Rep. Norman to Newsmax: Biden’s Speech Not Presidential

Rep. Norman to Newsmax: Biden's Speech Not Presidential (Newsmax/"The Chris Salcedo Show")

By Nick Koutsobinas | Tuesday, 06 September 2022 06:16 PM EDT

South Carolina Republican Rep. Ralph Norman decried on Newsmax President Joe Biden's Philadelphia speech in front of Independence Hall as not presidential.

Speaking on "The Chris Salcedo Show" Tuesday about Biden's speech, Norman says, "Joe Biden did what he always does, which is use his voice to basically lambaste anybody that voted for President Trump. His hatred is that big."

"It was an embarrassment, and as the president of the United States, you would think in these dark times he would have an uplifting speech: one of hope and one of coming together. After all, he's supposed to be the president that provides unity; he's doing anything but that. And the economy and everything he touches has been derailed for the last 19-20 months."

"So, it's not anything new, but America deserves better than this rhetoric he's putting out," Norman added.

According to a Convention of States/Trafalgar poll, roughly 57% of respondents agree Biden's speech "represents a dangerous escalation in rhetoric and is designed to incite conflict amongst Americans."


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Hillary Fires Back at Trump Comparisons

Hillary Fires Back at Trump Comparisons Hillary Fires Back at Trump Comparisons Hillary Clinton attends the Netflix film "White Noise" and opening ceremony red carpet at the 79th Venice International Film Festival on August 31, 2022 in Venice, Italy. (Andreas Rentz/Getty Images for Netflix)

By Jack Gournell | Tuesday, 06 September 2022 06:02 PM EDT

Hillary Clinton on Tuesday fired back at critics, including former President Donald Trump, who have compared her infamous "deleted emails" to the documents with classified markings found at Trump's Mar-a-Lago home by the FBI this summer.

"I can’t believe we’re still talking about this, but my emails," Clinton posted in a Twitter thread. "As Trump’s problems continue to mount, the right is trying to make this about me again. There’s even a 'Clinton Standard.' The fact is that I had zero emails that were classified."

Then-FBI Director James "Comey admitted he was wrong after he claimed I had classified emails," she continued. "Trump’s own State Department, under two different Secretaries, found I had no classified emails. That's right: ZERO."

"By contrast," Clinton said, "Trump has hundreds of documents clearly marked classified, and the investigation just started."

While Clinton is correct on her claims about Trump, the former president and his legal team say he declassified the documents en masse as he left the White House on January 20, 2020.

Still, Trump critics and many legals experts say that while Trump had the power to declassify some documents, some were beyond his legal authority to declassify. Plus, they say, a proper process must be followed, and he isn't allowed to take them to his private residence since they belong to the American people and not to him. Clinton's claims that she was found to have had no classified emails are not quite accurate.

Politico reported, for instance, in October 2015, that at least one of the emails that Clinton sent to longtime friend Sidney Blumenthal from the server was deemed "classified" by the state department — and Blumenthal had no security clearance.

A July 5, 2016, Time story noted that Comey's FBI found that Clinton had been careless, but no criminal charges were pursued because she was not found to have acted with clear criminal intent.

Comey at the time said that Clinton and her aides were "extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information."

But what he recanted in an interview with ABC News' George Stephanopoulos in April 2018 is the fact that he was "sloppy" in how he described how Clinton would not be charged. He never said that none of the documents were classified.

"I should've worked harder to find a way to convey that it's more than just the ordinary mistake, but it's not criminal behavior, and find different words to describe that," Comey said in the interview.

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‘Classified’ Docs May Complicate Finding Trump Case Special Master

'Classified' Docs May Complicate Finding Trump Case Special Master Documents from Mar-a-Lago Documents from Mar-a-Lago. (AP)

By Jay Clemons | Tuesday, 06 September 2022 05:33 PM EDT

The intrigue over which legal expert gets named "special master" for the battle between former President Donald Trump and the Department of Justice (DOJ) could soon reach a new strata of national scrutiny.

On Monday, U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon granted the Trump team's request for a special master to be brought in to provide an independent review of the supposedly "classified" or "top-secret" materials seized from the FBI's Aug. 8 raid of Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort.

The special master will likely decide which documents — which Trump reportedly stored in a secure location at his Florida home — are protected by attorney-client privilege, or executive privilege, via declassification.

According to Newsweek, special masters are typically attorneys or retired judges. They also review materials that might fall under attorney-client protections.

"You can't come in and be a judge or a special master with an agenda or really kind of wanting one side to win, you need to look at all the facts and the evidence and what the parties are arguing, and apply the law to the facts and come out to what the right result is regardless of who is appearing before you," David Cohen, a special master who serves in federal cases, told NPR this week.

From Cohen's standpoint, the primary qualification of any special master is someone who "can remain neutral."

Cannon may have final say on the special master selection, but the DOJ and Trump's legal team have until Friday to submit filings that include a list of potential candidates.

Mathew Miller, lawyer and former Director of the Office of Public Affairs at the DOJ tweeted on Monday:

"So all Judge Cannon has to do now is find a special master who: a. is an expert in one of the more contested, unexplored areas of the law; b. already has a Top Secret clearance; c. isn't seen as tainted through service in a recent administration. Good luck."

Per Cannon's Monday ruling, the DOJ was obliged to stop using any of the materials seized from Trump's home as part of the criminal investigation into the alleged mishandling of classified documents — until the special master's review has been completed.

While appearing on Newsmax last week, Trump attorney Alina Habba told "Spicer & Co." the ongoing circus involving Trump's stored documents has become more absurd.

Habba says the Presidential Records Act gives Trump — and every other U.S. president, past and present — the authority to declassify documents while holding office.

