Rep. Biggs to Newsmax: Trump's Term Limit Push 'Not a Bad Idea'
Rep. Andy Biggs (Getty)
By Nick Koutsobinas | Wednesday, 16 November 2022 10:27 PM EST
Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., praised on Newsmax former President Donald Trump's call for "term limits" made during his announcement to run for president.
"That's not a bad idea," Biggs said on "Eric Bolling: The Balance" regarding term limits in Congress. "You know what else I'd like to see? How about a term limit on lobbyists? How about if you've served in Congress, you can't lobby? How about a term limit on bureaucrats? … This place is so deep and swampy; it's not just members of Congress; it's kind of everybody. It oozes out from the halls of Congress as well."
In his speech on Tuesday, Trump said, "We must conduct a top-to-bottom overhaul to clean out the festering rot and corruption of Washington, D.C.
"To further drain the swamp, I will push for a constitutional amendment to impose term limits on members of Congress … And I will ask for a permanent banning of taxpayer funding for campaigns, a lifetime ban on lobbying for former members of Congress and cabinet members.
"I see what they make," Trump adds. "They leave the White House or they leave Congress, and they are paid millions and millions and millions of dollars a year; you know you have to have a ban."
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