Gallup Poll: Americans More Pessimistic About Children’s Future

Gallup Poll: Americans More Pessimistic About Children's Future (Newsmax)

By Brian Pfail | Tuesday, 25 October 2022 12:46 PM EDT

A new Gallup Poll shows Americans have little optimism for the financial success of their children — its lowest in almost three decades.

Of U.S. adults, 42% think it is very or somewhat likely that today's youth "will have a better living standard, better homes, a better education and so on." The dismal outlook is tied with a previous low in 2011 and marks an 18 percentage point drop since June 2019.

The highest percentage of American optimism was 71% in 1999 and 2001, while the lowest recorded percentage was 11% in 1995.

The economic challenges of unemployment, recession, and high inflation have created a bleak atmosphere; however, the decline in expectation leans Republican and independent.

More than half — 53% — of Democrats and 33% of Republicans think it is likely the lives of today's youth will be better than their parents' lives. Democrat optimism is historically at its lowest by 2 points, while Republicans are short of their 30% low in 2012.

Republican optimism tends to swing greater than Democrats' when the sitting president's party changes. After Donald Trump was elected, it rose 29 points; when Barack Obama came into office, it fell 17 points.

For Democrats, optimism dropped 13 points after Trump became president, but had not changed with Joe Biden's 2020 victory.

Lower-income Americans were found to be more optimistic. A full 52% of those whose income is less than $40,000 have optimism for the next generation's prospects, compared to the 40% of those in the two higher-income groups above $40,000.

Gallup recorded the poll starting in 2008, supplementing it with data collected between 1995 and 2003 by The New York Times and CBS News.

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Gallup Poll: Americans More Pessimistic About Children’s Future

Gallup Poll: Americans More Pessimistic About Children's Future (Newsmax)

By Brian Pfail | Tuesday, 25 October 2022 12:46 PM EDT

A new Gallup Poll shows Americans have little optimism for the financial success of their children — its lowest in almost three decades.

Of U.S. adults, 42% think it is very or somewhat likely that today's youth "will have a better living standard, better homes, a better education and so on." The dismal outlook is tied with a previous low in 2011 and marks an 18 percentage point drop since June 2019.

The highest percentage of American optimism was 71% in 1999 and 2001, while the lowest recorded percentage was 11% in 1995.

The economic challenges of unemployment, recession, and high inflation have created a bleak atmosphere; however, the decline in expectation leans Republican and independent.

More than half — 53% — of Democrats and 33% of Republicans think it is likely the lives of today's youth will be better than their parents' lives. Democrat optimism is historically at its lowest by 2 points, while Republicans are short of their 30% low in 2012.

Republican optimism tends to swing greater than Democrats' when the sitting president's party changes. After Donald Trump was elected, it rose 29 points; when Barack Obama came into office, it fell 17 points.

For Democrats, optimism dropped 13 points after Trump became president, but had not changed with Joe Biden's 2020 victory.

Lower-income Americans were found to be more optimistic. A full 52% of those whose income is less than $40,000 have optimism for the next generation's prospects, compared to the 40% of those in the two higher-income groups above $40,000.

Gallup recorded the poll starting in 2008, supplementing it with data collected between 1995 and 2003 by The New York Times and CBS News.

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Border Patrol Found 98 on Terror Watchlist at the Border

Border Patrol Found 98 on Terror Watchlist at the Border (Newsmax)

By Theodore Bunker | Tuesday, 25 October 2022 10:58 AM EDT

U.S. Customs and Border Protection encountered almost 100 people on a national terrorist watchlist at the southwest border over the course of fiscal year 2022, according to data released this week.

In fiscal year 2022, which began on Oct. 1, 2021, and ended on Sept. 30, 2022, Border Patrol encountered 98 non-U.S. citizens on the Terrorist Screening Dataset at the southwest border. Last fiscal year, Border Patrol made 16 encounters with non-American citizens on the watchlist in between ports of entry.

“The Terrorist Screening Dataset (TSDS) — also known as the ‘watchlist’ — is the U.S. government’s database that contains sensitive information on known or suspected terrorists (KSTs), but has evolved over the last decade to include additional individuals who represent a potential threat to the United States, including known affiliates of watchlisted individuals,” CBP said in a press release.

The release goes on to note that “encounters of watchlisted individuals at our borders are very uncommon.”

The Office of Field Operations reported 380 total encounters with watchlisted individuals in fiscal year 2022, most of which occurred near the northern border, an increase from the previous two years but below the 538 encounters made in fiscal year 2019, when former President Donald Trump was in office.

Previously released data shows that 2.3 million people entered the U.S. illegally in fiscal year 2022.

