Rep-Elect. Hageman to Newsmax: Republicans United in Blocking Biden’s Agenda

Rep-Elect. Hageman to Newsmax: Republicans United in Blocking Biden's Agenda harriet hageman

Rep.-Elect Harriet Hageman, R-Wyo. (Getty)

By Solange Reyner | Friday, 18 November 2022 06:43 PM EST

Republicans are united in blocking the Biden administration's legislative agenda regardless of the majority in the House, said Rep.-Elect Harriet Hageman, R-Wyo.

"I think that we always knew that regardless of the margin of victory, the next two years would be a matter of blocking the Biden legislative agenda. And whether we have a majority of two or three or four or 40 that isn't going to change that, because I believe everybody in the Republican conference understands how disastrous the Biden administration policies have been for the United States and, frankly, for the world," Hageman said Friday during an appearance on Newsmax's "Spicer & Co."

"So I think that we're very united in pushing back and stopping [President Joe] Biden from pursuing any further legislative agenda. I don't think that that changes regardless of the size of our conference."

Hageman last Tuesday beat a Native American activist to win Wyoming's lone seat in the House, cementing her place as successor to ousted GOP Rep. Liz Cheney.

The race between Hageman and Lynnette Grey Bull drew little attention outside Wyoming compared with the GOP primary, when voters turned against Cheney for her criticism of former President Donald Trump. But Hageman kept up her campaign pace.

Republicans flipped the House with a small majority despite predictions that a red wave was coming.

Hageman also said she would support Kevin McCarthy as House speaker but warned that "there needs to be some important rule changes made."

"A lot of it has to do with being able to participate in the legislative process," said Hageman.

"We all know that Nancy Pelosi completely shut out Republicans when it came to legislating. She limited Republicans' powers on committees. Basically, they had no voice while she was speaker of the house; and that's been a tragedy not only for the states that they represent, but again for the country as a whole. We have never been able to fully have the debate on a lot of these incredibly important issues that have passed."


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