Rep. Donalds to Newsmax: Trump’s Rally Message ‘Right on Cue’

Rep. Donalds to Newsmax: Trump's Rally Message 'Right on Cue' rep. byron donalds speaking at a hearing

Rep. Byron Donalds, R-Fla. (Getty Images)

By Sandy Fitzgerald | Monday, 05 September 2022 11:17 AM EDT

Former President Donald Trump was "absolutely right on cue" in his comments and tone during his rally Saturday in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, and President Joe Biden should take some cues from him about how to give speeches and rallies, Rep. Byron Donalds said on Newsmax on Monday.

"What happened to [Trump] and his family at Mar-a-Lago was a travesty," the Florida Republican said on Newsmax's "National Report." "The fact that the Department of Justice would raid his home when he's not even there, when he's actually in New Jersey at Bedminster, and they decided to go in thinking that there was some brave national security threat, that's an absolute joke."

During Saturday night's rally, Trump called out the FBI as "partisan mobsters" and accused it of abusing power to twice elect a "cognitively impaired" Biden.

Trump also accused the FBI and DOJ of abuse of power with the Mar-a-Lago raid and over the Russian collusion narrative during his 2016 campaign.

Donalds said that when comparing Trump's speech to Biden's dark address Thursday at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, America saw a "great contrast" between the two, as Biden is "completely out of touch and does not know what's happening in this country."

Donalds said Trump "has demonstrated that, actually, America is bright, our best days are ahead of us. The only thing we need to do is get the right leadership in control so the country can take off and flourish once again."

Donalds said it's unfair to conflate what happened on Jan. 6, 2021, at the Capital with the nation's MAGA supporters, but Democrats are doing that because their agenda has "failed Americans in every state in the country.

"Every Republican has condemned Jan. 6," Donalds said. "Nobody has ever wanted to see that happen, and nobody wants to see that going forward, but what they're trying to do is take the actions on Jan. 6 and conflate that with the MAGA agenda to make America great again. And that is simply not true.

"Let's be clear. If you give the Democrats in the Senate, another majority, all they're going to do is continue to pass more wasteful spending. They're going to continue to ignore the southern border. They're going to continue to ignore prime in our streets in our cities. They will continue to indoctrinate children … [they] can't talk about the facts."

There also are Democrats who have "had enough" with Biden, said Donalds.

"Clearly they have a policy issue, and they had an image issue as well with the president," he said.


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From One of His Trusted Aides, Richard Nixon Up Close

From One of His Trusted Aides, Richard Nixon Up Close dwight chapin speaking with the media in 1974 Dwight Chapin, center, speaks with the media outside U.S. district court in Washington on May 16, 1974. (AP)

John Gizzi By John Gizzi Monday, 05 September 2022 11:05 AM EDT Current | Bio | Archive

The burglary at the Watergate Hotel that would evolve into America's best-known political scandal and bring down of a president occurred 50 years ago in June.

Much of the reminiscences in the national media regenerated the big question about Richard Nixon: was he truly a malevolent political scoundrel, or should he be remembered as a visionary and decisive president who, among other things, ended the Vietnam War, made a historic opening to Communist China, saved Israel from the 1973 sneak attack that was the Yom Kippur War, and oversaw the near-complete integration of segregated schools in the South without any incident.

It seems a pretty safe bet to say that, had Watergate not happened, Nixon would be remembered as a near-great president who might well have accomplished much more in a complete second term minus scandal and legal duels.

Dwight Chapin doesn't delve into the speculative "what ifs?," but in his provocative and captivating memoir "The President's Man," the reader gets a revealing look at Nixon from one of his closest aides before and during his presidency.

Now 82 and retired after several eventful decades in the private sector (including playing a major role in bringing television into the digital era), Chapin was once Nixon's "gatekeeper" as candidate and president. Chapin also served several months in prison for something that he has steadfastly maintained was not in any way wrongdoing, but nonetheless caught him up in the fervor over Watergate.

When not even finished with his studies at the University of Southern California, the 21-year-old Chapin worked as an advance man in Nixon's bid for governor of California in 1962 — a race everyone (including the candidate) except for the fledgling campaigner Chapin sensed he would lose.