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Former US Defense Secretary Ash Carter Dies at 68

Former US Defense Secretary Ash Carter Dies at 68 ash carter looks on Former U.S. defense secretary Ash Carter (NOORULLAH SHIRZADA/AFP via Getty)

Tuesday, 25 October 2022 10:44 AM EDT

Ash Carter, who served as a U.S. defense secretary during the Obama administration, died late on Monday at the age of 68 after a sudden cardiac event, his family said in a statement on Tuesday.

A decades-long defense wonk who gradually ascended to the Pentagon's top job, Carter helped oversee the launch of a military strategy that would drive back the Islamic State militant group in Syria and Iraq, and ultimately defeat the organization.

Under Carter, the U.S. military opened all military roles to women and also ended a ban on openly serving transgender service members. He strongly criticized former President Donald Trump's decision in 2017 to reimpose the ban.

"To choose service members on other grounds than military qualifications is social policy and has no place in our military," Carter said at the time.

Before becoming defense secretary, Carter served as deputy defense secretary and chief operating officer in the Pentagon. He also oversaw the Defense Department's weapons purchases from 2009 to 2011 when he led a major restructuring of the F-35 fighter jet program.

"Carter always set politics aside; he served presidents of both parties over five administrations, holding multiple positions within the Department of Defense," his family said in the statement.

Carter held a doctorate in theoretical physics from Oxford University, and on at least one occasion overseas even spoke to the media traveling with him about black holes. Inside the Pentagon, he was seen more as a technocrat than a politician.

He tried, with limited success, to bridge a gaping divide between the Pentagon and Silicon Valley to bring technological innovations to the Defense Department more quickly.

Since leaving public service, Carter led the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard's Kennedy School.

Carter is survived by his wife, Stephanie, and his children, Ava and Will.

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Penn State, Fearing Violence, Cancels Show by Proud Boys Founder

Penn State, Fearing Violence, Cancels Show by Proud Boys Founder a student walks in front of a building at a university A student walks in front of the Old Main building on the Pennsylvania State University campus in State College, Pennsylvania. (AP)

By Jeffrey Rodack | Tuesday, 25 October 2022 11:00 AM EDT

A planned comedy event featuring the founder of the Proud Boys was canceled by Pennsylvania State University on Monday.

The event was to have been co-hosted by Alex Stein and the group's founder, Gavin McInnes. University officials had earlier said the show would go on in the interest of supporting free speech, according to The New York Times, but it was canceled after a demonstration against the speakers turned violent.

Penn State President Neeli Bendapudi said in a statement: "As many of you know, a speaking event on the University Park campus was canceled tonight [Oct. 24] because campus police were concerned about escalating violence and public safety. The event was to feature Gavin McInnes and Alex Stein who are provocateurs known for their abhorrent views and rhetoric.

"From the start, Penn State's administration firmly denounced the two speakers. However, they were invited to speak on campus by a registered student organization and as an institution of higher education, we support the fundamental constitutional right of free speech and free expression of all members of our community. It is precisely because of this unwavering commitment to free speech that provocative individuals target our campus to deliver speeches.

"Over the coming weeks, let us reflect on the role we must all play in encouraging vigorous debate and also upholding the values we hold dear."

CBS News reported that students estimated there were about 500 demonstrators at one point.

The show had been billed as "politically provocative" comedy. The New York Times reported it was organized by Uncensored America, which it said was founded by Sean Semanko, a radio host who worked as a field organizer for Donald Trump's 2020 presidential campaign.

McInnes is a Canadian who founded the first official chapter of the Proud Boys in 2016.

The Times noted several dozen of the Proud Boys have been indicted in connection with the Jan. 6, 2021 breach at the Capitol.

Semanko, McInnes, and Stein could not be reached by the Times for comment.

Rep. Tenney to Newsmax: Biden Must Take a Cognitive Test Like Trump Did

Rep. Tenney to Newsmax: Biden Must Take a Cognitive Test Like Trump Did (Newsmax/"Wake Up America")

By Sandy Fitzgerald | Tuesday, 25 October 2022 10:00 AM EDT

President Joe Biden must be made to take a cognitive test, just like the one that was demanded of former President Donald Trump, who took one and passed, as Biden's incidents and errors are creating a dangerous situation for the United States, Rep. Claudia Tenney said on Newsmax Tuesday.

"This is just a continued pattern," the New York Republican told Newsmax's "Wake Up America," noting that she's signed on with Rep. Ronnie Jackson, R-Texas, the former White House physician under Trump, in a letter calling for Biden to be tested.

"I'm just surprised that his handlers, I call them the shadow government behind him that are actually running everything, continue to allow him to be on the public stage for people to see in plain sight," Tenney said.

