Cowboys for Trump Co-founder Appeals Ban From Public Office

Cowboys for Trump Co-founder Appeals Ban From Public Office Couy Griffin looks on (AP)

MORGAN LEE Tuesday, 20 September 2022 08:34 PM EDT

A New Mexico politician and Trump supporter who was removed and barred from elected office for his role in the U.S. Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021, is attempting to appeal that decision to the state Supreme Court.

Cowboys for Trump co-founder and former county commissioner Couy Griffin on Tuesday notified the high court of his intent to appeal.

The ruling against Griffin this month from a Santa Fe-based District Court was the first to remove or bar an elected official from office in connection with the attack on the U.S. Capitol building that disrupted Congress as it was trying to certify President Joe Biden's 2020 electoral victory.

Griffin was previously convicted in federal court of a misdemeanor for entering the Capitol grounds on Jan. 6, without going inside the building. He was sentenced to 14 days and given credit for time served.

Griffin has invoked free speech guarantees in his defense and says his banishment from public office disenfranchises his political constituents in Otero County.

He was barred from office under provisions of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which holds that anyone who has taken an oath to uphold the Constitution can be barred from office for engaging in insurrection or rebellion. The provisions were put in place shortly after the Civil War.

A flurry of similar lawsuits around the country are seeking to use the provision to punish politicians who took part in Jan. 6.

Griffin says he continues to act as his own legal counsel in the case.

"Honestly, I have felt very abandoned by many," Griffin said.

Conservative activists aligned with Griffin have urged supporters to file disciplinary complaints against the judge who barred Griffin from office.

Griffin, a 48-year-old former rodeo rider and former pastor, helped found Cowboys for Trump in 2019. The promotional group staged horseback parades to spread President Donald Trump's conservative message about gun rights, immigration controls, and abortion restrictions.

This year, Griffin voted twice as a county commissioner against certifying New Mexico's June 7 primary election, in a standoff over election integrity fueled by allegations about the security of voting equipment in the Republican-dominated county.

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Cowboys for Trump Co-founder Appeals Ban From Public Office

Cowboys for Trump Co-founder Appeals Ban From Public Office Cowboys for Trump Co-founder Appeals Ban From Public Office (AP)

MORGAN LEE Tuesday, 20 September 2022 08:34 PM EDT

A New Mexico politician and Trump supporter who was removed and barred from elected office for his role in the U.S. Capitol riot on Jan. 6, 2021, is attempting to appeal that decision to the state Supreme Court.

Cowboys for Trump co-founder and former county commissioner Couy Griffin on Tuesday notified the high court of his intent to appeal.

The ruling against Griffin this month from a Santa Fe-based District Court was the first to remove or bar an elected official from office in connection with the attack on the U.S. Capitol building that disrupted Congress as it was trying to certify President Joe Biden’s 2020 electoral victory.

Griffin was previously convicted in federal court of a misdemeanor for entering the Capitol grounds on Jan. 6, without going inside the building. He was sentenced to 14 days and given credit for time served.

Griffin has invoked free speech guarantees in his defense and says his banishment from public office disenfranchises his political constituents in Otero County.

He was barred from office under provisions of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which holds that anyone who has taken an oath to uphold the Constitution can be barred from office for engaging in insurrection or rebellion. The provisions were put in place shortly after the Civil War.

A flurry of similar lawsuits around the country are seeking to use the provision to punish politicians who took part in Jan. 6.

Griffin says he continues to act as his own legal counsel in the case.

“Honestly I have felt very abandoned by many,” Griffin said.

Conservative activists aligned with Griffin have urged supporters to file disciplinary complaints against the judge who barred Griffin from office.

Griffin, a 48-year-old former rodeo rider and former pastor, helped found Cowboys for Trump in 2019. The promotional group staged horseback parades to spread President Donald Trump’s conservative message about gun rights, immigration controls and abortion restrictions.

This year, Griffin voted twice as a county commissioner against certifying New Mexico’s June 7 primary election, in a standoff over election integrity fueled by allegations about the security of voting equipment in the Republican-dominated county.

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Rep. Roy to Newsmax: Southern Border Crisis A ‘Political Game for Democrats’

Rep. Roy to Newsmax: Southern Border Crisis A 'Political Game for Democrats' (Newsmax/"Spicer & Co.")

By Jay Clemons | Tuesday, 20 September 2022 07:07 PM EDT

Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, didn't see the humor in President Joe Biden's remarks from Tuesday, quipping that Delaware "has a beautiful shoreline," when asked if Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was planning to send illegal immigrants to the president's home state.

Biden's response was a "perfect example of how [immigration] is a political game for Democrats," and migrants are "dying as a result," Roy told Newsmax Tuesday evening, while appearing on "Spicer & Co." with host Sean Spicer.

When Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Florida's DeSantis shipped approximately 50 migrants to the Massachusetts beach community of Martha's Vineyard last week, Roy reasons it brought attention to the every-day chaos along the United States-Mexico border.

From Roy's perspective, the Republican governors "exposed the hypocrisy" of the Democrat-controlled cities and states which previously trumpeted its "sanctuary" status, only to have Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker call in the National Guard to remove the migrants from Martha's Vineyard after less than 48 hours.

Abbott and DeSantis made the immigration issue "front and center" nationally, says Roy.

However, instead of Democrats heeding that lesson, Roy says their main takeaway from the Martha's Vineyard incident was, 'Hey, we made [the migrants] some sandwiches. Now, let's get 'em off the island.'

Overall, Roy says the Martha's Vineyard episode put a public face on the Democrats' indifference toward southern border issues.

"Some little girl is getting raped [along the border] right now, because of this administration," says Roy, who oversees Texas' 21st Congressional District, covering a large swath of land between Austin and San Antonio.

The Texas Republican also took exception to his GOP colleagues Tuesday, for letting Democrats and the Biden administration get away with "reckless" border policies, primarily providing opposition that amounts to "lip service."