And by all accounts, Habba says Trump's team of Florida attorneys had been fully cooperating with the National Archives department.

"So, it was a bit of surprise, you can imagine, when the [FBI] raid happened," says Habba.

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Newsmax Beats Fox News in Ratings During Trump Rally

Newsmax Beats Fox News in Ratings During Trump Rally Newsmax Beats Fox News in Ratings During Trump Rally (AP)

By Jack Gournell | Tuesday, 06 September 2022 09:14 PM EDT

Newsmax’s live coverage of former President Trump’s Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, rally on Saturday beat Fox News in key ratings, according to Nielsen.

Newsmax was the third most watched cable network during the Trump rally speech, with an audience so large it even surpassed the combined ratings of CNN and MSNBC, pulling in more than 21% of both networks.

Nielsen also reported that Newsmax had a total audience of 1.7 million viewers during Trump’s speech, with its overall coverage drawing over 1.9 million viewers.

Newsmax had more than 1.03 million viewers at minute during the Trump speech, with Fox News drawing just 942,000 viewers during the same time period.

The Newsmax ratings were even more impressive considering the network is carried in 20 million less homes than Fox News, but still outpaced the cable giant.

During the rally, CNN only reported 406,000 viewers, and MSNBC 444,000.

In his first rally since the FBI raid on his Mar-a-Lago home, Trump pulled no punches, firing back at President Joe Biden's own speech earlier in the week from Philadelphia.

Trump called Biden’s speech "divisive," saying that Biden and the Justice Department are the true "enemies of the people."

Trump also offered support to Republican candidates Dr. Mehmet Oz and Doug Mastriano, both of whom he endorsed in the GOP primaries.

Coverage of the speech aired from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET and Newsmax ranked in the top 3 in the time period among all basic cable behind only ESPN and the Hallmark Channel.


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Newsmax Beats Fox With Trump Rally Ratings

Newsmax Beats Fox With Trump Rally Ratings Newsmax Beats Fox With Trump Rally Ratings

By Jack Gournell | Tuesday, 06 September 2022 05:27 PM EDT

Newsmax’s live coverage of former President Trump’s Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania rally on Saturday beat Fox News in total impressions — even though Newsmax is in 25 million fewer cable homes.

In the same time period Newsmax also crushed CNN and MSNBC, pulling in more than 21% combined.

In his first rally since the FBI raid on his Mar-a-Lago home, Trump pulled no punches, firing back at President Joe Biden's own speech earlier in the week from Philadelphia, calling it "divisive" and saying that Biden and the Justice Department are the true "enemies of the people" — not him and his supporters as Biden said in his speech.

Trump also offered support to Senate candidate Dr. Mehmet Oz and gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano, both of whom he endorsed in the GOP primaries.

Coverage of the speech aired from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. EDT ranked in the top 3 in the time period among all basic cable behind only ESPN and the Hallmark Channel. It drew a total of 1.9 million viewers for the full event, 1.7 million for the speech itself, and ranked No. 8 among viewers ages 35-64.

More than 1 million viewers were watching the speech at any one time.


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Oz Says He Wouldn’t Have Impeached Trump, Would’ve Certified Election

Oz Says He Wouldn't Have Impeached Trump, Would've Certified Election Mehmet Oz Dr. Mehmet Oz. (Getty Images)

By Luca Cacciatore | Tuesday, 06 September 2022 04:29 PM EDT

Dr. Mehmet Oz told a news conference on Tuesday alongside incumbent Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa., that he would have voted against removing former President Donald Trump from office.

However, as the Republican nominee for the seat Toomey is vacating, Oz confirmed that he still would have certified President Joe Biden's victory in the controversial 2020 presidential election.

"I would not have objected to it," Oz said of the official election results. "By the time the delegates and those reports were sent to the U.S. Senate, our job was to approve it, which is what I would have done."

Oz later clarified that he did not see a reason for affirming the Democratic-controlled House's impeachment, which would have removed Trump from office, for the then-president's actions in and around the Jan. 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol.

"I would not have voted in favor of impeaching President Trump. I think the President was already leaving office by then," Oz said. Toomey was one of seven Republican Senators who supported removing Trump at the time.

His seemingly lukewarm position on the events surrounding Jan. 6 and the second impeachment of Trump is in stark contrast to the former president himself — who has continued to make the two issues central to his endorsements.

Oz himself was endorsed by Trump in the heated Republican primary for the seat to potentially succeed Toomey, referring to him as "popular, respected, and smart," according to a statement.

The Republican nominee's Democratic opponent in November is Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman, who currently leads him by 6.5 percentage points in a RealClearPolitics average of polls conducted this cycle.

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Trump Attorney Habba to Newsmax: ‘Impressed’ With Ruling for Special Master

Trump Attorney Habba to Newsmax: 'Impressed' With Ruling for Special Master Alina Habba (Newsmax TV)

By Sandy Fitzgerald | Tuesday, 06 September 2022 03:05 PM EDT

Federal Judge Aileen Cannon's approval of former President Donald Trump's call for a special master to review documents seized in the Aug. 8 FBI raid at his home was a "good decision," and her 24-page ruling outlining her reasoning was effective, Alina Habba, one of Trump's attorneys, said on Newsmax on Tuesday.

"I'm impressed with her 24-page decision," Habba told Newsmax's "John Bachman Now." "I think it was well thought out. It made a lot of sense."

In her ruling, Cannon, a Trump appointee, determined not only would there be a special master, but that the Department of Justice would not be able to review or use any of the documents that were seized, pending the review process, for criminal investigation purposes, reports The Federalist.