Her comments come after Biden on Monday had difficulty figuring out which way to walk after a tree-planting ceremony at the White House.

"Just before this incident occurred he got up in an interview and said that he was the one that got the student loan debt relief bill passed by a few votes," said Tenney. "He did that as an executive order and it was struck down by the court."

But Biden doesn't only have "issues," as he is a "serial liar," she added.

"He's a career politician known for corruption, who's got a corruption scandal swirling around him," said Tenney. "If it weren't for the legacy media protecting him, he would be gone."

Meanwhile, Tenney said one of the "scariest questions" is what will happen if Republicans don't take back the House and Senate majorities in the upcoming elections.

"The Democrats are just looking away, like the emperor has no clothes, the old expression," said Tenney. "This guy is a disaster and they're doing nothing. They're just saying, Well we're just going to shove through legislation. We're going to do whatever we want, and this guy is going to follow along."

She pointed out that in the 2020 presidential primaries, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., was surging in the polls, but the Democrats determined that he couldn't be the nominee, as "'he's not even a Democrat and he's a communist,'" said Tenney.

Sanders, who describes himself as a democratic socialist, has credibility with the far left, Tenney continued, "so all of a sudden, in one day, Amy Klobuchar and Pete Buttigieg tearfully got out and backed Joe Biden. You could see that they were struggling to even have to do this."

But it has been a "false narrative" from the left that Biden is a moderate, but now he's "peddling the far-left policies that Bernie Sanders would have done," said Tenney. "Only it's not Bernie Sanders. It's in the vessel of Joe Biden. It reminds me of a wax figure. It just comes out, and they steer him around. They might as well have him on a remote control."


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Rep. Fleischmann to Newsmax: Biden to Blame for ‘Abysmal Failure’ on Border

Rep. Fleischmann to Newsmax: Biden to Blame for 'Abysmal Failure' on Border chuck fleischmann speaks to a reporter Rep. Chuck Fleischmann, R-Tenn. (AP)

By Sandy Fitzgerald | Tuesday, 25 October 2022 08:55 AM EDT

The border situation, including the news in a recent report that 98 people on the terror watch list were apprehended this year alone, has happened because of the "abysmal failure" on the border that was "incentivized" by President Joe Biden's administration even before he took office, Rep. Chuck Fleischmann told Newsmax on Tuesday.

"I had been to the border several times in my role as ranking member on the Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee, but when I went there with President [Donald] Trump, we knew the border was secure," the Tennessee Republican said on Newsmax's "Wake Up America."

Not only was the wall being built, but the Border Patrol was encouraged to "do the right thing at every stage," said the lawmaker.

But now, the Biden administration has "taken this totally in the opposite direction," said Fleischmann. "It has hurt this country and made us less safe."

But now, the situation is affecting "these radical left-wing cities" with migrants being sent to places like New York City, Washington, D.C., and Chicago, and "they don't like it," he added.

"They said they can't deal with it," said Fleischmann, noting that America also can't afford the situation.

"We are seeing millions of illegals come across," he said. "The American people are going to fix this in November. The American people know better than Joe Biden and this group that's in control right now."

The congressman, predicting a "Republican wave across this country," acknowledged that not everyone is as conservative as he is, but said Americans are "by and large overwhelmingly for the American team."

Democrat policies are also harming the nation's cities, Fleischmann said, including moves to defund the police that have left city neighborhoods unsafe.

"We need to uplift the men and women in blue and thank them for the job they do," said Fleischmann. "We need to punish criminals, not the victims."

The congressman also on Tuesday remembered the life and contributions of television actor Leslie Jordan, 67, a Tennessee native who died Monday in an automobile accident in Los Angeles.

Fleischmann said he and his wife Brenda were privileged to be with Jordan this past summer when the actor was the grand marshal of the Chattanooga Riverbend Festival.

"Leslie came and he was so kind and the Chattanooga community just opened up and just loved him, and he loved us," said Fleischmann of Jordan, who was born in Chattanooga. "It was a special day for Americans. He did a great job there as he's done on the screen and TV. He will be sorely missed."


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Rep. Comer to Newsmax: Biden Warning on Election Infrastructure Could Be Democrat ‘Damage Control’

Rep. Comer to Newsmax: Biden Warning on Election Infrastructure Could Be Democrat 'Damage Control' (Newsmax/ "Prime News")

By Jeremy Frankel | Tuesday, 25 October 2022 06:05 AM EDT

A forthcoming warning this week from the Biden administration on threats to the U.S. election infrastructure could really be “damage control” to cover for the Democrats’ likely election losses next month, Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., told Newsmax Monday.

