Rep. Tom Tiffany to Newsmax: Dems Trying Trump by Leak

Rep. Tom Tiffany to Newsmax: Dems Trying Trump by Leak (Newsmax/"National Report")

By Brian Freeman | Wednesday, 07 September 2022 02:06 PM EDT

Rep. Tom Tiffany, R-Wis., slammed leaking contents of the items seized during the FBI raid of President Donald Trump's private Mar a Lago residence.

"It seems to be adjudication by leak," Tiffany told Wednesday's "National Report" on Newsmax, adding, "they are trying President Trump by leak at this point."

"Lets be real clear what is going on: Democrats want Trump very much to be the face of this election to serve as a smoke screen, instead of talking about a number of problematic issues – such as inflation, energy, border security, crime and all the other problems that Americans care about."

Tiffany also commented on the remarks made Tuesday by Dr. Ashish Jha, the White House's COVID-19 coordinator. He promoted ongoing regular shots against the coronavirus, saying, "I really believe this is why God gave us two arms, one for the flu shot and the other one for the COVID shot."

Tiffany criticized this paternal mindset, stressing the federal government should not "push to dictate to people how their health should be treated."

Instead, Tiffany insisted, "the first thing that the federal government health agencies should do is put all the information out there that has been garnered over the past two years, including different ways in which to be able to be treated for COVID."

He added, whether the issue is the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago or coronavirus policy, "the federal government should be giving the America people all the information that is available; let them make the decision rather than stifling the information."


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