Trump Attorney Habba to Newsmax: DOJ Leaks On FBI Raid ‘Disturbing’

Trump Attorney Habba to Newsmax: DOJ Leaks On FBI Raid 'Disturbing' Alina Habba (Newsmax TV)

By Brian Freeman | Wednesday, 07 September 2022 02:07 PM EDT

Appearing on Newsmax, Alina Habba, one of former President Donald Trump's attorneys, harshly criticized leaks by the Department of Justice regarding the contents of the items seized during the FBI raid last month at the former president's Mar-a-Lago estate.

"This is incredibly disturbing to me in terns of leaks coming from the Justice Department," Habba said Wednesday on "Wake Up America."

She added that this is another example of the politicization of the DOJ and the FBI.

The latest leak, which was told to The Washington Post by unnamed sources, claimed that information on another nation's nuclear capabilities was included in the material seized.

Habba said that "when you have to defend yourself [as the DOJ is currently doing], stories come out. … And I think that's exactly what they are, just stories."

Habba said the left-wing media's story telling on what was found in the raid is "inconsistent, outrageous, and all over the map."

Federal Judge Aileen Cannon's 24-page ruling approving Trump's call for a special master to review documents seized in the raid also revealed that President Joe Biden knew the raid was going to happen as early as May and had to approve it, which contradicts Biden's claims that he had nothing to do with the FBI's actions.

Habba called this more of the "deceiving" and "divisiveness" going on in the U.S.

She said she's sure that the DOJ will appeal Cannon's ruling, but emphasized that "what people need to remember is that this ruling is an injunction, so at this moment everything has stopped in terms of any investigation they might be having, which is a very big win for the Trump team."


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