In response to “Prime News” host Jenn Pellegrino asking if these threats are serious or an excuse to cover for underperformance by the Democrats on Election Day, Comer said that it could be a form of damage control and raised the 2016 presidential race, where Donald Trump defeated Hillary Clinton, as an example of where Democrats had attempted this previously.

“They were the ones that first started saying that the election was rigged and that there were irregularities,” Comer continued.

Comer also spoke about the Democrats’ reaction to the results of the 2004 presidential race, where incumbent president George W. Bush, the Republican, defeated then-Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry, the Democrat. In the aftermath of that election, then-House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., voted to object to certain electors.

Comer acknowledged that there are problems with U.S. elections, but thinks the country has “come a long way.”

“The biggest problem in the last election was the loose absentee laws that the Secretaries of State put into place in the name of COVID, those have been fixed,” Comer said, adding that, aside from the perpetual threats of China and Russia, a major threat to U.S. elections is blue states often pushing for allowing illegal aliens to vote.


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Trump urges Alaskans to vote for Kelly Tshibaka

US Senate candidate Kelly Tshibaka (L) speaks alongside former US President Donald Trump during a "Save America" rally campaigning in support of republican candidates in Anchorage, Alaska on July 9, 2022. (Photo by Patrick T. FALLON / AFP) (Photo by PATRICK T. FALLON/AFP via Getty Images)
US Senate candidate Kelly Tshibaka (L) speaks alongside former US President Donald Trump during a “Save America” rally campaigning in support of republican candidates in Anchorage, Alaska on July 9, 2022. (Photo by Patrick T. FALLON / AFP) (Photo by PATRICK T. FALLON/AFP via Getty Images)

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 5:10 PM PT – Monday, October 24, 2022

45th President Donald J. Trump is ramping up support for Alaska Senate candidate Kelly Tshibaka.

On Monday, Trump announced that Tshibaka has his complete and total endorsement in her bid to unseat Lisa Murkowski.

Trump also slammed Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell for refusing to support Tshibaka. He said that McConnell, along with his wife Elaine Chao, are puppets to China who are pouring in millions of dollars to get Murkowski re-elected by using the ‘rank choice system’.

Trump stressed that he’s calling on Alaska’s patriots to vote for Kelly Tshibaka.

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Ronny Jackson to Newsmax: GOP Would Beat Dems in ‘Good Vs. Evil’ Comparison

Ronny Jackson to Newsmax: GOP Would Beat Dems in 'Good Vs. Evil' Comparison (Newsmax/"Eric Bolling The Balance")

By Jay Clemons | Monday, 24 October 2022 09:50 PM EDT

Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-Texas, and Rep. Pat Fallon, R-Texas, didn't shy away from responding to the New York Times' thinly veiled attempt to paint Trump supporters, or America First/MAGA House, Senate, or gubernatorial candidates, as hate-filled extremists or perhaps even devil worshippers.

"This is crazy. Just another example of the New York Times being completely out of touch with the American people," Jackson told Newsmax Monday evening, while appearing on "Eric Bolling The Balance."

With just 15 days before the midterm elections (Nov. 8), Jackson asserts that Democrats and left-leaning media are desperately trying to "villainize Republicans" in the runup to Election Day.

"If [Democrats and the media] want to make this [election] a fight of Good vs. Evil, I'll accept that [challenge] any day of the week," says Jackson, who's vying for reelection and also promoting a book, "Holding The Line: A Lifetime Defending Democracy and American Values," detailing his White House experiences as chief physician for both Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump.

From Jackson's perspective, the "good vs. evil" fight has no real gray area. Republicans support enhancing the freedoms of their constituents and honoring the U.S. Constitution.

Conversely, most Democrats, according to Jackson, favor late-term abortions, indoctrinating school children with Critical Race Theory teachings, and "chemically castrating" other people's children — in terms of encouraging minors to consider gender-altering surgeries.

"Every single day, Republicans would win that fight," says Jackson,. "Just look at the garbage" Democrats are touting before Election Day.

Fallon echoes the sentiment of his Texas congressional compatriot.

Regarding the Times labeling him in the "devil terms" article, Fallon shot back with, "If you're for limited government, lower taxes, and reasonable regulations, you're an extremist [in their eyes]. If you believe in the Constitution, you're a fascist. If you're successful, you must have been exploiting [others] as a capitalist," he told Newsmax.

At the same time, Fallon wasn't too surprised by the Times' narrative leap. He cited an unnamed poll where only 36% of respondents had a positive assessment of the national media — and Fallon said the favorability numbers were even lower among Republicans (11%) and independent voters (34%).

"The media has become the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party," says Fallon.