After a few years with the J. Walter Thompson advertising agency, Chapin was brought back to the Nixon orbit by his boss and mentor Bob Haldeman, who would become Nixon's White House Chief of Staff in his first term.

As traveling aide and advance man for candidate Nixon in his race for the presidency in 1967-68 and later appointments secretary in the White House, Chapin determined who saw and didn't see the boss. He also had considerable time with and lessons from the master politician.

Like Pat Buchanan and just about anyone else in the Nixon high command in 1968, Chapin dismisses the long-held view of the liberal press that the Republican nominee somehow torpedoed the chances of an early negotiated settlement of the Vietnam War by sending Republican fundraiser Anna Chennault to tell the South Vietnamese government they would get a better deal with Nixon as president than with Democratic nominee and Vice President Hubert Humphrey.

"Chances are if Nixon had been working secretly with Anna Chennault, I would have heard bits of the larger puzzle," Chapin writes. "I didn't. Not a word."

He also notes that presidential chronicler Theodore White and Humphrey in his memoirs dismiss any idea of Nixon's involvement in any such intrigue.

Chapin does, however, point out that when Humphrey broke with lame duck President Lyndon Johnson in October 1968 and said he would support a bombing halt in North Vietnam, Nixon called LBJ to say "[I]t's not my intent to move in that direction" and that he supported the president's Vietnam policy.

Although Johnson did finally halt the bombing days before the election, "he obviously appreciated Nixon's call" and, as Humphrey's close friend Sen. Walter Mondale, D.-Minn., later said, "LBJ was not as active as he should have been" campaigning for his vice president.

As president, Nixon was frustrated in trying to end what was becoming America's longest and most divisive war. This was due in large part, the author believes, to the Communist North Vietnamese being buoyed by reports of large anti-war protests throughout the U.S. and a resultant sense the American public had lost confidence in its leaders.

A possible early sign that might have convinced North Vietnam that Nixon meant business would have been a brass-knuckled response to North Korea when its Mig-21 fighter jets shot down an unarmed Navy spy plane over the Sea of Japan and left 31 Americans dead.

While National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger and others advised the president hit back hard, Nixon did not want to risk starting a new war while he was trying to finish an old one. He did nothing.

Years later, notes the author, Nixon would say not bombing North Korea "was the biggest mistake of his presidency because, early on, it demonstrated a weak response to an unjustified provocation and sent a wrong signal."

Chapin devotes considerable detail to the events and his own advance work leading up to Nixon's historic visit to China in 1972, something in which the 37th president had believed years before he assumed the office.

In recalling his time in Beijing, Chapin vividly brings to life the cordial relationship he developed with Mao's right-hand man Zhou En-Lai over some hard-to-digest Chinese delicacies and how when First Lady Pat Nixon told Zhou she loved his brand of cigarettes known as Pandas, the Chinese premier graciously responded: "I'll give you some" — meaning he would send the first Chinese panda bears to the National Zoo in Washington.

"And that's how history gets made," writes Chapin.

Curiously absent from his account of Nixon's accomplishments is any significant mention of his domestic agenda. The Republican president quite often irked his supporters on the right, including his own aide Buchanan, by pushing an stronger government hand in domestic policy, including the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the punitively anti-business Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

Conservatives helped defeat Nixon's Family Assistance Plan (FAP) to provide greater federal assistance to welfare recipients and loathed price controls and total removal from the gold standard.

Chapin argues that, as the book Silent Coup concluded, the Joint Chiefs of Staff were conducting a spying operation in the White House (fearing that the political elite were undermining the military) and that the principal conduit for inside information was Kissinger's deputy, then-Col. Alexander Haig.

Haig, who succeeded Haldeman as chief of staff, smoothed the way for Nixon's resignation and exodus from office in 1974.

Without Haig and White House Counsel John Dean, whose duplicity toward his president and colleagues are vividly delineated, Chapin believes Nixon might well have ridden out Watergate and completed his term.

Chapin had nothing to do with either the Watergate break-in or the resulting developments that brought down so many in the Nixon Administration. However, he fell hard, going from overseeing visitors to the Oval Office and dining with Zhou En-Lai to serving eight months in the federal corrections center at Lompoc, California.