Habba said she wasn't surprised by Cannon's ruling, as she indicated in her first opinion that she was likely to grant the request

"The questions that she asked the attorneys that are handling this during the hearing indicated that she couldn't understand why they were objecting to having a special master," said Habba, adding that Cannon also indicated that having the independent review "would give the country a lot of support and comfort in knowing that things were going to be done the correct way."

The next steps will involve the selection of the special master, and while Habba said she's not on the team working on that, she knows Trump's attorneys are doing a good job determining who they will recommend.

"The special master, in this case, has to have very stringent credentials, because these could be documents that were once classified," Habba said. "The DOJ, I understand, is doing the same thing and the judge will vet that and pick a special master, so that's going to be the immediate future."

In the long term, Habba said she expects a Rule 41 hearing, which would involve a motion from Trump's side to invalidate the search warrant "because it was overly broad and unconstitutional."

Habba also called it "disheartening" that the FBI would have also searched the rooms and belongings of Melania Trump and Barron Trump.

"Meanwhile, we have Hunter Biden, who has the 'laptop from hell," she said. "Nothing's happening there. I don't even see them raiding his home."


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Rep. Byron Donalds to Newsmax: Americans Rejecting Biden’s ‘Failed’ Agenda

Rep. Byron Donalds to Newsmax: Americans Rejecting Biden's 'Failed' Agenda (Newsmax/"John Bachman Now")

By Jay Clemons | Tuesday, 06 September 2022 02:47 PM EDT

Rep. Byron Donalds, R-Fla., admittedly does not spend a lot of time analyzing the words of White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, or the quad-box comments from coming from the various MSNBC talk shows.

In that vein, Donalds did not realize the Biden administration has been busy walking back the rhetoric from President Joe Biden's nationally televised address Thursday — amid a backdrop of ominous tones.

"I really don't listen much to the press secretary, because all she does is spew propaganda from Joe Biden, and the people who are running his administration," Donalds told Newsmax's "John Bachman Now" with co-hosts John Bachman and Bianca de la Garza.

"They're trying to deflect from the agendas of President Biden and the Senate Democrats," Donalds said, adding Democrats "have to be divisive because they think it helps them, but the polling already tells us the American people are rejecting it."

President Biden is flailing with poll numbers and high-profile speeches for two reasons, according to Donalds:

  1. Biden has "no idea" what his specific job entails, or what he is supposed to bring to the American people every day.
  2. Biden does not understand the concept of separation of powers. He is too busy conceiving executive-order measures — such as student-debt forgiveness — that would likely not pass through the House and Senate chambers, he said.

"You have a president who routinely ignores the rule of law, or just creates new powers whenever it suits his judgment," says Donalds, who oversees the Florida's 19th congressional district, which covers a southwest swath of Florida. "And so you have to divide people, because your agenda has failed, and everybody knows that."

Donalds also believes the FBI's Aug. 8 raid on former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago private residence served as a contrived distraction for the Biden administration.

At the same time, the left might not have been expecting the Trump legal team's victory, in terms of getting a "special master" to provide an independent review of the alleged classified materials that were seized from Trump's Florida home.

The left is "freaking out, and they're mad because they're not getting their way," said Donalds, who is up for reelection this November.

"An independent arbiter to look at things objectively? They don't want that," Donalds added. "They want their brand of justice — their way.

"There was no reason to raid Mar-a-Lago, [the FBI] could have just cooperated with Trump's lawyers on the documents."

"Instead, with the raid, [the left] wanted their political pound of flesh, they wanted their legal pound of flesh, and they wanted their media pound of flesh."


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Rep. Byron Donalds to Newsmax: Americans Rejecting Biden’s ‘Failed’ Agenda

Rep. Byron Donalds to Newsmax: Americans Rejecting Biden's 'Failed' Agenda (Newsmax/"John Bachman Now")

By Jay Clemons | Tuesday, 06 September 2022 02:47 PM EDT

Rep. Byron Donalds, R-Fla., admittedly does not spend a lot of time analyzing the words of White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, or the quad-box comments from coming from the various MSNBC talk shows.

In that vein, Donalds did not realize the Biden administration has been busy walking back the rhetoric from President Joe Biden's nationally televised address Thursday — amid a backdrop of ominous tones.

"I really don't listen much to the press secretary, because all she does is spew propaganda from Joe Biden, and the people who are running his administration," Donalds told Newsmax's "John Bachman Now" with co-hosts John Bachman and Bianca de la Garza.

"They're trying to deflect from the agendas of President Biden and the Senate Democrats," Donalds said, adding Democrats "have to be divisive because they think it helps them, but the polling already tells us the American people are rejecting it."

President Biden is flailing with poll numbers and high-profile speeches for two reasons, according to Donalds:

  1. Biden has "no idea" what his specific job entails, or what he is supposed to bring to the American people every day.
  2. Biden does not understand the concept of separation of powers. He is too busy conceiving executive-order measures — such as student-debt forgiveness — that would likely not pass through the House and Senate chambers, he said.

"You have a president who routinely ignores the rule of law, or just creates new powers whenever it suits his judgment," says Donalds, who oversees the Florida's 19th congressional district, which covers a southwest swath of Florida. "And so you have to divide people, because your agenda has failed, and everybody knows that."

Donalds also believes the FBI's Aug. 8 raid on former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago private residence served as a contrived distraction for the Biden administration.

At the same time, the left might not have been expecting the Trump legal team's victory, in terms of getting a "special master" to provide an independent review of the alleged classified materials that were seized from Trump's Florida home.

The left is "freaking out, and they're mad because they're not getting their way," said Donalds, who is up for reelection this November.

"An independent arbiter to look at things objectively? They don't want that," Donalds added. "They want their brand of justice — their way.