"[The Biden administration is] using exceptions to swallow the whole of border security," says Roy, while alleging illegal immigrants aren't even claiming asylum anymore at the border, since they've been told border officials will largely stand down on conducting extensive captures and seizures.

"The American people demand we stop this," says Roy, while pledging substantial investigative oversight changes next year, if Republicans take over the House chamber in the upcoming midterm elections (Nov. 8).

"[Democrats] are purposely lying about the border. … These are impeachable acts," says Roy.

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GOP’s Hard-Line Tactics on Migrants Refocus Midterm Debate

GOP's Hard-Line Tactics on Migrants Refocus Midterm Debate GOP's Hard-Line Tactics on Migrants Refocus Midterm Debate Migrants, who boarded a bus in Texas, listen to volunteers offering assistance after being dropped off within view of the U.S. Capitol building in Washington last month. (Getty)


They’ve delivered migrants on planes and buses to Washington, D.C., New York City — even Martha’s Vineyard. And the Republican governors of Florida and Texas may be just getting started.

Govs. Ron DeSantis of Florida and Greg Abbott of Texas insist such dramatic steps are need to highlight a genuine crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border, where thousands of migrants stream into the country illegally each day. But weeks away from their own competitive reelections, friends and foes alike acknowledged that such hard-line tactics have effectively refocused November’s midterm elections — at least, temporarily — away from abortion rights and toward an issue more favorable to Republicans.

A defiant DeSantis on Tuesday blasted the Biden administration's inaction on the Southern border and celebrated his own policies for making illegal immigration “a front-burner issue” ahead of the midterms.

“It will be a big issue in the elections, I can tell you that,” DeSantis said. “It’s already made more of an impact than anyone thought it could possibly make. But we’re going to continue to make more of an impact.”

Indeed, DeSantis and Abbott are pressing forward with — and even expanding on — controversial campaigns to ship thousands of immigrants from Texas to Democratic-led states and cities. Beyond shifting the national debate, their divisive moves could also serve to strengthen their national brands — and help legitimize their controversial policies — as they consider 2024 presidential bids.

“I personally thought it was a good idea," Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said Tuesday.

The governors' rhetoric is reminiscent of former President Donald Trump’s dire warnings ahead of the 2018 midterms that a migrant caravan threatened the Southern border. Trump’s GOP lost 40 seats in the House and gained two Senate seats that year.

Democrats from Connecticut to California have generated momentum in recent weeks by campaigning on the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade — and the GOP's subsequent push to outlaw abortion in dozens of states. Republicans, meanwhile, want to make the midterms a referendum on President Joe Biden and concerns about the economy, crime and immigration.

This week, at least, immigration is leading the national debate.

“What they’re doing is raising the salience and relevance of the immigration issue, which is important to Republican voters and can help drive turnout,” said veteran Republican pollster Neil Newhouse. “For the voters we’re appealing to, for the most part, the benefits outweigh the risks by a considerable margin.”

There are real risks, however, particularly for DeSantis, who has taken credit for two weekend charter planes that carried about 50 migrants from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard, a small, wealthy island off Massachusetts' coast. The immigrants were told they were going to Boston.

A Texas sheriff on Monday opened an investigation into DeSantis' flights, though the law enforcement official, an elected Democrat, did not say what laws may have been broken in putting 48 Venezuelans on private planes from San Antonio, the first stop for many migrants who cross the border.

Rep. Joaquin Castro, a Democrat who represents San Antonio, has called on the Justice Department to investigate the flights as well.

“These guys are immature, sadistic Trump imitators. That’s what they are,” Castro said of Abbott and DeSantis. “This is sadistic behavior. Whatever political point they were trying to make has been made a long time ago.”

California Gov. Gavin Newsom, who is viewed by many as a future Democratic presidential candidate, called DeSantis “a disgrace” for using taxpayer money to transport immigrants to other states. Over the summer, Newsom paid for campaign ads in Texas and Florida critical of the governors.

DeSantis, who has stepped up travel on behalf of GOP candidates in the midterm elections, vowed to spend “every penny” of $12 million set aside by the state legislature for such “relocation programs.” On Tuesday, local officials in a Delaware community close to Biden's vacation home were preparing to receive another one of DeSantis' planes full of migrants from Texas, although the Florida governor refused to confirm the development.

Despite fierce criticism and potential legal liabilities, there has been little evidence of widespread political backlash in either state.

Democratic sympathizers in Florida staged news conferences in recent days condemning the governors while others compared DeSantis to late Cuban leader Fidel Castro on Spanish radio. But the number of Venezuelan voters in the state remains relatively small. Much of the community that exists has formed a coalition with Cubans, a crucial bloc in Florida that has increasingly voted Republican.

“Governors Abbott and DeSantis have had enough of it and decided to do something for people to pay attention,” said Ernesto Ackerman, a Republican who heads the Independent Venezuelan American Citizens. “This is a country of laws, not of scoundrels and tramps.”

In Texas, Abbott has spent the past two years pushing a series of provocative immigration measures that have elevated his national profile and kept critics on his right at bay. The two-term governor converted a former prison near Texas’ southern border into a jail for migrants, gave the National Guard extraordinary arrest powers and gridlocked some of America’s busiest ports for a week by mandating additional inspections for 18-wheelers crossing into the U.S.

The Abbott administration has been busing migrants to Washington, Chicago and New York City for months. The busing campaign includes two busloads of people who were dropped off outside Vice President Kamala Harris' residence last weekend.

Longtime Abbott adviser Dave Carney said Texas would expand its operation this week to include new drop-off locations in other states.

“We’ve been focused on this for two years. It’s got nothing to do with politics. The communities are screaming bloody murder,” Carney said, referring to border towns flooded with immigrants apprehended at the border and subsequently released.

Republicans cast the border crisis as a failure of the Biden administration.