His crime? Making "false statements" regarding his suggestion that the Nixon reelection campaign hire old college chum Donald Segretti to play pranks on possible Democratic opponents not unlike those played on Nixon by Democratic prankster Dick Tuck.

Chapin never blames Nixon for his own downfall and punishment for something he never considered as wrongdoing. Rather, he speaks with great pride of his time with his old boss and what he learned from him, among other things, Nixon's admonition that "as you go through life, just always remember the key thing is keeping your learning curve vertical."

At a time when most of Nixon's friends and political associates are gone, Chapin's recollections, opinions, and lessons from an important figure in history are worth reading and learning.

John Gizzi is chief political columnist and White House correspondent for Newsmax. For more of his reports, Go Here Now.

Original Article

From One of His Trusted Aides, Richard Nixon Up Close

From One of His Trusted Aides, Richard Nixon Up Close dwight chapin speaking with the media in 1974 Dwight Chapin, center, speaks with the media outside U.S. district court in Washington on May 16, 1974. (AP)

John Gizzi By John Gizzi Monday, 05 September 2022 09:55 AM EDT Current | Bio | Archive

The burglary at the Watergate Hotel that would evolve into America's best-known political scandal and bring down a president occurred 50 years ago in June.

Much of the reminiscences in the national media regenerated the big question about Richard Nixon: was he truly a malevolent political scoundrel, or should he be remembered as a visionary and decisive president who, among other things, ended the Vietnam War, made a historic opening to Communist China, saved Israel from the 1973 sneak attack that was the Yom Kippur War, and oversaw the near-complete integration of segregated schools in the South without any incident.

It seems a pretty safe bet to say that, had Watergate not happened, Nixon would be remembered as a near-great president who might well have accomplished much more in a complete second term minus scandal and legal duels.

Dwight Chapin doesn't delve into the speculative "what ifs?," but in his provocative and captivating memoir "The President's Man," the reader gets a revealing look at Nixon from one of his closest aides before and during his presidency.

Now 82 and retired after several eventful decades in the private sector (including playing a major role in bringing television into the digital era), Chapin was once Nixon's "gatekeeper" as candidate and president. Chapin also served several months in prison for something that he has steadfastly maintained was not in any way wrongdoing, but nonetheless caught him up in the fervor over Watergate.

When not even finished with his studies at the University of Southern California, the 21-year-old Chapin worked as an advance man in Nixon's bid for governor of California in 1962 — a race everyone (including the candidate) except for the fledgling campaigner Chapin sensed he would lose.

After a few years with the J. Walter Thompson advertising agency, Chapin was brought back to the Nixon orbit by his boss and mentor Bob Haldeman, who would become Nixon's White House Chief of Staff in his first term.

As traveling aide and advance man for candidate Nixon in his race for the presidency in 1967-68 and later appointments secretary in the White House, Chapin determined who saw and didn't see the boss. He also had considerable time with and lessons from the master politician.

Like Pat Buchanan and just about anyone else in the Nixon high command in 1968, Chapin dismisses the long-held view of the liberal press that the Republican nominee somehow torpedoed the chances of an early negotiated settlement of the Vietnam War by sending Republican fund-raiser Anna Chennault to tell the South Vietnamese government they would get a better deal with Nixon as president than with Democratic nominee and Vice President Hubert Humphrey.

"Chances are if Nixon had been working secretly with Anna Chennault, I would have heard bits of the larger puzzle," Chapin writes. "I didn't. Not a word."

He also notes that presidential chronicler Theodore White and Humphrey in his memoirs dismiss any idea of Nixon's involvement in any such intrigue.

Chapin does, however, point out that when Humphrey broke with lame duck President Lyndon Johnson in October 1968 and said he would support a bombing halt in North Vietnam, Nixon called LBJ to say "[I]t's not my intent to move in that direction" and that he supported the president's Vietnam policy.

Although Johnson did finally halt the bombing days before the election, "he obviously appreciated Nixon's call" and, as Humphrey's close friend Sen. Walter Mondale, D.-Minn., later said, "LBJ was not as active as he should have been" campaigning for his vice president.