"There was no reason to raid Mar-a-Lago, [the FBI] could have just cooperated with Trump's lawyers on the documents."

"Instead, with the raid, [the left] wanted their political pound of flesh, they wanted their legal pound of flesh, and they wanted their media pound of flesh."


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Rep. Guy Reschenthaler to Newsmax: FBI’s Trump Raid ‘Never About Justice’

Rep. Guy Reschenthaler to Newsmax: FBI's Trump Raid 'Never About Justice' (Newsmax/"National Report")

By Sandy Fitzgerald | Tuesday, 06 September 2022 02:16 PM EDT

Revelations the FBI raid on former President Donald Trump's Florida home seized documents that included medical documents, tax records, material that was potentially protected by attorney-client privilege, and more, show the search was "never about justice or setting up a criminal prosecution," Rep. Guy Reschenthaler, R-Pa., told Newsmax.

"Remember, the FBI and DOJ said they were going after classified information and classified material?" Reschenthaler told Tuesday's "National Report." "Why, then, did they seize medical records, tax documents, gifts that were given? Why did they seize articles of clothing?"

In her order granting Trump's request for a special master to oversee the examination of the documents seized, U.S. District Court Judge Aileen Cannon, who was nominated by Trump in 2020, wrote that some 500 personal pages, not government documents, The Federalist reported.

Reschenthaler said he applauds Cannon's decision, but also said he hopes a special master is not appointed that becomes a "political activist."

The search, he added, was a "fishing expedition" that was "politically motivated to tarnish the likely rival in 2024 of the current sitting president."

It was also essential to stop the FBI and DOJ from reviewing the documents, Reschenthaler added, because "what would very likely have happened from the top echelon of the DOJ and the FBI is they would selectively leak information" containing executive or attorney-client privilege.

He also said he does not think Trump will be prosecuted, but still, a "bunch of leaks" will happen, and "dirty laundry will be aired, which is completely inappropriate."

"There's precedent for this because we saw the [Robert] Mueller report do that as well," Reschenthaler said.

He also reacted to the competing speeches given in his state by Trump and President Joe Biden last week.

"Looking at President Biden's remarks, they were completely inappropriate, not only the image of the blood red Soviet-like background, that authoritarian state background that is totally inappropriate for an American president, but also the content of that speech, calling out over half the American population that voted for President Trump in the last election," Reschenthaler said.

But while Biden characterized Trump supporters as extremists, it is Biden and Democrats who are acting extreme, he added.

"They're just deflecting from what a horrible record they have," he said. "As far as President Trump's remarks, I think he sounded much more presidential than Biden."


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Rep. Guy Reschenthaler to Newsmax: FBI’s Trump Raid ‘Never About Justice’

Rep. Guy Reschenthaler to Newsmax: FBI's Trump Raid 'Never About Justice' (Newsmax/"National Report")

By Sandy Fitzgerald | Tuesday, 06 September 2022 02:16 PM EDT

Revelations the FBI raid on former President Donald Trump's Florida home seized documents that included medical documents, tax records, material that was potentially protected by attorney-client privilege, and more, show the search was "never about justice or setting up a criminal prosecution," Rep. Guy Reschenthaler, R-Pa., told Newsmax.

"Remember, the FBI and DOJ said they were going after classified information and classified material?" Reschenthaler told Tuesday's "National Report." "Why, then, did they seize medical records, tax documents, gifts that were given? Why did they seize articles of clothing?"

In her order granting Trump's request for a special master to oversee the examination of the documents seized, U.S. District Court Judge Aileen Cannon, who was nominated by Trump in 2020, wrote that some 500 personal pages, not government documents, The Federalist reported.

Reschenthaler said he applauds Cannon's decision, but also said he hopes a special master is not appointed that becomes a "political activist."

The search, he added, was a "fishing expedition" that was "politically motivated to tarnish the likely rival in 2024 of the current sitting president."

It was also essential to stop the FBI and DOJ from reviewing the documents, Reschenthaler added, because "what would very likely have happened from the top echelon of the DOJ and the FBI is they would selectively leak information" containing executive or attorney-client privilege.

He also said he does not think Trump will be prosecuted, but still, a "bunch of leaks" will happen, and "dirty laundry will be aired, which is completely inappropriate."

"There's precedent for this because we saw the [Robert] Mueller report do that as well," Reschenthaler said.

He also reacted to the competing speeches given in his state by Trump and President Joe Biden last week.

"Looking at President Biden's remarks, they were completely inappropriate, not only the image of the blood red Soviet-like background, that authoritarian state background that is totally inappropriate for an American president, but also the content of that speech, calling out over half the American population that voted for President Trump in the last election," Reschenthaler said.

But while Biden characterized Trump supporters as extremists, it is Biden and Democrats who are acting extreme, he added.

"They're just deflecting from what a horrible record they have," he said. "As far as President Trump's remarks, I think he sounded much more presidential than Biden."


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Biden admin. doubles down on attacks against MAGA GOP

A woman speaking at a podium with a blurred man in the background wearing a mask, both standing in front of flags, as she addresses recent MAGA GOP attacks.

President Joe Biden listens as Vice President Kamala Harris speaks after meeting with leaders from Georgia's Asian-American and Pacific Islander community, Friday, March 19, 2021, at Emory University in Atlanta. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

President Joe Biden listens as Vice President Kamala Harris speaks after meeting with leaders from Georgia’s Asian-American and Pacific Islander community, Friday, March 19, 2021, at Emory University in Atlanta. (AP Photo/Patrick Semansky)

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 7:23 AM PT – Tuesday, September 6, 2022

The Biden administration has continued its crusade against the MAGA movement. The President appears to keep choosing divisiveness as he rails against Trump supporters.