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Trump: DeSantis endorsing O’Dea is a big mistake

In this July 31, 2018, file photo, President Donald Trump, right, shakes hands with Florida Republican gubernatorial candidate Ron DeSantis during a rally in Tampa, Fla. Florida voters are going to the polls, Tuesday, Aug. 28, 2018, to select nominees to replace Republican Gov. Rick Scott in an election that’s caught the attention of Trump. (AP Photo/Chris O'Meara, File)(AP)
In this July 31, 2018, file photo, President Donald Trump, right, shakes hands with Florida Republican gubernatorial candidate Ron DeSantis during a rally in Tampa, Fla. (AP Photo/Chris O’Meara, File)(AP)

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 2:45 PM PT – Monday, October 24, 2022

45th President Donald J. Trump says that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis made a big mistake by backing a certain Senate nominee in Colorado.

Trump took to Truth Social over the weekend. There, he shared an article about DeSantis’s (R-Fla.) move to endorse Joe O’Dea.

Trump has openly bashed O’Dea, calling him a “Republican in name only.” The former president also said that MAGA does not vote for stupid people.

This comes after O’Dea announced he would be against a Trump 2024 White House bid. O’Dea is hoping to unseat Democrat Senator Michael Bennet (D-Colo.).

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Poll: Texas Gov. Abbott holds 10-point lead in bid for re-election

BEAUMONT, TEXAS - OCTOBER 17: Texas Gov. Greg Abbott speaks at a news conference on October 17, 2022 in Beaumont, Texas. Abbott met with state and local law enforcement to discuss measures in addressing the growing problem of fentanyl in the state. In September, the governor directed the state police through executive order to boost efforts at combating Mexican drug cartels, which he blames for transporting millions of doses of the opioid into Texas. (Photo by Brandon Bell/Getty Images)
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott speaks at a news conference on October 17, 2022 in Beaumont, Texas. (Photo by Brandon Bell/Getty Images)

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 1:24 PM PT – Monday, October 24, 2022

Texas Governor Greg Abbott is holding a commanding lead in his bid for re-election.

A poll released on Monday by Emerson College and The Hill showed Greg Abbott (R-Texas) with 52% support among likely voters. His Democrat opponent, Beto O’Rourke, had 42% support from likely voters. Four percent of voters are undecided.

The survey also showed that 55% of respondents favor Governor Abbott, compared to the 45% who favor O’Rourke.

The survey was conducted from October 17th until October 19th. 1,000 general election voters were polled. The margin of error is 3 percentage points.

The top issue driving the vote is the economy. 45% of respondents said that the current state of the economy is the most critical issue.

In turn, Abbott has promised to keep Texas’s economy thriving.

“Companies are moving here and small businesses are booming, offering jobs throughout the Texas community, giving everyone a chance to continue to succeed,” Abbott said. “As your Governor, I will ensure that Texas will continue to thrive.”

45th President Donald J. Trump rallied supporters in south Texas over the weekend to vote for Abbott and his other endorsed candidates.
In Texas, early voting starts on Monday and runs until November 4th.

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Rep. Tenney to Newsmax: ‘Most Serious, Difficult Time’ With a ‘Weak President’

Rep. Tenney to Newsmax: 'Most Serious, Difficult Time' With a 'Weak President' (Newsmax/"The Chris Salcedo Show")

By Charles Kim | Monday, 24 October 2022 07:31 PM EDT

Rep. Claudia Tenney, R-N.Y., told Newsmax Monday that the nation is facing the “most serious” and “difficult” time she has ever seen during her life, and doing it with bad Democratic policies and a “weak president” in President Joe Biden.

“I think we are at probably the most serious, most difficult time I have experienced in my lifetime,” Tenney said during “The Chris Salcedo Show” Monday. “With a president who is very weak. Obviously cognitively impaired, and also a liar.

She said that Biden, a life-long politician, “has always been corrupt,” and used his power to “leverage” his own ambitions and financial interests, as well as to hurt others such as U.S. Supreme Court conservative Justice Clarence Thomas during his Senate confirmation hearings in the early 1990s.

“I remember the old days when he destroyed [Supreme Court nominee Judge Robert] Bork because he would have been the key vote on the court [at that time],” she said. “[Biden] did the same thing to Justice Thomas.”

She said Biden is willing to do anything he has to in order to push the Democratic agenda, whether or not it is good for the American people and proved that time and time again.

Tenney said that things are even worse now because he is in decline due to his age, and his present ability to do the job should be looked at.

“This is a guy who is the commander-in-chief, he is the leader of the free world, he is the president of the United States,” she said. “Now is the time to really look at his ability to be president, not just because of the horrible policies he is behind, but because of the cognitive state of affairs.”

