Hillary Clinton Won’t Quit Twitter If Trump Returns, Says Kari Lake Should ‘Never’ Be In Power

Hillary Clinton Won't Quit Twitter If Trump Returns, Says Kari Lake Should 'Never' Be In Power (Newsmax)

By Solange Reyner | Thursday, 03 November 2022 05:32 PM EDT

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during an appearance on Sirius XM's Mornings with Zerlina Thursday slammed Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake for "laughing" about the attack on Paul Pelosi and said she has no plans to quit Twitter even if former President Donald Trump's ban is lifted.

"I don't want (Lake) anywhere near power," Clinton said.

Lake, a Republican, appeared to joke about the attack on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband in remarks at a campaign event Monday, drawing laughter from the audience. She was asked about school security when she suggested protection afforded to lawmakers should be available to students.

"Nancy Pelosi, well, she's got protection when she's in D.C. — apparently her house doesn't have a lot of protection," Lake said at a campaign event in Scottsdale.

"If our lawmakers can have protection, if our politicians can have protection, if our athletes, then certainly the most important people in our lives — our children — should have protection."

Lake later said she "never made light" of the attack and that her comments were taken out of context by the "fake news media."

"Go back and look at the tape and don't do any creative editing, like the fake media tends to do, and you'll see what I was saying," the GOP candidate told the Daiy Mail.

On Trump potentially coming back to Twitter after billionaire Elon Musk's takeover of the social media company, Clinton said she didn't think she would quit "at least for that reason."

"You know, I think that it's not easy, but we have to be present in these echo chambers, these information ecosystems, in order to compete in the marketplace of ideas. It's not easy, and, you know, I don't think people who incite violence should be allowed on to privately owned media platforms. But we'll see how that unfolds."

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