While speaking at a rally on Monday, Biden accused the MAGA movement of being anti-Semitic, comparing them to the Ku Klux Klan and Nazis. His remarks came in spite of him running on a campaign of being a “great unifier,” but has recently proved otherwise by calling America First Republicans semi-fascist and a threat to democracy.

“But then we moved to this place where all of a sudden, the reason that made me run I decided was when you saw those people come out of the fields down in Virginia carrying torches, literally coming out of the fields, carrying torches with swastikas, chanting the same anti-Semitic bylaws chanted in literally the same anti-Semitic bile, chanted in Germany in the thirties by the Ku Klux Klan,” Biden stated. “And the guy that I beat in this last election, and when they asked what he thought, he said there were really fine people on both sides. This is something really wrong. Something is changing. “

Meanwhile, in the city of Boston, Vice President Kamala Harris voiced her frustration at Republican states trying to maintain the integrity of their elections. These include measures that ban the use of ballot drop boxes and requiring voters to show some form of identification.

“We travel to do the work of reminding folks that when they stood in those lines for four hours, when they had to find childcare to drop off their ballot, when they navigated the obstacles that certain states are putting up for them to have access to the vote, when they put in their order in 2020 for what they wanted,” Harris noted. “We gave them most of what they asked for, but we need to see it through.”

However, Biden maintained that not all Republicans supported the America First agenda, referring to lawmakers such as Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) who have been labeled as RINOs by 45th President Donald Trump.

“I want to be very clear up front, not every Republican is MAGA Republican,” Biden stated. “Not every Republican embraces that extreme ideology. I know because I’ve been able to work with mainstream Republicans in my whole career, but the extreme MAGA Republicans in Congress have chosen to go backwards. Full of anger, violence, hate and division. But together, we can and we must choose a different path forward.”

In the meantime, a red wave is expected to hit in this year’s midterm elections with many Trump-endorsed candidates competing to take control of Congress.

MORE NEWS: Rep. Greene: Left Has Agenda To ‘Sexualize’ Children

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Poll: 64% of Americans expect a rise in political violence

An older man in a dark suit and tie speaks passionately at a podium with the presidential seal, in front of a dimly lit audience with spotlights highlighting red banners. This gathering is of Americans who

President Joe Biden speaks outside Independence Hall, Thursday, Sept. 1, 2022, in Philadelphia. (AP Photo/Matt Slocum)

President Joe Biden speaks outside Independence Hall, Thursday, Sept. 1, 2022, in Philadelphia. (AP Photo/Matt Slocum)

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 7:03 AM PT – Tuesday, September 6, 2022

A growing number of Americans are worried about mounting threats of political violence. A new poll by CBS News and YouGov found 64 percent of respondents believe America will see further rise in political violence in coming years. This compared to just 51 percent who expected an increase in political violence in January 2021.

The Biden administration is now under fire for labeling Donald Trump supporters as “dangerous extremists,” which critics say fuels more political division. Republicans are asserting that Biden should work to solve the crises he created, instead of pitting Americans against one another.

“I was stunned at how divisive this speech was last night,” said Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin (R) in regards to President Biden’s recent primetime address. “And at a time where people across America, I know in Virginia, are worried about some of the most basic issues: rising inflation and trying to make ends meet, crime and oh by the way education challenges. And it’s a time when, in fact, we’ve gotta focus on these issues and our President jumped out and was incredibly divisive, trying to pit Americans against one another.”

The poll also found only 10 percent of Americans expect political violence to subside moving forward.

MORE NEWS: Kari Lake Responds To Biden’s Dark Speech, Torches Him For Dividing The Country

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Rep. Troy Nehls to Newsmax: Special Master a ‘Step in Right Direction’

Rep. Troy Nehls to Newsmax: Special Master a 'Step in Right Direction' (Newsmax/"National Report")

By Sandy Fitzgerald | Tuesday, 06 September 2022 01:03 PM EDT

It was important to grant an independent review of the documents seized in the Aug. 8 FBI raid of former President Donald Trump's home, considering the Department of Justice and the FBI have been "going after" him for years, Rep. Troy Nehls, R-Texas, told Newsmax.

"They're going after him again," Nehls told Tuesday's "National Report." "Think about it: He's been out of office 20 months and the DOJ and the FBI are still attempting to destroy this guy."

Nehls does not think the American people and Trump supporters can trust federal law enforcement as a result of the investigations against the former president being "filled with lies."

"They're going after him again, so I think this special master is a step in the right direction and maybe can give the American people a little bit of hope and confidence," the congressman said. "And we've got to get rid of this two-tier justice system."

Meanwhile, President Joe Biden's "angry" speech last week at Independence Hall, during which he slammed "MAGA" Republicans, was a move to motivate the Democratic Party base because "he knows it's not looking good for his party in the midterms," Nehls said.

"It's not looking good for Joe to get reelected and everything is about Donald Trump," he added. "It's interesting the Democrats don't talk about anybody in the Republican Party, other than Donald Trump."

Biden knows if Trump runs again in 2024, he will be the nominee, Nehls continued.

"Joe understands he won't beat him in a fair election in 2024," Nehls said. "He's trying to destroy him, and he's getting the DOJ and FBI to help him."

In other matters, Nehls on Monday discussed the ongoing immigration crisis, including the news this weekend that nine migrants died while trying to cross the Rio Grande River.

"It's sad to think that many of them lost their lives attempting to come here, but that's what you get when you have a president of the United States inviting people from across the globe to enter our country," Nehls said. "People are dying, swimming trying to get across."

But then there are tens of thousands of Americans dying from fentanyl overdoses because the border is not secure, Nehls lamented.