The federal government this week reported that authorities stopped migrants 2.15 million times from October through August, the first time that measure has ever topped 2 million and a 39% increase from the same period a year earlier.

Border crossings have been fueled partly by repeat crossers because there are no legal consequences for getting caught under a pandemic-era rule that denies a right to seek asylum. Even so, the numbers are extraordinarily high.

While Abbott and DeSantis have also highlighted their accomplishments on issues related to the economy, neither has taken steps to moderate their immigration policies as the November election nears.

Abbott is running against former Democratic Rep. Beto O’Rourke, who has outraised Abbott in a contest that represents the toughest challenge of the governor’s political career.

Immigration remains a crucial issue for Democrats who have long believed Texas’ booming cities and shifting demographics would eventually turn America’s biggest red state blue. But in overwhelmingly Hispanic counties on the border, Republicans are making an aggressive play for three congressional seats this fall after Trump made major gains in the region in 2020.

It was much the same in South Florida, where Trump's GOP performed better than expected in the last election.

DeSantis is running against former Rep. Charlie Crist, whose campaign has charged in recent days that the governor “shot himself in the foot” by shipping immigrants from Texas to Massachusetts. The move sparked a fundraising surge for Crist that exceeded $1 million over a 48-hour period, according to spokesperson Samantha Ramirez.

Republican candidates on the November ballot don't seem worried.

“I think it is a valid maneuver to use in order to try to wake up or at least expose the hypocrisy of progressive Democrats that say the border is secure and there’s no problem down here whatsoever,” said Joseph Swiger, one of dozens of Republicans running for local office in Texas border counties where the GOP seldom bothered to recruit candidates in the past.

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Arbiter in Trump Docs Probe Signals Intent to Move Quickly

Arbiter in Trump Docs Probe Signals Intent to Move Quickly Arbiter in Trump Docs Probe Signals Intent to Move Quickly (AP)

ERIC TUCKER and MICHAEL R. SISAK Tuesday, 20 September 2022 04:27 PM EDT

The independent arbiter tasked with inspecting documents seized in an FBI search of former President Donald Trump's Florida home said Tuesday he intends to push briskly though the review process and appeared skeptical of the Trump team's reluctance to say whether it believed the records had been declassified.

“We're going to proceed with what I call responsible dispatch," Raymond Dearie, a veteran Brooklyn judge, told lawyers for Trump and the Justice Department in their first meeting since his appointment last week as a so-called special master.

The purpose of the meeting was to sort out next steps in a review process expected to slow by weeks, if not months, the criminal investigation into the retention of top-secret information at Mar-a-Lago after Trump left the White House. As special master, Dearie will be responsible for sifting through the thousands of documents recovered during the Aug. 8 FBI search and segregating those protected by claims of executive privilege or attorney-client privilege.

Though Trump's lawyers had requested the appointment of a special master to ensure an independent review of the documents, one of the former president's attorneys, James Trusty, made clear they were concerned that Dearie's proposed deadlines were too ambitious.

The lawyers are also resisting Dearie's request for information about whether the seized records had been declassified, as Trump has maintained. In a letter to Dearie on Monday night, the lawyers said that issue could be part of Trump’s defense in the event of an indictment.

But Dearie appeared unsatisfied with that position. He said if Trump's lawyers will not actually assert that the records have been declassified and the Justice Department instead makes an acceptable case that they remain classified, then “as far as I'm concerned, that's the end of it.”

Trusty said the Trump team should not be forced at this point to disclose a possible defense based on the idea that the records had been declassified. He denied that the lawyers were trying to engage in “gamesmanship” but instead believed it was a process that required “baby steps.”

But Dearie at one point observed: “I guess my view of it is, you can’t have your cake and eat it” too.

Trump has maintained without evidence that all of the records were declassified; his lawyers have not echoed that claim, though they have repeatedly asserted that a president has absolute authority to declassify information, and they said in a separate filing Tuesday that the Justice Department had not proven that the records remained classified.

“As someone who has been president of the United States, he has unfettered access along with unfettered declassification authority,” Trusty said Tuesday.

The resistance to the judge’s request was notable because it was Trump’s lawyers, not the Justice Department, who had requested the appointment of a special master and because the recalcitrance included an acknowledgment that the probe could be building toward an indictment.

In the letter, Trump’s lawyers said the time for addressing that question would be if they pressed forward with demands for the Justice Department to return some of the property taken from Mar-a-Lago.

“Otherwise, the Special Master process will have forced the Plaintiff to fully and specifically disclose a defense to the merits of any subsequent indictment.” they wrote.

The Trump team also asked the judge to consider pushing back all of the deadlines for his review. That work includes inspecting the roughly 11,000 documents, including about 100 marked as classified, that were taken during the FBI's search.

U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon, a Trump appointee who granted the Trump team's request for a special master, had set a Nov. 30 deadline for Dearie's review and instructed him to prioritize his inspection of classified records. The Justice Department has asked a federal appeals court to halt Cannon's order requiring it to provide him with classified documents for his review. That appeal is pending.

Dearie, a Ronald Reagan appointee whose name is on the atrium of his Brooklyn courthouse, made clear during Tuesday's meeting that he intended to meet the deadlines, saying there was “little time” to complete the assigned tasks.

Julie Edelstein, a Justice Department lawyer, said she was hopeful that the department could get the documents digitized and provided to Trump's lawyers by early next week. She noted that the department had given the legal team a list of five vendors approved by the government for the purposes of scanning, hosting and otherwise processing the seized records.

After some haggling, Dearie instructed Trusty's lawyers to choose a vendor by Friday.

Earlier Tuesday, the Trump legal team urged the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit to leave in place Cannon's order temporarily barring the Justice Department's use of the classified records for its criminal investigation while Dearie completes his review. The department has said that order has impeded its investigation into the presence of top-secret information at Mar-a-Lago.

Trump's lawyers called those concerns overblown, saying investigators could still do other work on the probe even without scrutinizing the seized records.

