills that have exceptions. “

The Republican Party’s de facto leader is the most polarizing topic for the two candidates. Demings was an impeachment manager against President Donald Trump and has claimed Rubio’s opposition to the Mar-a-Lago raid means he doesn’t truly back the blue.

Rubio, however, has come out against the raid while labeling it a gross overreach by the Biden DOJ to knee cap a political opponent.

“This raid was about trying to disqualify a likely future election opponent, about trying to intimidate Republicans who oppose the left and about creating a distraction from Biden’s failures,” said the Florida lawmaker.

Although he ran against Trump for president in 2016, Rubio shares his strong stances on the border and foreign policy with a commitment to economic de-regulation. Meanwhile, Demings is a proponent of Biden’s so-called green agenda and large government spending plans.

Floridians will choose which view is preferable for the Sunshine State when they head to the polls.

MORE NEWS: Colo. Senate Race Among Tightest Polling Races

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Ted Budd, Cheri Beasley tied in polls for Senate seat in N.C.

FILE - In this Nov. 6, 2018 file photo, Rep. Ted Budd, R-NC, answers questions from the media at his election party in Bermuda Run, N.C. Budd has announced, Wednesday, April 28, 2021, his bid to become the state's next U.S. Senator. He is looking to fill an open seat being left by GOP Sen. Richard Burr. Budd presently faces competition former Rep. Mark Walker and former Gov. Pat McCrory. (AP Photo/Woody Marshall, File)

FILE – In this Nov. 6, 2018 file photo, Rep. Ted Budd, R-NC, answers questions from the media at his election party in Bermuda Run, N.C. (AP Photo/Woody Marshall, File)

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 9:39 AM PT – Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Democrat Cheri Beasley and Republican Ted Budd are going head to head to replace outgoing North Carolina GOP Sen. Richard Burr.

Budd is running because he is concerned about the US’ future. He said that jobs in North Carolina are under attack each day from Washington. The Trump-endorsed candidate has suggested cutting back government involvement in the economy to fix the inflation problem in the US.

“One of the things you can do, one, stop injecting so much money into the economy,” Budd stated. “The other is going to be, what could we do to incentivize people to produce? Ronald Reagan figured this out with the supply side economics and that is you de-regulate. De-regulation is an important as tax cuts.”

In contrast, Budd has highlighted Beasley’s support for the Biden administration’s agenda.

“My opponent Cheri Beasley, she doesn’t seem to have any problem with Joe Biden’s agenda,” he noted. “So let’s be clear: Cheri Beasley is the most radical, liberal candidate to ever run for US Senate here in North Carolina.”

The Republican nominee is also concerned about the crisis at the southern border and that his Democrat opponent is not holding Biden accountable, but he will. If elected to the Senate, Budd would fight inflation, help secure the border and push back against the Biden administration’s policies.

MORE NEWS: Iraq War Veteran: Joe Biden Is Not Our President

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Biden’s Mixed Messaging Attacking Trump Republicans — Tiny Rallies

U.S. President Biden delivering a speech at a podium bearing the presidential seal, with American flags in the background and dynamic lighting. He appears determined, with a clenched fist.
Chanel Rion — OAN Chief White House Correspondent
UPDATED 7:09 AM PT – Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Biden’s aggressive new messaging strategy is struggling – even Biden can’t keep it straight in front of sparse audiences on the campaign trail

In a new and highly divisive messaging tactic, President Biden’s Thursday address to the nation left critics on both sides baffled.

“MAGA Republicans…” Biden railed, “Embrace anger. They thrive on chaos.”

Standing against a now infamous blood red backdrop, Biden ominously warned that MAGA Republicans “live not in the light of truth but in the shadow of lies.”

Biden went on to label all MAGA Republicans and followers of former President and likely 2024 contender as enemies of democracy itself. In subsequent Labor Day speeches in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, Biden could be found speaking to small rallies and softening his tone:

From Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Biden found himself walking back his Philadelphia rant:

“I want to be very clear upfront. Not every Republican is a MAGA-Republican. Not every Republican embraces that extreme ideology. I know because I’ve been able to work with mainstream Republicans my whole career,”

But that day, Biden went on to attack modern day Republicans as radically evolved from Republicans with whom he has dealt in the past:

“This is not your father’s Republican Party. This is a totally different party, man. These guys are different.”

With Biden’s approval numbers in the low forties, the Biden White House is trying to restructure Biden as the new and energetic warrior against MAGA Republicans. But it’s clear the energy on the campaign trail seems to be lacking. Biden’s rallies all week have been sparsely attended as mocked by critics on social media:

This, in the same week Trump held a rally in Pennsylvania to support the GOP Senate candidate Dr. Mehmet Oz against the Democrats’ John Fetterman.

How much traction Biden’s aggressively mixed messaging will gain in midterm battleground states will be tested in the coming weeks as Biden prepares to go on the campaign trail.

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Patriot businessman Erik Prince creates ‘Unplugged’ cellphone off the big tech grid

Neil W. McCabe — OAN National Political Correspondent
UPDATED 7:09 AM PT – Wednesday, September 7, 2022

(MIDDLEBURG, VA.) Nearly 10 years after Edward Stone revealed the extent of government surveillance of Americans and American life the founder of Blackwater told One American News his new Unplugged phone and operating system, LibertOS, are designed to provide encrypted peer-to-peer comps immune from government access.