She said that major issues like inflation would not be so big if Biden and the Democrats did not have so many bad policies, and instead, followed the lead of former President Donald Trump, keeping his energy and economic policies in place, including energy independence.

“It is really the fulcrum, effecting everything in our economy right now,” she said. “Whether it’s supply chains, or heating fuel, which is coming up on being a big issue [this winter].”

She said the $7 trillion in spending by Democrats since they won the majority in the House and have a one-vote advantage in the evenly split Senate with Vice President Kamala Harris, is making inflation worse, above 8%.

“This is a huge problem,” she said. “This is causing inflation, the Democrats admit, but change the subject, talk about abortion, and all of this other stuff that is not affecting us.”


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Biden, Obama, to Campaign in Pa. for Shapiro, Fetterman

Biden, Obama, to Campaign in Pa. for Shapiro, Fetterman Biden, Obama, to Campaign in Pa. for Shapiro, Fetterman Pennsylvania's Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman waves to supporters after speaking at Dickinson Square Park in Philadelphia on October 23, 2022, as he campaigns for the US Senate. (Kriston Jae Bethel / AFP via Getty)

By Nick Koutsobinas | Monday, 24 October 2022 07:14 PM EDT

President Joe Biden will campaign alongside former President Barack Obama in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh on Nov. 5 to garner support for Democrats John Fetterman and Josh Shapiro in Pennsylvania's gubernatorial and Senate race, an inside source tells Axios.

In a last dash effort approaching midterm voting's final days on Nov. 8, Democrats are placing their party's most notorious assets in swing-state Pennsylvania.

Currently, Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. Fetterman is currently neck and neck with Republican Mehmet Oz in a Senate race. In the gubernatorial race, State Attorney General Shapiro has held a lead over state Sen. Doug Mastriano, a Republican.

According to FiveThirtyEight's aggregated weighted polling, Oz, who had been lagging behind in the polls, now appears to be narrowing his margin with Fetterman. As of Monday, the Trump-endorsed television doctor, according to FiveThirtyEight, is within 2.6 percentage points of zeroing in on Fetterman's lead. In mid-August, FiveThirtyEight had Oz 12 percentage points behind.

On Oct. 28, Biden, as well as Vice President Kamala Harris, will attend a Pennsylvania Democratic Party dinner to fundraise for Fetterman and Shapiro. Tickets for the event range in price from $150 to $10,000.

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Habba to Newsmax: Trump Appearances Provide More Value Than Ad Buys

Habba to Newsmax: Trump Appearances Provide More Value Than Ad Buys (Newsmax/"Spicer & Co.")

By Nicole Wells | Monday, 24 October 2022 07:13 PM EDT

Alina Habba, spokesperson for MAGA Inc., told Newsmax Monday that, while the super PAC is going to continue spending money in the final days before the election, former President Donald Trump’s appearances at events and rallies provide even more value than ad buys.

“The reality is we’ve spent $9 million in the last two weeks alone – that’s not a small amount of money,” Habba said during an appearance on Newsmax’s “Spicer & Co.” “We’re going to keep spending money and we’re going to make sure everyone gets to where they need to be on Nov. 8, but, more importantly, we’ve got to get people out and voting and I think Donald Trump is the best voice for that.”

According to Politico, Republicans have been heavily outspent in races across the country and party strategists have been anxious for Trump to help financially.

Save America, the former president’s leadership PAC and one of the most well-funded political entities, had a cash reserve of about $100 million in late September – money that could be transferred to MAGA Inc., Politico reported.

According to Habba, roughly a third of people attending Trump rallies are first time attendees or have never voted before and hundreds of thousands of people have attended.

“This is where the value is,” she said. “So yes, we are spending money, but don’t forget there’s something else: We have Donald Trump who’s leading in the polls for the GOP, he’s helping push these people [candidates], he’s helping get their message out, and that is invaluable.”

When asked if MAGA Inc. has plans to buy ads in places with closely watched congressional races, such as New Hampshire or Washington state, Habba demurred and said she didn’t want to give the Democrats “a shoo-in to go after us even more.”

“I won’t show our cards just yet,” she said. “We’re going to make sure we’re good Nov. 8.”

Habba stressed that Trump’s presence was the most important part of winning back control of Congress in two weeks.

“TV ads are important, they are watched by many,” she said. “But, more importantly, Donald Trump has to go out there and he’s got to keep doing what he’s doing.”