“Ultimately, any brief delay to the criminal investigation will not irreparably harm the Government,” Trump's lawyers wrote. “The injunction does not preclude the Government from conducting a criminal investigation, it merely delays the investigation for a short period while a neutral third party reviews the documents in question.”

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Report: McConnell Privately Optimistic GOP Will Take Senate

Report: McConnell Privately Optimistic GOP Will Take Senate Newsmax

By Luca Cacciatore | Tuesday, 20 September 2022 03:58 PM EDT

Despite public comments made to the contrary, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is reportedly feeling good about Republicans' chances of taking the Senate in November.

Sources told Axios on Monday that the GOP leader from Kentucky expressed "cautious optimism in closed-door remarks" to the United States Chamber of Commerce about picking up the highest chamber in the midterm elections.

The change in messaging is a sharp contrast to McConnell's position expressed to the Northern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce during a luncheon last month, according to NBC News.

"I think there's probably a greater likelihood the House flips than the Senate. Senate races are just different — they're statewide, candidate quality has a lot to do with the outcome," McConnell said in Florence, Kentucky.

"Right now, we have a 50-50 Senate and a 50-50 country, but I think when all is said and done this fall, we're likely to have an extremely close Senate, either our side up slightly or their side up slightly."

Former President Donald Trump called out McConnell's statement at the time, asking Republican senators on Truth Social why they allow the leader "to openly disparage hard working Republican candidates for the United States Senate[?]"

That hard work appears to be producing results. Recently, there has been a shift in polling of competitive Senate races toward Republicans, specifically in Pennsylvania, Arizona, Ohio, and Georgia.

The Trafalgar Group's latest survey of the Pennsylvania Senate race showed Dr. Mehmet Oz closing the gap on state Lt. Gov. John Fetterman from a 5.3 percentage point margin to 1.8 points.

New polls of the Arizona Senate race by Trafalgar and Emerson College have capitalist and author Blake Masters trailing incumbent Sen. Mark Kelly by two points. Last month, a Fox News poll had Masters down eight.

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Ric Grenell to Newsmax: Biden Signals Weakness With UN Speech Delay

Ric Grenell to Newsmax: Biden Signals Weakness With UN Speech Delay (Newsmax/"Wake Up America")

By Sandy Fitzgerald | Tuesday, 20 September 2022 02:41 PM EDT

President Joe Biden's decision to speak on the second day of the United Nations General Assembly and not its first, using the excuse of traveling back from attending the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II on Monday, "signals weakness on the world stage," former U.S. Amb. Ric Grenell told Newsmax as the gathering of world leaders was beginning Tuesday.

"Biden cannot get himself physically together to get up here to make his typical speech time, and the White House will spin on that and say, 'oh, you know, we're, you know, meeting some other time,'" Grenell, now a senior national security analyst for Newsmax, told "Wake Up America."

"The tradition is that Brazil speaks first, followed by the host country, which is the United States."

This means the president is to speak second, on the first day of the General Assembly, but "Joe Biden is not doing that because he needs to get rested up," Grenell said.

It is not only unprecedented, but that means that Biden will be speaking within a day of Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi, who said this week he has no plans to meet with Biden or any other U.S. leaders on the sidelines of the event, even though negotiations over reviving the Iran nuclear deal remain on hold.

Raisi, though, said his appearance at the U.N. is an opportunity to talk to the world about the "malice" that other nations, which he did not name, have toward his country. He will address the General Assembly and a UNESCO meeting about religions.

Grenell said the leaders' speeches are "very big for their hometown audiences, their home country audiences."

He also talked about Trump's speech to the United Nations four years ago, when Germany leaders "mocked" him for his warnings about the nation's dependence on Russian oil and gas.

"What I found most fascinating about when that happened in 2018 is the fact that we were four years removed from the invasion in Crimea in 2014," said Grenell, who served under Trump. "We knew that Vladimir Putin had plans to try and take the rest of Ukraine, if possible when the moment was right, and that moment was Feb. 24, 2022."


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Trump Responds to DOJ’s Special Master Appeal

Trump Responds to DOJ's Special Master Appeal Former President Donald Trump (Getty Images)

By Charlie McCarthy | Tuesday, 20 September 2022 02:22 PM EDT

Lawyers for former President Donald Trump urged a federal appeals court to reject the Justice Department's request for a partial stay of a ruling that effectively has paused the government's probe into the alleged mishandling of classified documents.

The DOJ filed a motion Friday with the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for a partial stay of U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon's order requiring a special master to review items with classification markings seized at Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida last month.

Trump’s attorneys, in a Tuesday filing, asked the court to uphold Cannon's Thursday order denying the government's original motion for partial stay, which would leave in place the injunction preventing the government from reviewing and using the documents marked as classified in its ongoing criminal investigation.

The lawyers say the DOJ's investigation into Trump is "both unprecedented and misguided" and merely "a document storage dispute that has spiraled out of control," ABC News reported.

"The District Court did not err in temporarily enjoining the Government's review and use of records bearing classification markings for criminal investigative purposes because the merits support that narrowly tailored injunction," Trump's lawyers argue in the new filing.

Cannon, appointed by Trump in 2020, on Sept. 5 authorized the appointment of a special master (arbiter) to review personal items, documents and material subject to claims of attorney-client privilege.

Three days later, the DOJ appealed the judge’s decision to name a special master claiming it harmed national security.

On Thursday, Cannon selected one of Trump special master nominees, but ruled that the former president Trump will pay associated costs.

The judge also detailed the steps the DOJ can take to further its investigation while the documents remain sequestered, including "questioning witnesses and obtaining other information about the movement and storage of seized materials, including documents marked as classified, without discussion of their contents."

Also Tuesday, attorneys for Trump opposed a move by special master Raymond Dearie to immediately share declassification details of the documents seized by the FBI.