“We have developed a completely independent phone platform called Unplugged Systems,” said Erik D. Prince, the patriot businessman and ally of President Donald J. Trump.

“It is its own hardware, its own operating system, our operating system, with its own secure messenger, VPN, antivirus and store,” he said.

The author of the book “Civilian Warriors,” said his team learned the lessons from so-called secure communication apps.

“The unique thing about our messenger, for example, is when you download Signal or Wicker, you get one encryption key the first time,” he said. “Ours generates a new encryption, key every call, and it’s all peer-to-peer, and nothing of the message data is stored on our servers at all.”

Prince said without your data and outside U.S. government territory, there is no way the government gets in.

“If a warrant were ever to be delivered to the company to say: ‘Turn over these people’s user data or their files’–it’s impossible because we store and keep nothing,” he said.

Because the OS does not have an advertiser ID function, there is no process to track users or sell their data, he said.

“Our phone does not collect any user data, OK?” he said. “Google and Apple both collect and resell about $180 of your data every year. They know where you go, what you buy, what you browse, and whom you call, and they resell that data to advertisers without your permission.”

The Navy SEAL veteran said the apps are available now for Android phones with iPhones next, and the phones will be shipping out in the first quarter of 2023.

“The pendulum of big government and big tech has swung way too far in one direction in the surveillance state,” he said.

“Our goal with Unplugged, our mission statement is to make that pendulum swing back towards individual liberty and individual privacy right now.”

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Former Trump White House press aide runs for Granite State House seat

A portrait of a young caucasian press aide wearing a dark suit, light blue shirt, and patterned blue tie, smiling in a room with a blurred background.
Neil W. McCabe — OAN National Political Correspondent
UPDATED 6:56 AM PT – Wednesday, September 7, 2022

(PLAISTOW, N.H.) Among the dozens of veterans from President Donald J. Trump’s administration are running for office this cycle is a former White House press staffer, who went home to become a New Hampshire GOP House hopeful.

“I had the honor of serving as an assistant press secretary in President Trump’s White House,” said Karoline Leavitt, who is running for the Republican nomination in the Sept. 13 primary for the New Hampshire’s 1st Congressional District, and the chance to face Democrat Rep. Christopher C. Pappas.

The graduate of Saint Anselm said she learned quickly about the reality of how the swamp brings the press and the establishment together against the MAGA movement.

“The mainstream biased media colluded with the Democrat Party, with Joe Biden’s campaign to censor and silence negative stories about Joe Biden, most infamously the Hunter Biden laptop story, and then pushed negative and false propaganda about President Trump,” she said.

“They played an immense role in interfering in our 2020 election,” the former press aide said.

The House hopeful said it was especially frustrating to work with reporters at the White House every day who were committed to pushing fake news she said.

“Well, I interacted with the White House press corps in my role every single day and I was always shocked by how their questions were always coming from a place of innate bias against President Trump,” she said.

“They were always being dishonest just in their line of questioning and they were refusing to look at the standard and basic facts,” Leavitt said.

“The coming back home and hearing the humbling stories of my future constituents, I mean, gas is through the roof, inflation is skyrocketing, life is incredibly unaffordable right now,” she said.

“It’s because of the politicians in Washington on both sides of the aisle, frankly, who don’t give a damn about the average American, like my family,” she said.

A recent University of New Hampshire poll put Leavitt in a virtual tie with Matt Mowers, a former political operative of Chris Christie’s and transplant from New Jersey.

“That’s why the establishment and the swamp do not want me to win this race. I’m in a hotly contested primary, and my opponent is being funded by the establishment in DC,” Leavitt said.

“I am not. I am funded and supported by the people of New Hampshire,” she said.

“That’s something I’m very proud of because I will only be beholden to them.”

Original Article Oann

Pentagon tests 2nd ICBM in less than 1 month

This photo provided by Vandenberg Air Force Base shows an unarmed Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile launching during an operational test on Wednesday, May 1, 2019, at Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif. A fiery streak lit up the California sky as the U.S. Air Force conducted an early morning test of an unarmed Minuteman 3 intercontinental ballistic missile. (Staff Sgt. Brittany Murphy/Vandenberg Air Force Base via AP)

This photo provided by Vandenberg Air Force Base shows an unarmed Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile launching during an operational test on Wednesday, May 1, 2019, at Vandenberg Air Force Base, Calif. (Staff Sgt. Brittany Murphy/Vandenberg Air Force Base via AP)

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 8:26 AM PT – Wednesday, September 7, 2022

The US military conducted another intercontinental ballistic missile test. A Pentagon spokesperson announced Tuesday, it would be launching an unarmed Minuteman III missile Wednesday from Vandenberg Space Force Base in California. The Pentagon called it a routine test to verify the readiness of the system, even though it comes less than one-month after the last test.

“As you may recall, the last test launch was August 4th, which had been delayed,” stated Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder, Pentagon Press Secretary. “So for those wondering about timing, the two launches moved closer together due to the delays from the August date sliding to the right. And again, tomorrow’s launch was scheduled far in advance.”

Minuteman III ICBM’s are located in underground silos in five western states. They have a range of more than 6,000 miles and can travel 15,000 miles per hour.

MORE NEWS: Former Trump White House Press Aide Runs For Granite State House Seat

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