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Utah’s Sen. Lee Still Leads Democrat-Backed ‘Romney Independent’ McMullin

Utah's Sen. Lee Still Leads Democrat-Backed 'Romney Independent' McMullin (Newsmax)

John Gizzi By John Gizzi Monday, 24 October 2022 06:34 PM EDT Current | Bio | Archive

Despite an unusual coalition of Democrats and followers of Sen. Mitt Romney, R.-Utah, independent Senate hopeful Evan McMullin is clearly not catching on in the twilight days of his campaign against Utah’s senior GOP Sen. Mike Lee.

No survey has yet to show McMullin — a former congressional staffer who ran for president as an independent in 2016 — leading stalwart conservative and two-termer Lee.

According to a just-completed Deseret News poll of likely voters statewide, Lee leads McMullin by 42 to 37 percent. Another 12 percent say they do not know who they would pick and 5 percent said they would vote for the Independent American or Libertarian candidates.

“I don’t believe the race is really that close,” veteran GOP consultant Lew Moore of Provo (UT) told Newsmax, adding that McMullin’s strength in the Beehive State was widely overestimated in ’16 (He ended up drawing 21.54 percent, compared to 27.46 for Hillary Clinton and 45.54 percent for Donald Trump).

In a state that last sent a Democrat to the U.S. Senate in 1970, the Democratic organization opted against nominating a candidate and instead gave its blessing to “never Trumper” McMullin.

More interestingly, Lee’s Senate colleague Romney has steadfastly refused to support the senior senator for re-election and many of his supporters are firmly in the McMullin camp.

Moore pointed out that “the elite here tried to bring us ranked choice voting, like Romney’s buddy [moderate GOP Sen.] Lisa Murkowski did to Alaska. That really would have given the McMullin plot a chance. But fortunately, it has so far been relegated to a pilot municipal project.”

Under the ranked choice rules, voters cast ballots for their first choice candidate as well as second and third choices — regardless of party. Should no candidate receive a majority of first choice votes, the bottom candidate is eliminated and his or her second choice is counted among the top vote-getters.

Now used for all offices in Alaska and to pick most offices in Maine, ranked choice has a pattern of favoring more centrist candidates over conservatives.

With backing from Democrats and non-conservative Republicans, McMullin says he opposes “total bans on abortion, onerous limits on birth control, and criminalization of women in desperate situations” and advocates “for sensible legislation that improves support for women, children and families.”

But syndicated columnist and best-selling author Mollie Hemingway recently reminded Utahans that McMullin in ’16 criticized Trump for not being pro-life enough and criticized the Republican hopeful’s refusal to say “I want Roe v. Wade overturned.”

“I’m the only pro-life candidate in the race,” McMullin tweeted on October 19, 2016, noted Hemingway.

With two weeks to go before Utahans elect a senator, Evan McMullin’s unusual candidacy has drawn swatches of publicity nationwide. Whether that translates into a strong showing at the polls remains to be seen.

John Gizzi is chief political columnist and White House correspondent for Newsmax. For more of his reports, Go Here Now.

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WSJ: Saudi Crown Prince Mocks Biden in Private, ‘Questioning His Mental Acuity’

WSJ: Saudi Crown Prince Mocks Biden in Private, 'Questioning His Mental Acuity' WSJ: Saudi Crown Prince Mocks Biden in Private, 'Questioning His Mental Acuity' Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman of Saudi Arabia looks on in the Oval Office at the White House May 13, 2015 in Washington, DC. (Olivier Douliery – Pool/Getty)

By Brian Pfail | Monday, 24 October 2022 06:18 PM EDT

Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman mocked President Joe Biden after rejecting his request to delay the oil deal until after the midterms.

The 37-year-old Saudi prince "mocks President Biden in private, making fun of the 79-year-old’s gaffes and questioning his mental acuity," Saudi government insiders told the Wall Street Journal.

The crown prince told his advisers he had not been impressed with Biden since he was vice president and that he "much preferred" former President Donald Trump.

The prince, colloquially known as "MBS," led OPEC+ in its decision to cut production by 2 million barrels per day, leading to gas price increases one month before the U.S. midterm elections.

During a CNN interview last week, Biden said he promises to "reevaluate" Washington’s relationship with Riyadh. The Saudis say they are looking to do the same.

Biden met with MBS in July, starting the meeting with a controversial fist bump. Saudi officials felt Biden "didn’t want to be there and was uninterested in the policy discussion," according to the Journal.

The crown prince was angered when Biden mentioned the human rights violations, including the 2018 death of Jamal Khashoggi. Early in his presidency, Biden also released a report linking MBS to Khashoggi’s dismemberment.

Despite MBS’ alleged disdain for Biden, the kingdom asserted its motivations for cutting production were purely economic.

In an interview, the Saudi foreign minister, Prince Faisal bin Farhan said, "Our economic agenda is critical to our survival. It’s not just about energy and defense." He also said MBS bad-mouthing Biden was "entirely false" and that "the kingdom’s leaders have always held the utmost respect for U.S. presidents."