"This crisis was started by Joe Biden and his administration," Nehls said.

Texas GOP Gov. Greg Abbott has come under attack from the mayors of New York, Chicago, and Washington, D.C., for sending immigrants by bus to the sanctuary cities, but Nehls said he does not think enough buses are being sent.

"We have 10,000 coming through our southern border here in the great state of Texas every day," said Nehls, adding he would be willing to sponsor some of the costs to keep sending more migrants north.


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Rep. Troy Nehls to Newsmax: Special Master a ‘Step in Right Direction’

Rep. Troy Nehls to Newsmax: Special Master a 'Step in Right Direction' (Newsmax/"National Report")

By Sandy Fitzgerald | Tuesday, 06 September 2022 01:03 PM EDT

It was important to grant an independent review of the documents seized in the Aug. 8 FBI raid of former President Donald Trump's home, considering the Department of Justice and the FBI have been "going after" him for years, Rep. Troy Nehls, R-Texas, told Newsmax.

"They're going after him again," Nehls told Tuesday's "National Report." "Think about it: He's been out of office 20 months and the DOJ and the FBI are still attempting to destroy this guy."

Nehls does not think the American people and Trump supporters can trust federal law enforcement as a result of the investigations against the former president being "filled with lies."

"They're going after him again, so I think this special master is a step in the right direction and maybe can give the American people a little bit of hope and confidence," the congressman said. "And we've got to get rid of this two-tier justice system."

Meanwhile, President Joe Biden's "angry" speech last week at Independence Hall, during which he slammed "MAGA" Republicans, was a move to motivate the Democratic Party base because "he knows it's not looking good for his party in the midterms," Nehls said.

"It's not looking good for Joe to get reelected and everything is about Donald Trump," he added. "It's interesting the Democrats don't talk about anybody in the Republican Party, other than Donald Trump."

Biden knows if Trump runs again in 2024, he will be the nominee, Nehls continued.

"Joe understands he won't beat him in a fair election in 2024," Nehls said. "He's trying to destroy him, and he's getting the DOJ and FBI to help him."

In other matters, Nehls on Monday discussed the ongoing immigration crisis, including the news this weekend that nine migrants died while trying to cross the Rio Grande River.

"It's sad to think that many of them lost their lives attempting to come here, but that's what you get when you have a president of the United States inviting people from across the globe to enter our country," Nehls said. "People are dying, swimming trying to get across."

But then there are tens of thousands of Americans dying from fentanyl overdoses because the border is not secure, Nehls lamented.

"This crisis was started by Joe Biden and his administration," Nehls said.

Texas GOP Gov. Greg Abbott has come under attack from the mayors of New York, Chicago, and Washington, D.C., for sending immigrants by bus to the sanctuary cities, but Nehls said he does not think enough buses are being sent.

"We have 10,000 coming through our southern border here in the great state of Texas every day," said Nehls, adding he would be willing to sponsor some of the costs to keep sending more migrants north.


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Trump: ‘Latest Witch Hunt’ Against Me ‘Will Fail Miserably’ Like Others

Trump: 'Latest Witch Hunt' Against Me 'Will Fail Miserably' Like Others donald trump campaign sign (Getty Images)

By Eric Mack | Tuesday, 06 September 2022 12:39 PM EDT

Former President Donald Trump said Tuesday the latest witch hunt and the weaponizing law enforcement against him is going to "fail miserably" like the rest.

"The fake news mainstream media, Democrats, and RINOs are obsessed with pushing the latest witch hunt against me," Trump wrote in a Save America PAC statement posted to Truth Social, blasting the attacks from anti-Trump members of his own political party as Republicans in name only (RINOs).

"All American Patriots know that I always do everything 'by the book' and that this hoax will fail miserably just like the Russia, Russia, Russia scam, Impeachment Hoax #1, Impeachment Hoax #2, and all other attempts, perpetrated by the same people, to weaponize law enforcement against the 45th president, me."

Trump's statement ended with a familiar, and now iconic, refrain: "We have to rescue our great country. Make America great again!"

Those remarks echo a post from Sunday night, where Trump wrote the search for a crime to get the former president on ultimately ends on the finding of no wrongdoing.

"So much talk, back and forth, including from my many patriotic 'defenders & supporters,' about our federal government working every seldom (or never used) rule and regulation in order to get and destroy, at any cost, President Donald J. Trump," Trump wrote on Truth Social.

"Same concepts, anger and radical left maniacs and RINOs who have been working the system of hoaxes and scams ever since I came down the 'golden escalator' in Trump Tower seven years ago.

"They also have the same problem, however — I DID NOTHING WRONG!!!"

Also, Monday night Trump noted the FBI and Justice Department have been meddling in elections since those agencies from the Obama-era attempted to smear Trump's candidacy in the 2016 presidential election.

"Now that the FBI and DOJ have been caught in a massive and determinative election rigging scam, are they going to change the results of the 2020 presidential election? They should!!!" Trump wrote in a Truth Social post.

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COS Trafalgar Poll: Biden Speech an Escalation, Majority Says

COS Trafalgar Poll: Biden Speech an Escalation, Majority Says president joe biden and first lady jill biden walking before thursday's speech.

President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden emerge from Independence Hall in Philadelphia before Thursday's speech. (Getty Images)

By Peter Malbin | Tuesday, 06 September 2022 12:17 PM EDT

President Joe Biden's speech in Philadelphia on Thursday in which he lambasted MAGA Americans dozens of times as undemocratic and extreme has stirred such controversy that 56.8% of voters now think it represents a dangerous escalation in rhetoric and designed to incite conflict among Americans.

