Dick Morris to Newsmax: Mar-a-Lago Documents Will be ‘Smoking Gun’ on FBI

Dick Morris to Newsmax: Mar-a-Lago Documents Will be 'Smoking Gun' on FBI (Newsmax/"National Report")

By Sandy Fitzgerald | Friday, 16 September 2022 01:27 PM EDT

Former President Donald Trump took boxes of documents to his Mar-a-Lago estate to "allow him to go after the FBI," not to keep himself from being investigated, Dick Morris, the author of the book "The Return: Trump's 2024 Comeback," said on Newsmax on Friday.

"The issue here is not the documents Trump took, but what's in them," Morris said on Newsmax's "National Report." "I believe that the evidence will eventually show that it includes a smoking gun proving the allegations made by John Durham, the special prosecutor, three days ago."

Durham issued a finding saying that Igor Danchenko, the alleged principal source of the discredited Steele dossier against Trump, had later been made a paid FBI investigator.

Danchenko is facing five charges of lying to the FBI through Durham's continuing investigation into the origins of the FBI's investigation of Trump's 2016 campaign and allegations of collusion with Russian agents during the race for the White House.

"The FBI essentially paid somebody to come up with lies about Donald Trump in the Russian electoral hoax," said Morris. "The FBI does not want that to come out. Trump knows that that's in the documents that he took to Mar-a-Lago, and he took them not to stop the FBI from going after him but to allow him to go after the FBI."

Morris also commented on the selection of senior judge Raymond Dearie as the special master leading an independent review of materials seized by the FBI and the Department of Justice during the Aug. 8 raid at Trump's Florida home.

"I don't think the investigation's going anywhere," Morris said. "I think it's too close to the election. I don't think that there's the evidence there to indict Trump, even by a New York [or] Washington, D.C., grand jury."

But the "real action" will happen after the election, said Morris, as he's confident Republicans will win the House and Senate.

"There will be the mother of all hearings about the FBI, not just intervening in an election, but essentially becoming a political party of its own," he said.


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