As president, Nixon was frustrated in trying to end what was becoming America's longest and most divisive war. This was due in large part, the author believes, to the Communist North Vietnamese being buoyed by reports of large anti-war protests throughout the U.S. and a resultant sense the American public had lost confidence in its leaders.

A possible early sign that might have convinced North Vietnam that Nixon meant business would have been a brass-knuckled response to North Korea when its Mig-21 fighter jets shot down an unarmed Navy spy plane over the Sea of Japan and left 31 Americans dead.

While National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger and others advised the president hit back hard, Nixon did not want to risk starting a new war while he was trying to finish an old one. He did nothing.

Years later, notes the author, Nixon would say not bombing North Korea "was the biggest mistake of his presidency because, early on, it demonstrated a weak response to an unjustified provocation and sent a wrong signal."

Chapin devotes considerable detail to the events and his own advance work leading up to Nixon's historic visit to China in 1972, something in which the 37th president had believed years before he assumed the office.

In recalling his time in Beijing, Chapin vividly brings to life the cordial relationship he developed with Mao's right-hand man Chou En-Lai over some hard-to-digest Chinese delicacies and how when First Lady Pat Nixon told Chou she loved his brand of cigarettes known as Pandas, the Chinese premier graciously responded: "I'll give you some" — meaning he would send the first Chinese panda bears to the National Zoo in Washington.

"And that's how history gets made," writes Chapin.

Curiously absent from his account of Nixon's accomplishments is any significant mention of his domestic agenda. The Republican president quite often irked his supporters on the right, including his own aide Buchanan, by pushing an stronger government hand in domestic policy, including the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the punitively anti-business Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

Conservatives helped defeat Nixon's Family Assistance Plan (FAP) to provide greater federal assistance to welfare recipients and loathed price controls and total removal from the gold standard.

Chapin argues that, as the book Silent Coup concluded, the Joint Chiefs of Staff were conducting a spying operation in the White House (fearing that the political elite were undermining the military) and that the principal conduit for inside information was Kissinger's deputy, then-Col. Alexander Haig.

Haig, who succeeded Haldeman as chief of staff, smoothed the way for Nixon's resignation and exodus from office in 1974.

Without Haig and White House Counsel John Dean, whose duplicity toward his president and colleagues are vividly delineated, Chapin believes Nixon might well have ridden out Watergate and completed his term.

Chapin had nothing to do with either the Watergate break-in or the resulting developments that brought down so many in the Nixon Administration. However, he fell hard, going from overseeing visitors to the Oval Office and dining with Chou En-Lai to serving eight months in the federal corrections center at Lompoc, California.

His crime? Making "false statements" regarding his suggestion that the Nixon re-election campaign hire old college chum Donald Segretti to play pranks on possible Democratic opponents not unlike those played on Nixon by Democratic prankster Dick Tuck.

Chapin never blames Nixon for his own downfall and punishment for something he never considered as wrongdoing. Rather, he speaks with great pride of his time with his old boss and what he learned from him, among other things, Nixon's admonition that "as you go through life, just always remember the key thing is keeping your learning curve vertical."

At a time when most of Nixon's friends and political associates are gone, Chapin's recollections, opinions, and lessons from an important figure in history are worth reading and learning.

John Gizzi is chief political columnist and White House correspondent for Newsmax. For more of his reports, Go Here Now.

Original Article

Trump Helps Zeldin Net $1.5M for NY Gubernatorial Bid

Trump Helps Zeldin Net $1.5M for NY Gubernatorial Bid lee zeldin speaks at his election night party New York GOP Candidate for Governor Rep. Lee Zeldin speaks during his election night party at the Coral House in Baldwin, New York, on June 28. (Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images)

By Sandy Fitzgerald | Monday, 05 September 2022 08:26 AM EDT

Rep. Lee Zeldin's campaign for governor of New York got a $1.5 million boost Sunday night from an appearance by former President Donald Trump at a New Jersey fundraiser Sunday afternoon.

According to audio from the event obtained by the New York Post, Trump both touted his administration's event while praising Zeldin, who represents New York's 1st Congressional District and is campaigning against incumbent Gov. Kathy Hochul.