Axios said a letter by the Trump legal team to Dearie noted a draft plan they say "requires that the Plaintiff disclose specific information regarding declassification to the court and to the government."

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Mark Morgan to Newsmax: ‘Preposterous’ to Blame Border on Trump

Mark Morgan to Newsmax: 'Preposterous' to Blame Border on Trump (Newsmax/"Wake Up America")

By Sandy Fitzgerald | Tuesday, 20 September 2022 01:42 PM EDT

It is "absolutely preposterous" the Biden administration is blaming former President Donald Trump for the border situation, because, "like so many other actions from this administration, they've overplayed their hands," Mark Morgan, the former acting Customs and Border Patrol Commissioner, told Newsmax on Tuesday.

"The current commissioner of Customs and Border Protection, it's unbelievable he's actually using and made up a new term called unique individuals," Morgan told "Wake Up America." "That's a D.C. swamp term for recidivism. We've had recidivism, meaning the same illegal alien tries multiple entries, since 1925 when we started keeping statistics. This is a radical attempt to try to divert attention from the disaster at the southwest border by once again lying to the Americans."

Last week, press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters the White House has been "doing is doing the work that wasn't done by the last administration. We are fixing a broken system. It is not like turning the light switch on; it is going to take some time."

Meanwhile, Morgan pointed out, millions of people have been coming across the border in the past 19 months since President Joe Biden took office, but now that immigrants are being sent to sanctuary cities, it has become a crisis for Democrats.

"When I look at sanctuary cities like New York, D.C., and Chicago, who by their very own accord, by their support of sanctuary cities have acted as a beacon for illegal aliens," said Morgan, adding, Martha's Vineyard had less than 50 arrive "and all of a sudden, it's a full-blown crisis."

"They used the National Guard to remove them from the rich enclave, but we know we have communities in the southwest border that are overrun," Morgan said. "They get 50 migrants every couple of minutes and they're so overwhelmed. There are no shelters. They don't have the resources. There are illegal aliens aligned in the streets, waiting to be picked up two brought to another state yet we never anything from this administration until 50 were received at Martha's Vineyard. It's just hypocrisy."

Meanwhile, reports indicate violent criminals are being released from prisons in Venezuela and now they are coming to the nation's border, and Morgan said this is a repeat of policies from the 1980s when migrants from Cuba were coming to the United States.

"What I'm really surprised about is that took the leadership of Venezuela this long to do it," he said. "We know that they hate this country, and so now this is a part of the overall strategy of Venezuela to empty out their problems and put them on the steps of the United States."

They are succeeding, he continued, because of the Biden administration's open border policies.

"The CBP has encountered over 30,000 criminals, including rapist murders, pedophiles, gang members," he said. "Many murderers, rapists, and pedophiles are coming in, and just the fact that high-powered Boston attorneys are now representing these people that broke the law by coming here illegally claiming that they were misled on a brochure when they flew from Florida to Martha's Vineyard is just laughable when you think about it.

"Two million people have crossed the southern border illegally, and we're so concerned about this suddenly because it affects Martha's Vineyard, the home of the Kennedys."


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Mark Morgan to Newsmax: ‘Preposterous’ to Blame Border on Trump

Mark Morgan to Newsmax: 'Preposterous' to Blame Border on Trump (Newsmax/"Wake Up America")

By Sandy Fitzgerald | Tuesday, 20 September 2022 01:42 PM EDT

It is "absolutely preposterous" the Biden administration is blaming former President Donald Trump for the border situation, because, "like so many other actions from this administration, they've overplayed their hands," Mark Morgan, the former acting Customs and Border Patrol Commissioner, told Newsmax on Tuesday.

"The current commissioner of Customs and Border Protection, it's unbelievable he's actually using and made up a new term called unique individuals," Morgan told "Wake Up America." "That's a D.C. swamp term for recidivism. We've had recidivism, meaning the same illegal alien tries multiple entries, since 1925 when we started keeping statistics. This is a radical attempt to try to divert attention from the disaster at the southwest border by once again lying to the Americans."

Last week, press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters the White House has been "doing is doing the work that wasn't done by the last administration. We are fixing a broken system. It is not like turning the light switch on; it is going to take some time."

Meanwhile, Morgan pointed out, millions of people have been coming across the border in the past 19 months since President Joe Biden took office, but now that immigrants are being sent to sanctuary cities, it has become a crisis for Democrats.

"When I look at sanctuary cities like New York, D.C., and Chicago, who by their very own accord, by their support of sanctuary cities have acted as a beacon for illegal aliens," said Morgan, adding, Martha's Vineyard had less than 50 arrive "and all of a sudden, it's a full-blown crisis."

"They used the National Guard to remove them from the rich enclave, but we know we have communities in the southwest border that are overrun," Morgan said. "They get 50 migrants every couple of minutes and they're so overwhelmed. There are no shelters. They don't have the resources. There are illegal aliens aligned in the streets, waiting to be picked up two brought to another state yet we never anything from this administration until 50 were received at Martha's Vineyard. It's just hypocrisy."

Meanwhile, reports indicate violent criminals are being released from prisons in Venezuela and now they are coming to the nation's border, and Morgan said this is a repeat of policies from the 1980s when migrants from Cuba were coming to the United States.

"What I'm really surprised about is that took the leadership of Venezuela this long to do it," he said. "We know that they hate this country, and so now this is a part of the overall strategy of Venezuela to empty out their problems and put them on the steps of the United States."

They are succeeding, he continued, because of the Biden administration's open border policies.

"The CBP has encountered over 30,000 criminals, including rapist murders, pedophiles, gang members," he said. "Many murderers, rapists, and pedophiles are coming in, and just the fact that high-powered Boston attorneys are now representing these people that broke the law by coming here illegally claiming that they were misled on a brochure when they flew from Florida to Martha's Vineyard is just laughable when you think about it.