While voters are split along political party lines in response to the speech, 62.4% of Independent voters agreed with the majority that the speech stepped up the inflammatory rhetoric and would incite conflict among Americans.

A minority (35.5%) of American voters believe Biden's address was "acceptable" campaign messaging that is to be expected in an election year, and only 7.7% were unsure.

These are some of the results of a national survey of voters taken after the speech by Convention of States Action, in partnership with The Trafalgar Group.

The survey found that among Republican voters, 89.1% believe the speech was dangerous rhetoric designed to incite conflict among Americans, but only 18.7% of Democrats think that. In addition, 70.8% of Democrats believe his speech was acceptable campaign messaging.

In Philadelphia, the president described the upcoming elections as a battle for the soul of the nation, NPR noted. He was flanked by uniformed Marines.

He went on to accuse so-called "MAGA Republicans," a reference to former president Donald Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan, of refusing to recognize free and fair elections, increasingly talking about violence in response to actions they don't like, and of being determined to thwart "the will of the people."

"There's no question that the Republican Party today is dominated, driven and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans. And that is a threat to this country," Biden said. "Too much of what's happening in our country today is not normal. Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.

"For a long time, we've reassured ourselves that American democracy is guaranteed. But it is not. We have to defend it. Protect it. Stand up for it. Each and every one of us."

In response, Trump called the address "the most vicious, hateful and divisive speech ever delivered by an American president."

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), tweeted: "With all due respect Mr. President, there's nothing wrong with America's soul. The American people are hurting because of your policies."

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) said Biden "attacked" Republicans "to distract from the fact his economic agenda caused inflation to reach a historic 40-year high and sent our economy into a recession."

Mark Meckler, president of the Convention of States, said: "When voters tell you they think that the prepared remarks of a sitting President of the United States is a dangerous escalation and was designed to incite conflict, we are living in terrifying times. Perhaps even more terrifying is the fact that a huge majority of Democrats think this was just a routine, election year stump speech."

Results of the poll conducted by Convention of States Action were from surveys conducted Sept. 2- 5 of over 1,000 likely 2022 election voters.

Convention of States Action states that it has a grassroots network of more than 5 million supporters and volunteers. Its mission is "to restore a culture of self-governance in America and to curtail federal overreach."

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Deal Partner for Trump’s Truth Social Fails to Get Backing for SPAC Extension: Sources

Deal Partner for Trump's Truth Social Fails to Get Backing for SPAC Extension: Sources Deal Partner for Trump's Truth Social Fails to Get Backing for SPAC Extension: Sources (KIRILL KUDRYAVTSEV/AFP via Getty Images)

Svea Herbst-Bayliss Tuesday, 06 September 2022 12:14 PM EDT

The blank-check acquisition firm that agreed to merge with former President Donald Trump's social media company failed to secure enough shareholder support for a one-year extension to complete the deal, people familiar with the matter said.

At stake is a $1.3 billion cash infusion that Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG), which operates the former U.S. president's Truth Social app, stands to receive from Digital World Acquisition Corp., the special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) that inked a deal last October to take TMTG public.

The transaction has been on ice amid civil and criminal probes into the circumstances around the deal. Digital World had been hoping that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which is reviewing its disclosures on the deal, would have given its blessing by now for the transaction to proceed.

Most of Digital World's shareholders are individual investors and getting them to vote through their brokers has been challenging, Digital World Chief Executive Patrick Orlando said last week.

Digital World needs 65% of its shareholders to vote in favor of the proposal to extend its life by 12 months for the move to become effective. By Monday evening, far fewer Digital World shareholders than those required had voted in favor, the sources said.

The outcome of the vote is set to be announced at a special meeting of Digital World shareholders on Tuesday. Digital World executives do not believe they will be able to muster enough shareholder support in time and have started to consider alternative options, according to the sources.

The sources who spoke Monday requested anonymity because the vote tally figures have not been publicly announced. Representatives for Digital World and TMTG did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

One option being considered by Digital World is to postpone the vote deadline in a final bid to boost more shareholder support, the sources said. Without further action, the SPAC is set to liquidate on Thursday and return the money it raised in its September 2021 initial public offering.

Were Digital World to fail in its bid to get its shareholders to back the one-year extension, its management has the right to extend its life without shareholder approval by up to six months. It is unclear whether Digital World will pursue this option and if it would provide enough time for regulators to reach a conclusion on whether to allow the deal to proceed.

Digital World has disclosed that the SEC, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority and federal prosecutors have been investigating the deal with TMTG, though the exact scope of the probes is unclear.

Among the information sought by regulators are Digital World documents on due diligence of potential targets other than TMTG, relationships between Digital World and other entities, meetings of Digital World's board, policies and procedures relating to trading, and the identities of certain investors, Digital World has said.

Were the deal to be completed, TMTG would receive $293 million that Digital World has on hand plus $1 billion committed from a group of investors in the form of a private investment in public equity (PIPE).

The PIPE is scheduled to expire on Sept. 20 unless the deal is completed. Investment bankers for Digital World have been reaching out to investors in the last few weeks to gauge their interest in extending the PIPE, a person familiar with the matter said.

It is unclear how TMTG is getting by without having access to Digital World's funding. It raised $22.6 million through convertible promissory notes last year and an additional $15.4 million through bridge financing in the first quarter of this year. The agreement with Digital World caps the indebtedness that TMTG can assume prior to the deal closing at $50 million.

Digital World has said it believes TMTG will have "sufficient funds" until April 2023. TMTG said last week that Truth Social is "on strong financial footing" and would begin running advertisements soon.

Trump started using Truth Social in April, two months after it launched on Apple's app store. He has more than 4 million followers – a fraction of the 89 million he had on Twitter before he was banned.