Zeldin, Trump said, helped him survive "impeachment hoax number one and impeachment hoax number two and a lot of scams … I had these maniacs against me. He was one of those great voices."

Zeldin likewise praised Trump, commenting that "there are people you meet in politics who you refer to as friends. They're the people who show up the day after you win. They tell you they were there the whole time. I'm pretty sure they weren't. But then they are our friends."

He also noted that Trump has "strong supporters – people who believe in him, people who believe that his policies are right for America and that his policies still to this day are right for America."

The event was held at the Long Branch, New Jersey home of the Chera family, which is tied to the St. Regis New York Hotel. The Asbury Park Press reports that the former president has held two fundraisers for his presidential campaigns in 2016 and 2020 at the home.

The estate had belonged to late New York real estate tycoon Stanley Chera, who had been a prominent member of the Sephardic Syrian Jewish community and a friend of Trump's. He died of COVID in April 2020, The Press reports.

Attendance for the fundraiser was $1,000 per person, with a VIP reception priced at $5,000; a photo opportunity at $25,000; and being designated as an "event chair" costing $100,000, according to an invitation to the event.

Zeldin is still facing a huge fundraising gap in the governor's race against Hochul, who is arguing that his support for Trump means he is too extreme to serve, reports The Post.

"Zeldin is desperately looking for cash and a path forward by doubling down on his allegiance to the far-right MAGA agenda," her campaign said in a recent press release.

Sunday's fundraising tally appears to be giving Hochul more ammunition in her arguments against Zeldin and his connections with the former president.

"Zeldin will do and say whatever it takes to appeal to the far-right, even if it means raising money alongside the disgraced former president," her campaign spokesman, Jerrell Harvey, said in a statement Sunday night. "His blind loyalty to Trump is too dangerous for New York."

According to campaign filings from July, Hochul's campaign had $11.7 million on hand, in comparison to $1.6 million for Zeldin. Trump did not endorse the congressman before his primary win in June.

Zeldin insists, though, that he can still become New York's first GOP governor since George Pataki's election in 2002.

"The prediction was that George Pataki was going to lose by 11.5 points, and that wasn't on Labor Day weekend," Zeldin said Sunday. "That was the week before the election. And George Pataki just days later went on to make history. We elected a Republican governor."

In addition to being ahead by fundraising, Hochul is leading in polls in the heavily Democrat State.

According to a Siena College Poll in August, Hochul was ahead by 14 percentage points. The same poll showed that 63% of respondents had an unfavorable view of Trump.

However, a new Trafalgar Group poll shows the gap may be closing between the candidates, with Zeldin being just percentage points outside the margin of error and Hochul holding a lead of 4.4 points.

Original Article

Midterms in Mind, Biden to Speak at Labor Day Events in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania

Midterms in Mind, Biden to Speak at Labor Day Events in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania joe biden speaks at an event U.S. President Joe Biden delivers remarks during an event in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 2. (Win McNamee/Getty)

Steve Holland Monday, 05 September 2022 06:51 AM EDT

President Joe Biden will champion unions on Monday in Labor Day visits to Wisconsin and Pennsylvania as he tries to ensure Democrats beat the odds and maintain control of the U.S. Congress in Nov. 8 midterm elections.

Biden will address union workers at the Laborfest event Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and members of the United Steelworkers of America in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It will be his third visit in a week to Pennsylvania.

The stops will provide Biden with a chance to hone his message on organized labor and urge workers to stay loyal to the Democratic Party, in two states that have races critical to the midterms.

In Wisconsin, Democrats are trying to re-elect Democratic Gov. Tony Evers and help the state's Democrat lieutenant governor, Mandela Barnes, oust Republican Sen. Ron Johnson.

In Pennsylvania, Democrats are optimistic that the party's candidate for Senate, John Fetterman, will defeat the Republican, Dr. Mehmet Oz.

Republicans are favored to win control of the House of Representatives in November and perhaps even the Senate. The opposition party usually gains seats in the first elections after a new president takes over.