"Two million people have crossed the southern border illegally, and we're so concerned about this suddenly because it affects Martha's Vineyard, the home of the Kennedys."


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Elton John to Perform at White House Friday

Elton John to Perform at White House Friday Elton John to Perform at White House Friday Sir Elton John performs at Soldier Field in Chicago on Aug. 5. (KAMIL KRZACZYNSKI/AFP via Getty Images)

CHRIS MEGERIAN Tuesday, 20 September 2022 01:18 PM EDT

The White House will become a concert venue Friday evening when Elton John performs. The event is called “A Night When Hope and History Rhyme,” a reference to a poem by Seamus Heaney that President Joe Biden often quotes.

The South Lawn performance is being organized with A+E Networks and the History Channel. According to the White House, the audience will include teachers, nurses, students, gay rights advocates and others.

Biden and first lady Jill Biden are also scheduled to speak.

Workers have been erecting a large stage on the South Lawn of the White House to prepare for the concert.

Although stars like John had steered clear of the White House while President Donald Trump was in office, Biden has occasionally featured musical guests.

Most recently, James Taylor played a few songs at last week's event commemorating the passage of legislation that tackles prescription drug prices, climate change and other issues.

Republicans Lead in Most Georgia Races: AJC Poll

Republicans Lead in Most Georgia Races: AJC Poll Newsmax

By Charlie McCarthy | Tuesday, 20 September 2022 01:14 PM EDT

Republican Herschel Walker and Democrat Sen. Raphael Warnock are virtually tied in Georgia's U.S. Senate race, and GOP candidates lead in all other state November contests, according to a new Atlanta Journal-Constitution poll.

Walker (46%) leads Warnock (44%) slightly, the AJC reported Tuesday, though the margin of error is 3.3 percentage points.

Another 3% indicate they’ll back Libertarian candidate Chase Oliver, while 7% are undecided.

The AJC survey found that every other statewide Democrat candidate faces a sizable deficit heading into Election Day.

In the Georgia gubernatorial race, the poll found that Republican Gov. Brian Kemp leads Democrat Stacey Abrams 50% to 42%. Kemp, who's seeking a second term, leads Abrams among men 54% to 39%, while the two candidates are deadlocked among women voters.

About 80% of Black voters say they're backing Abrams and 10% support Kemp. The Democrat likely needs to push her number above 90% to win in November, the AJC said.

The survey results said a majority (54%) of voters approve of how Kemp is handling his job as governor.

The AJC survey also found that Republican nominees for lieutenant governor, attorney general and secretary of state had double-digit leads over their Democrat challengers.

Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, in his reelection bid, holds a 50%-31% advantage over Democrat state Rep. Bee Nguyen.

Raffensperger, who refused then-President Donald Trump's call to overturn the 2020 presidential election in Georgia, is getting 20% of Democrats and more than one-third of independents in addition to 80% Republican support.

Other findings that indicate the elections in Georgia might bode well for the GOP are that 51% of likely state voters want the Republican Party to win control of Congress, and 70% say the country is on the wrong track.

President Joe Biden’s job approval rating among Georgia voters is 37%, the AJC poll found – a percentage unchanged since the newspaper’s July survey.

The survey found that some voters are not guaranteed to vote for a particular party up and down the ticket.

For example, one woman from Villa Rica, Georgia, said she definitely will vote for Kemp but she remains undecided about the Senate race.

"I don't have a preference in the Warnock race," Jenna Fortner told the AJC. "I am not a fan of Warnock because I think he’s spending too much money, but I need to do more research about Walker."

The poll was conducted Sept. 5-16 by the University of Georgia’s School of Policy and International Affairs among likely voters.

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Ted Cruz to Campaign Across Country for GOP Candidates

Ted Cruz to Campaign Across Country for GOP Candidates Newsmax

By Theodore Bunker | Tuesday, 20 September 2022 11:46 AM EDT

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, will soon travel to more than a dozen states before the November midterm elections, including several states with key presidential primaries, to promote GOP candidates.

Cruz will travel to New Hampshire, Iowa, Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, and Ohio, among others from Oct. 1 to Nov. 4 to campaign on behalf of over two-dozen candidates. Politico notes that these kinds of trips are "customary" for prospective presidential candidates and that Cruz previously ran for the GOP nomination in 2016.

Cruz has yet to state if he will run for the nomination again. He has indicated that his decision would be influenced if former President Donald Trump decided to run again. Cruz attended a rally for New Hampshire GOP congressional candidate Karoline Leavitt earlier this month where he told the Washington Examiner: "There are a lot of candidates out there feeling their oats and boasting, 'I;m running no matter what. I don't care what Donald Trump says.' Anyone who says that is lying. That's an idiotic statement for someone to make who's actually thinking about running."

Cruz added: "I don't know what Trump’s going to decide — nobody does. Anybody who tells you they do is making things up. The whole world will change depending on what Donald Trump decides. That's true for every candidate. That's true of every potential candidate."

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Stacey Abrams: Refusal to Concede Election Different Than Trump’s

Stacey Abrams: Refusal to Concede Election Different Than Trump's stacey abrams speaking Stacey Abrams (Getty Images)

By Charlie McCarthy | Tuesday, 20 September 2022 11:31 AM EDT

Georgia Democrat gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams insists that her refusal to concede the 2018 governor's race is different than former President Donald Trump's rejection of the 2020 presidential election outcome.

Abrams, who this year again is running against Republican Gov. Brian Kemp, claimed her issues in 2018 had to do with voter access and not voter fraud, which was what Trump pointed to in 2020.

"I will never ever say that it is OK to claim fraudulent outcomes as a way to give yourself power," Abrams told The 19th. "That is wrong. I reject it and will never engage in it. But I do believe that it is imperative, especially those who have the platform and the microphone, to talk about the access."

Abrams, despite never conceding, eventually acknowledged Kemp won the 2018 election.