Saudi officials told the Journal that they have grown frustrated with the relationship with the West, viewing it only through oil and security interests. They plan to use profits from oil prices to modernize other sectors of their economy and build a “post-oil future.”

The next OPEC+ meeting is scheduled for early December. In the same month, the European Union plans to enact its embargo on Russian oil and G7 nations cap the price of Russian crude oil.

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Kari Lake plans to serve two terms as Ariz. gov. if elected

MESA, ARIZONA - OCTOBER 09: Arizona Republican nominee for governor Kari Lake speaks during a campaign rally attended by former U.S. President Donald Trump at Legacy Sports USA on October 09, 2022 in Mesa, Arizona. Trump was stumping for Arizona GOP candidates, including gubernatorial nominee Kari Lake, ahead of the midterm election on November 8. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)
Arizona Republican nominee for governor Kari Lake speaks during a campaign rally attended by former U.S. President Donald Trump at Legacy Sports USA on October 09, 2022 in Mesa, Arizona. Trump was stumping for Arizona GOP candidates, including gubernatorial nominee Kari Lake, ahead of the midterm election on November 8. (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 10:07 AM PT – Monday, October 24, 2022

Arizona gubernatorial nominee Kari Lake has dismissed speculation she may run as vice president on a potential Trump-led ticket in 2024.

During an interview with ABC News on Sunday, Lake said she plans on serving as governor for two terms if elected. The Republican noted she is hearing a lot about 2024 on the campaign trail. However, Lake added that she believes the media is trying to scare voters to make them think she is going to leave.
Lake also said she plans on being the worst nightmare of ‘fake news’ in Arizona for eight years.

This comes as recent polling indicates that Lake is on track to defeat Democrat Katie Hobbs in November.

Original Article Oann

Trump Calls on ‘The View’ to Fire Alyssa Farah Griffin

Trump Calls on 'The View' to Fire Alyssa Farah Griffin (Newsmax)

By Theodore Bunker | Monday, 24 October 2022 05:00 PM EDT

Former President Donald Trump on Monday called for ABC’s “The View” to fire co-host Alyssa Farrah Griffin, his former communications director.

“Alyssa Farah totally misrepresented her true feelings about me and the Trump Administration in order to get her job at ratings disaster CNN, and a seat with the low IQ people at The View,” Trump said on Truth Social, his social media platform.

“Look at what she said about me, and that doesn’t include the beautiful letter she sent and other statements she made. They should fire her for misrepresentation or fraud. Release the letter, Alyssa!”

He went on to share several tweets that Farah Griffin made after leaving the White House but before she joined "The View," saying that her time in the Trump administration had been “an honor of a lifetime.”

Farah Griffin has rejected claims that she has shifted her “fundamental views” as a conservative, but she said in a statement earlier this year that working in the White House “fundamentally changed how I see the world and our role in it,” and she said she resigned “after Trump lost and began espousing the election lies.”

She told National Review, “I’m a conservative who believes in limited federal government and a robust national defense. I do, however, think that most people who have served in the highest levels of government, who hold the highest level security clearances, as I do, often become less dogmatic in their views as they learn more and are exposed to more.”

Trump Calls on ‘The View’ to Fire Alyssa Farah Griffin

Trump Calls on 'The View' to Fire Alyssa Farah Griffin (Newsmax)

By Theodore Bunker | Monday, 24 October 2022 05:00 PM EDT

Former President Donald Trump on Monday called for ABC’s “The View” to fire co-host Alyssa Farrah Griffin, his former communications director.

“Alyssa Farah totally misrepresented her true feelings about me and the Trump Administration in order to get her job at ratings disaster CNN, and a seat with the low IQ people at The View,” Trump said on Truth Social, his social media platform.

“Look at what she said about me, and that doesn’t include the beautiful letter she sent and other statements she made. They should fire her for misrepresentation or fraud. Release the letter, Alyssa!”

He went on to share several tweets that Farah Griffin made after leaving the White House but before she joined "The View," saying that her time in the Trump administration had been “an honor of a lifetime.”

Farah Griffin has rejected claims that she has shifted her “fundamental views” as a conservative, but she said in a statement earlier this year that working in the White House “fundamentally changed how I see the world and our role in it,” and she said she resigned “after Trump lost and began espousing the election lies.”

She told National Review, “I’m a conservative who believes in limited federal government and a robust national defense. I do, however, think that most people who have served in the highest levels of government, who hold the highest level security clearances, as I do, often become less dogmatic in their views as they learn more and are exposed to more.”

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