But Biden and his team are hopeful that a string of recent legislative successes, and voters' outrage at the Supreme Court's overturning of the 1973 ruling that recognized women's constitutional right to abortion, will generate strong turnout among Democrats.

As a result, some pundits see a path for Democrats to hang on to both houses of Congress. Biden in recent weeks has intensified his attack on former President Donald Trump and his far-right loyalists to try to drive up strong Democratic turnout and appeal to mainstream Republicans.

Unions have been increasing in popularity in recent years. A Gallup poll released last week found that 71% of Americans now approve of labor unions, the highest Gallup has recorded on this measure since 1965.

Original Article

Midterms in Mind, Biden to Speak at Labor Day Events in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania

Midterms in Mind, Biden to Speak at Labor Day Events in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania joe biden speaks at an event President Joe Biden delivers remarks during an event in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 2. (Win McNamee/Getty Images)

Steve Holland Monday, 05 September 2022 06:51 AM EDT

President Joe Biden will champion unions on Monday in Labor Day visits to Wisconsin and Pennsylvania as he tries to ensure Democrats beat the odds and maintain control of the U.S. Congress in Nov. 8 midterm elections.

Biden will address union workers at the Laborfest event Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and members of the United Steelworkers of America in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It will be his third visit in a week to Pennsylvania.

The stops will provide Biden with a chance to hone his message on organized labor and urge workers to stay loyal to the Democratic Party, in two states that have races critical to the midterms.

In Wisconsin, Democrats are trying to reelect Democrat Gov. Tony Evers and help the state's Democrat lieutenant governor, Mandela Barnes, oust Republican Sen. Ron Johnson.

In Pennsylvania, Democrats are optimistic that the party's candidate for Senate, John Fetterman, will defeat the Republican, Dr. Mehmet Oz.

Republicans are favored to win control of the House of Representatives in November and perhaps even the Senate. The opposition party usually gains seats in the first elections after a new president takes over.

But Biden and his team are hopeful that a string of recent legislative successes, and voters' outrage at the Supreme Court's overturning of the 1973 ruling that recognized women's constitutional right to abortion, will generate strong turnout among Democrats.

As a result, some pundits see a path for Democrats to hang on to both houses of Congress. Biden in recent weeks has intensified his attack on former President Donald Trump and his far-right loyalists to try to drive up strong Democratic turnout and appeal to mainstream Republicans.

Unions have been increasing in popularity in recent years. A Gallup poll released last week found that 71% of Americans now approve of labor unions, the highest Gallup has recorded on this measure since 1965.

Original Article

45th Pres. Trump holds rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pa.

Former President Donald Trump speaks at a rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Saturday, Sept. 3, 2022. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

Former President Donald Trump speaks at a rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Saturday, Sept. 3, 2022. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 4:48 PM PT – Sunday, September 4, 2022

The 45th President of the United States has held his first rally after his private residence was raided by Joe Biden’s FBI. On Saturday in Wilkes-Barre, Donald J. Trump laid out to Pennsylvanians just how high the stakes are in November.

“This election is a referendum on skyrocketing inflation, rampant crime, soaring murders, crushing gas prices, millions and millions of illegal aliens pouring across our border, race and gender indoctrination perverting our schools, and above all this election is a referendum on the corruption and extremism of Joe Biden and the radical Democrat Party,” Trump stated to a roaring crowd.

Donald Trump then proceeded to slam Joe Biden for visiting Philadelphia, where he declared that half of the voters in the Country are anti-American extremists. In a direct rebuke to Biden’s rhetoric, Trump said MAGA Republicans are not the threat to democracy but rather that they are the people who are trying to save it. He slammed the Democrats by saying they are the pre-eminent threat to democracy. Trump said the raid on his private residence in Florida put the US in third world nation territory.

“On a phony pretext, getting permission from a highly political magistrate, who they handpicked late in the evening just days before the break in and trampled upon my rights and civil liberties as if our Country that we love so much were a 3rd world nation,” the Republican said.

The 45th President held nothing back when telling the American people the real reason why Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) January’ sixth committee and why Fani Willis’s (D-Ga.) grand jury are allowed to continue. The media didn’t escape the President’s scorn either. Trump implicated them in the destruction of everything that made America great in the first place.