"Democrats attack Trump and Republicans for believing these conspiracies, believing what they call the 'Big Lie.' But the original Big Lie proponent was Stacey Abrams," Brian Robinson, a Georgia-based GOP strategist, told Politico in late 2021. "She was ahead of her time, as she is on so many things."

Abrams has rejected that notion, saying her goal in 2018 was not to overturn the results of the election.

"The issues that I raised in 2018 were not grounded in making me the governor," Abrams said. "Not a single lawsuit filed would have reversed or changed the outcome of the election.

"My point was that the access to the election was flawed, and I refuse to concede a system that permits citizens to be denied access. That is very different than someone claiming fraudulent outcome."

Abrams' main focus this year is ensuring voter access for the November election.

She has criticized Kemp for signing Georgia’s Election Integrity Act in March 2021. The law requires a photo ID in order to vote absentee by mail, reduced the time people have to request an absentee ballot, and limits where ballot drop boxes can be placed and when they can be accessed.

Democrats and voting rights groups say the law disproportionately disenfranchises voters of color.

Kemp has held a steady lead over Abrams in polling, the Washington Examiner said. Nearly half of Georgia voters say they intend to vote for Kemp, compared to 42% who say they intend to vote for Abrams, according to a Fox 5/Insider Advantage poll.

The Associated Press contributed to this story.

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Trump to Newsmax: ‘We Had the Safest Border’ Before Biden

Trump to Newsmax: 'We Had the Safest Border' Before Biden (Newsmax/"Wake Up America")

By Sandy Fitzgerald | Tuesday, 20 September 2022 11:12 AM EDT

Former President Donald Trump, when asked by Newsmax's Ric Grenell on Tuesday what his opinion is concerning Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' decision to send almost 50 immigrants to Martha's Vineyard, said the entire border situation is a "disappointment" after the successes that happened while his administration was in Washington.

"We had the safest border," Trump told "Wake Up America" in an exclusive interview Tuesday. "We had the best border in the history of our country. We built the wall, and then I built additions to the wall, which could have been finished in three weeks."

But with Democrats in control of the White House and Congress, and with their refusals to finish the wall, "that was when I got the first clue that these guys actually want to have open borders," said Trump. "I didn't think anybody could want that but they wanted to have open borders, and we had the safest border, the best border."

Further, Trump said that while he was in office, the "stay in Mexico" policy was in place, which kept immigrants out of the United States pending their asylum hearings.

"Nobody could come into the country with stay in Mexico until they were checked out, and many of them didn't check out," said Trump.

The former president also addressed the continuing question about whether he's running for another term in the White House, hinting strongly that his announcement will come soon.

"I feel that I know what I'm going to do," he said. "I think a lot of people are going to be very happy. Our country's going to hell … we did great before the pandemic."

And even as the country reopened, "we had a stock market that was higher than prior to the pandemic," said Trump. "We did such a great job, and in so many different ways; and now we have a country that's a country in decline."

Inflation, he continued, is "eating people alive. Inflation is a terrible, terrible thing … inflation is a dangerous thing, and just it's very bad, the worst it's been in over 50 years. Nobody's seen anything like it for a long time."


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Trump to Newsmax: ‘We Had the Safest Border’ Before Biden

Trump to Newsmax: 'We Had the Safest Border' Before Biden (Newsmax/"Wake Up America")

By Sandy Fitzgerald | Tuesday, 20 September 2022 11:12 AM EDT

Former President Donald Trump, when asked by Newsmax's Rob Finnerty Tuesday what his opinion is concerning Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' decision to send almost 50 immigrants to Martha's Vineyard, said the entire border situation is a "disappointment" after the successes that happened while his administration was in Washington.

"We had the safest border," Trump said in an exclusive interview on Newsmax's "Wake Up America.' "We had the best border in the history of our country. We built the wall, and then I built additions to the wall, which could have been finished in three weeks."

But with Democrats in control of the White House and Congress, and with their refusals to finish the wall, "that was when I got the first clue that these guys actually want to have open borders," said Trump. "I didn't think anybody could want that but they wanted to have open borders, and we had the safest border, the best border."

Further, Trump said that while he was in office, the "stay in Mexico" policy was in place, which kept immigrants out of the United States pending their asylum hearings.

"Nobody could come into the country with stay in Mexico until they were checked out, and many of them didn't check out," said Trump.

The former president also addressed the continuing question about whether he's running for another term in the White House, hinting strongly that his announcement will come soon.

"I feel that I know what I'm going to do," he said. "I think a lot of people are going to be very happy. Our country's going to hell … we did great before the pandemic."

And even as the country reopened, "we had a stock market that was higher than prior to the pandemic," said Trump. "We did such a great job, and in so many different ways; and now we have a country that's a country in decline."

Inflation, he continued, is "eating people alive. Inflation is a terrible, terrible thing … inflation is a dangerous thing, and just it's very bad, the worst it's been in over 50 years. Nobody's seen anything like it for a long time."


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Trump to Newsmax: Would Talk to Putin About Ukraine War

Trump to Newsmax: Would Talk to Putin About Ukraine War (Newsmax/"Wake Up America")

By Sandy Fitzgerald | Tuesday, 20 September 2022 10:35 AM EDT

Former President Donald Trump told Newsmax on Tuesday that if he were still in the Oval Office, he'd try to get Russia President Vladimir Putin to stop the war with Ukraine by talking to him, which he said President Joe Biden isn't doing with the Russian leader or the heads of any other countries.

"Obviously, there's not a lot of a lot of communication between Biden and these leaders," Trump said in an exclusive interview with Newsmax's "Wake Up America." "These leaders, they're pretty brutal, and they are people that you have to know how to deal with."

Trump pointed out that his administration took in "hundreds of billions of dollars from China, and there was never any talk there, either, with going into Taiwan."

But, he said, "they have to respect your leadership."

"If they don't respect your leadership, they're going to walk all over you," he said. "That's what they did prior to us getting there. We made great trade deals, great military deals, and we're the only ones, I guess, in many decades, who didn't start a war."

