Devin Nunes to Newsmax: Jan. 6 Capitol Riot Was ‘All Pelosi’s Fault’

Devin Nunes to Newsmax: Jan. 6 Capitol Riot Was 'All Pelosi's Fault'

(Newsmax/"The Chris Salcedo Show")

By Charles Kim | Friday, 14 October 2022 05:57 PM EDT

Former Congressman Devin Nunes, who is now CEO of Trump Media, told Newsmax Friday that the riot at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021 was "all [House Speaker] Nancy Pelosi's fault."

"People have the right to go protest; and the fact that there were no National Guard, no fencing — all Pelosi's fault," Nunes said during "The Chris Salcedo Show" Friday. "Even I knew this was a security risk."

Nunes said that he was in Congress for 20 years and Pelosi was there for 35 years, and that she should have known the risks associated with big protests.

"She knows damn well that it was going to be a big protest, and fencing and the proper security should have been called up," he said, referring to recently released video from Jan. 6 in which Pelosi threatened to "punch out" former President Donald Trump if he showed up at the Capitol. "That was a special camera crew that came in to film what I guess was a documentary. It's almost as if they wanted this to happen, and they wanted to get her on tape."

In the video, published on the TMZ website, Pelosi said she "was waiting for this," hoping Trump would go to the Capitol following his speech so she could assault him for "trespassing" on the Capitol property.

"I'm going to punch him out, and I'm going to go to jail and I'm going to be happy," she said in the video.

Nunes went on to say that Democrats on Capitol Hill seemed pleased later in the day when they returned to complete the joint session of Congress to validate the 2020 presidential election.

"I can tell you that the Democrats late at night, they were laughing," Nunes said. "They weren't sad. They weren't crying. They weren't scared. They were laughing and saying, 'We're going to get there. This is going to be political.' I even saw some in the dark of night, down in the tunnels beneath the Capitol, giving each other high-fives."

He said they are doing all of this because they are still scared of Trump some two years after he left office.

"I mean, it's amazing. Here we are," he said. "He's been out of office for nearly two years now, and they spend every waking moment attacking the former president, whether it's raiding Mar-a-Lago or whether it's attacking Truth Social, we're being attacked every single day by the screwballs."


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