USA Today/Suffolk Poll: GOP Gains in Generic Congressional Ballot

USA Today/Suffolk Poll: GOP Gains in Generic Congressional Ballot (Newsmax)

By Jeffrey Rodack | Thursday, 27 October 2022 11:36 AM EDT

As the midterm elections approach, 49% of likely voters now say they would vote for the Republican congressional candidate, compared to 45% who say they would vote for the Democrat, according to a new USA Today/Suffolk University poll.

Republicans had been down 44% to 40% in the generic ballot question in a poll taken in July.

Here are highlights from the poll results released on Thursday:

  • Only 6% are still undecided, compared to 16% who had not made up their minds in the July poll.
  • 37% say inflation is the top issue in the midterms, 18% say abortion, 14% say control of Congress, and 6% said immigration.
  • 66% said the nation is headed in the wrong direction, compared to 24% who say it is on the right track.
  • 53% disapprove of the job Joe Biden is doing as president, while 44% approve.
  • 42% say they believe if Republicans take control of the House, the lawmakers will seriously consider impeaching Biden, compared to 50% who say they don’t believe lawmakers will.
  • 75% say that if Republicans win control of the House, they believe the lawmakers will investigate allegations of wrongdoing by Biden’s son, Hunter. Only 16% say they don’t believe the House will conduct a probe.
  • 45% say they would vote for Biden in a possible 2024 matchup with former President Donald Trump, who was backed by 42%.

The poll, conducted Oct. 19-24, surveyed 1,000 likely voters. It has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points.

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