Trump added that while he was in office, "we were bringing people home from Syria, from Iraq. We had Afghanistan totally in control. We were leaving, and we were leaving with strength and dignity."

But with Biden's pullout from Afghanistan, there were "horrible results" and "we ended up leaving in disgrace," said Trump.

"I think it was probably the lowest moment in the history of our country," he said. "I don't think we've ever had a more embarrassing, horrible moment in the history of our country in the way we looked. It looked like we surrendered."

Trump added that while he was in office, "we didn't lose one soldier in 18 months in Afghanistan."

Meanwhile, Trump said that if he were in office, he would still meet with tough leaders, even though advisers discourage that.

"We had tremendous success with North Korea," said Trump, adding that he also had a good relationship with Chinese President Xi Jinping. "He understood me, and I understood him, and he would never have gone into Taiwan."


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Trump to Newsmax: Germany Wouldn’t Heed UN Speech Warning on Energy

Trump to Newsmax: Germany Wouldn't Heed UN Speech Warning on Energy (Newsmax/"Wake Up America")

By Sandy Fitzgerald | Tuesday, 20 September 2022 10:09 AM EDT

Former President Donald Trump, in exclusive comments to Newsmax as the United Nations, was opening its General Assembly on Tuesday, recalled the tough messages he delivered to its members while he was still in office, including to Germany about its reliance on Russian energy.

"When you look at Germany and you look at the fights they've had over the years, big wars, very major wars, world wars, and all of a sudden, Germany decides to be totally reliant, about 72% on energy from Russia. It was ridiculous, and it was, right from the beginning," Trump said on Newsmax's "Wake Up America." "It didn't make sense."

Ric Grenell, the former U.S. Ambassador to Germany, participated in Tuesday's interview in his role as a Newsmax senior national security analyst and reminded Trump that the Germans "laughed when you warned them about relying on Russian energy."

Trump responded the war between Russia and Ukraine, which has led to fuel shortages in Germany and across Europe, "never have happened under any circumstances" under his watch.

"There was never even thought of that happening," he said. "I've had talks with [Vladimir] Putin about it. It was never going to happen."

But now, under President Joe Biden's energy policy, the United States has "really helped cause the world's inflation," Trump said.

"It started off with energy," he said. "Now it's everything and it would have been very simple to solve. We had gasoline down to less than $1.87. We headed for $1.50 for a period of time. We had things going at a level that nobody's ever seen before, and there's now a lot for him to be talking about and a lot of bad stuff."


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Trump to Newsmax: Germany Wouldn’t Heed UN Speech Warning on Energy

Trump to Newsmax: Germany Wouldn't Heed UN Speech Warning on Energy (Newsmax/"Wake Up America")

By Sandy Fitzgerald | Tuesday, 20 September 2022 10:40 AM EDT

Former President Donald Trump, in exclusive comments to Newsmax as the United Nations was opening its General Assembly on Tuesday, recalled the tough messages he delivered to its members while he was still in office, including to Germany about its reliance on Russian energy.

"When you look at Germany, and you look at the fights they've had over the years, big wars, very major wars, world wars, and all of a sudden, Germany decides to be totally reliant, about 72% on energy from Russia. It was ridiculous, and it was, right from the beginning," Trump said on Newsmax's "Wake Up America." "It didn't make sense."

Ric Grenell, the former U.S. Ambassador to Germany, participated in Tuesday's interview in his role as a Newsmax senior national security analyst and reminded Trump that the Germans "laughed when you warned them about relying on Russian energy."

Trump responded the war between Russia and Ukraine, which has led to fuel shortages in Germany and across Europe, "never would have happened under any circumstances" under his watch.

"There was never even thought of that happening," he said. "I've had talks with [Russian President Vladimir] Putin about it. It was never going to happen."

But now, under President Joe Biden's energy policy, the United States has "really helped cause the world's inflation," Trump said.

"It started off with energy," he said. "Now it's everything, and it would have been very simple to solve. We had gasoline down to less than $1.87. We headed for $1.50 for a period of time. We had things going at a level that nobody's ever seen before, and there's now a lot for him to be talking about and a lot of bad stuff."


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Trump Lawyers Against Move to Share Declassification Details of Seized Documents

Trump Lawyers Against Move to Share Declassification Details of Seized Documents (Newsmax)

By Jeffrey Rodack | Tuesday, 20 September 2022 08:20 AM EDT

Attorneys for former President Donald Trump oppose a move by the special master in the Mar-a-Lago raid case to immediately share declassification details of the documents seized by the FBI.

Axios said a letter by the Trump legal team to Special Master Raymond Dearie noted a draft plan they say "requires that the Plaintiff disclose specific information regarding declassification to the court and to the government."

"We respectfully submit that the time and place for affidavits or declarations would be in connection with Rule 41 motion that specifically alleges declassification as a component of its argument for return of property," the letter said.

"Otherwise, the special master process will have forced the plaintiff to fully and specifically disclose a defense to the merits of any subsequent indictment without such a requirement being evident in the District Court's order.

"In short, the plaintiff has every interest in expeditiously moving forward on the document review, characterizations, and any ensuring litigation."

The Washington Post called the comments by Trump's lawyers "a remarkable statement that acknowledges at least the possibility that the former president or his aides could be criminally charged."

Court filings by Trump's attorneys have suggested the possibility the former president could have declassified the documents seized by the FBI. However, the lawyers have not actually said that he did, the Post said.

Dearie is a former federal prosecutor who served as the chief judge of the federal court based in Brooklyn, according to the Associated Press. His selection as special master in the case came after both the Justice Department and Trump's lawyers indicated that they would be satisfied with his appointment.

Dearie will be responsible for reviewing the documents taken during the Aug. 8 search of Mar-a-Lago and segregating out any that may be covered by claims of privilege.

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