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Deal Partner for Trump’s Truth Social Fails to Get Backing for SPAC Extension: Sources

Deal Partner for Trump's Truth Social Fails to Get Backing for SPAC Extension: Sources Deal Partner for Trump's Truth Social Fails to Get Backing for SPAC Extension: Sources (KIRILL KUDRYAVTSEV/AFP via Getty Images)

Svea Herbst-Bayliss Tuesday, 06 September 2022 12:14 PM EDT

The blank-check acquisition firm that agreed to merge with former President Donald Trump's social media company failed to secure enough shareholder support for a one-year extension to complete the deal, people familiar with the matter said.

At stake is a $1.3 billion cash infusion that Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG), which operates the former U.S. president's Truth Social app, stands to receive from Digital World Acquisition Corp., the special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) that inked a deal last October to take TMTG public.

The transaction has been on ice amid civil and criminal probes into the circumstances around the deal. Digital World had been hoping that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which is reviewing its disclosures on the deal, would have given its blessing by now for the transaction to proceed.

Most of Digital World's shareholders are individual investors and getting them to vote through their brokers has been challenging, Digital World Chief Executive Patrick Orlando said last week.

Digital World needs 65% of its shareholders to vote in favor of the proposal to extend its life by 12 months for the move to become effective. By Monday evening, far fewer Digital World shareholders than those required had voted in favor, the sources said.

The outcome of the vote is set to be announced at a special meeting of Digital World shareholders on Tuesday. Digital World executives do not believe they will be able to muster enough shareholder support in time and have started to consider alternative options, according to the sources.

The sources who spoke Monday requested anonymity because the vote tally figures have not been publicly announced. Representatives for Digital World and TMTG did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

One option being considered by Digital World is to postpone the vote deadline in a final bid to boost more shareholder support, the sources said. Without further action, the SPAC is set to liquidate on Thursday and return the money it raised in its September 2021 initial public offering.

Were Digital World to fail in its bid to get its shareholders to back the one-year extension, its management has the right to extend its life without shareholder approval by up to six months. It is unclear whether Digital World will pursue this option and if it would provide enough time for regulators to reach a conclusion on whether to allow the deal to proceed.

Digital World has disclosed that the SEC, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority and federal prosecutors have been investigating the deal with TMTG, though the exact scope of the probes is unclear.

Among the information sought by regulators are Digital World documents on due diligence of potential targets other than TMTG, relationships between Digital World and other entities, meetings of Digital World's board, policies and procedures relating to trading, and the identities of certain investors, Digital World has said.

Were the deal to be completed, TMTG would receive $293 million that Digital World has on hand plus $1 billion committed from a group of investors in the form of a private investment in public equity (PIPE).

The PIPE is scheduled to expire on Sept. 20 unless the deal is completed. Investment bankers for Digital World have been reaching out to investors in the last few weeks to gauge their interest in extending the PIPE, a person familiar with the matter said.

It is unclear how TMTG is getting by without having access to Digital World's funding. It raised $22.6 million through convertible promissory notes last year and an additional $15.4 million through bridge financing in the first quarter of this year. The agreement with Digital World caps the indebtedness that TMTG can assume prior to the deal closing at $50 million.

Digital World has said it believes TMTG will have "sufficient funds" until April 2023. TMTG said last week that Truth Social is "on strong financial footing" and would begin running advertisements soon.

Trump started using Truth Social in April, two months after it launched on Apple's app store. He has more than 4 million followers – a fraction of the 89 million he had on Twitter before he was banned.

Rep. Cline to Newsmax: Special Master ‘Appropriate’ in Trump Raid Investigation

Rep. Cline to Newsmax: Special Master 'Appropriate' in Trump Raid Investigation rep. ben cline speaking at a hearing Rep. Ben Cline, R-Va. (Getty Images)

By Sandy Fitzgerald | Tuesday, 06 September 2022 10:57 AM EDT

It was "appropriate" for a special master to be approved to oversee the examination of the documents seized from former President Donald Trump's home in August, as the Department of Justice and the intelligence community have a "poor track record" of acting in a nonpartisan way where he is concerned, Rep. Ben Cline said on Newsmax on Tuesday.

"It is continually disappointing to watch as our DOJ muddles its way through this terrible procedure of executing the search warrant and collecting all kinds of potentially personal attorney-client privilege-protected information," the Virginia Republican said on Newsmax's "National Report."

Cline added that one needs only look back to the discredited Steele dossier on Trump and at how the investigation conducted by special counsel Robert Mueller operated "to see that they don't have a great track record."

U.S. District Court Judge Aileen Cannon, who approved the demand for a special master in the case, is a 2020 Trump nominee and has come under fire from critics for her decision, but Cline said she should be presumed to be neutral.

"Judges have the presumption of being neutral arbiters," said Cline. "This judge was confirmed by the Senate and is presumed to be neutral in her decision making."

But the liberal media is angry, said Cline, because "they can't put their finger on the scales anymore."

"That the left can't direct the process from the West Wing, as they have done from the beginning of this process, just shows me we're on the right track toward a fair and neutral decision-making process in this case close on this," said Cline.

Meanwhile, many GOP candidates have been endorsed by Trump for the November midterm elections, but Cline said that in his state, several competitive House races are going on and voters have a "crisis in confidence" with Congress being under Democrat control.

"We see inflation with four-year highs," Cline said. "We see crime rising. We see energy prices spiking, and [voters] want balance. They want leadership from their elected officials, and they're not getting it."

With a Republican majority in the House and Senate, however, lawmakers will hold the executive branch accountable for exceeding and abusing its authority, Cline said.

"You're going to see investigations proceed when the Republicans take control," he added.


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