Peter Navarro to Newsmax: Raid ‘Partisan Witch Hunt’ to Stop Trump’s ’24 Run

Peter Navarro to Newsmax: Raid 'Partisan Witch Hunt' to Stop Trump's '24 Run (Newsmax/Eric Bolling The Balance")

By Charles Kim | Monday, 05 September 2022 10:58 PM EDT

The FBI's raid of former President Donald Trump's private Mar-a-Lago residence is nothing more than a "partisan witch hunt" designed to keep him from running for president again in 2024, according to Trump trade adviser Peter Navarro on Newsmax.

"There's some bigger questions that Trump's legal team, I believe, will be asking about how this all came about because it just doesn't smell or look right," Navarro told Monday's "Eric Bolling: The Balance." "It looks like it's a partisan witch hunt designed to take Trump out of the 2024 election.

"When they issued those warrants, if you read them carefully, it says right in one of them, 'if you do this, you can't run for office.' I mean, it's not like they're trying to hide the fact that they're trying to stop Donald John Trump from running for president."

Navarro said the Department of Justice and the FBI have been trying to bully Trump since the 2016 race, when it lied to a FISA court to spy on the Trump campaign, and later the president regarding the Russian collusion hoax.

"[That] was essentially designed to be a preemptive coup to help Hillary Clinton win the race, and throughout the six years since that point in time, there are things that don't smell right," Navarro told Bolling.

Navarro said this is the same DOJ and FBI "that put me in leg irons for a misdemeanor," placing him in the same jail cell as the man who tried to assassinate former President Ronald Reagan in 1981, John Hinckley.

"They're trying to bully Trump to try and bully me," Navarro said. "It's not working. We're fighting back. I not only want to see what the special master comes up with. I want to get to the bottom of whether there's coordination across the agencies."

Navarro said everyone needs to go vote in the November midterm elections to put an end to these tactics by Biden and the Democrats in Congress.

"November is where we get even everybody watching this show, you get out, you vote," he said. "You go out and you find candidates who you can give money or time to, and we throw these rascals out. Once the Republicans get back in there in January, the subpoenas [will] start flying, and we get the answers to the big questions."


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