“But this battle is not about me,” Trump confessed. “This is a struggle for the very fate of our republic. Our movement is fighting against a corrupt group of unelected tyrants who believe they can wield absolute power over you with the help of a willing and very corrupt media.”

According to Trump, pollsters have revealed that if the FBI did not cover up the Hunter Biden laptop story, he would have remained in office.

“It made a 10-20 point difference, not even including all the other totally determinative evidence of illegality that was found, having to do with the 2020 Presidential election scam, including ballot stuffing and not adhering to the laws, rules, and regulations of state legislatures, which is totally illegal,” the President said.

He said that the MAGA movement is bigger than ever before, as evidenced by just how many more votes he gained between the 2016 and 2020 elections.

“And likewise getting many more votes than — think about it. There’s never been a President, a sitting President, get anywhere near — I think we got like 10 million more votes than Obama got, Obama,” Trump remarked. “Ya know? So popular.”

To close out his speech the 45th President said that the US belongs to the citizenry and not to powerful leftists in government.

“We will never allow anyone to forget that this nation does not belong to them,” he promised. “This nation belongs to you…” “And we will make America Great Again! Thank you very much, God bless you all! Thank you Pennsylvania, thank you.”

MORE NEWS: Biden Continues To Accuse Republicans Of ‘Extremism’

Original Article Oann

Former Pres. Trump holds rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pa.

A man speaks at a podium with "Save America" banners at a Trump rally, addressing an audience in an indoor arena. His arms are spread wide as he speaks.

Former President Donald Trump speaks at a rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Saturday, Sept. 3, 2022. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

Former President Donald Trump speaks at a rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Saturday, Sept. 3, 2022. (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 4:48 PM PT – Sunday, September 4, 2022

The 45th President of the United States has held his first rally after his private residence was raided by Joe Biden’s FBI. On Saturday in Wilkes-Barre, Donald J. Trump laid out to Pennsylvanians just how high the stakes are in November.

“This election is a referendum on skyrocketing inflation, rampant crime, soaring murders, crushing gas prices, millions and millions of illegal aliens pouring across our border, race and gender indoctrination perverting our schools, and above all this election is a referendum on the corruption and extremism of Joe Biden and the radical Democrat Party,” Trump stated to a roaring crowd.

Donald Trump then proceeded to slam Joe Biden for visiting Philadelphia, where he declared that half of the voters in the Country are anti-American extremists. In a direct rebuke to Biden’s rhetoric, Trump said MAGA Republicans are not the threat to democracy but rather that they are the people who are trying to save it. He slammed the Democrats by saying they are the pre-eminent threat to democracy. Trump said the raid on his private residence in Florida put the US in third world nation territory.

“On a phony pretext, getting permission from a highly political magistrate, who they handpicked late in the evening just days before the break in and trampled upon my rights and civil liberties as if our Country that we love so much were a 3rd world nation,” the Republican said.

The 45th President held nothing back when telling the American people the real reason why Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) January’ sixth committee and why Fani Willis’s (D-Ga.) grand jury are allowed to continue. The media didn’t escape the President’s scorn either. Trump implicated them in the destruction of everything that made America great in the first place.

“But this battle is not about me,” Trump confessed. “This is a struggle for the very fate of our republic. Our movement is fighting against a corrupt group of unelected tyrants who believe they can wield absolute power over you with the help of a willing and very corrupt media.”

According to Trump, pollsters have revealed that if the FBI did not cover up the Hunter Biden laptop story, he would have remained in office.

“It made a 10-20 point difference, not even including all the other totally determinative evidence of illegality that was found, having to do with the 2020 Presidential election scam, including ballot stuffing and not adhering to the laws, rules, and regulations of state legislatures, which is totally illegal,” the President said.

He said that the MAGA movement is bigger than ever before, as evidenced by just how many more votes he gained between the 2016 and 2020 elections.

“And likewise getting many more votes than — think about it. There’s never been a President, a sitting President, get anywhere near — I think we got like 10 million more votes than Obama got, Obama,” Trump remarked. “Ya know? So popular.”

To close out his speech the 45th President said that the US belongs to the citizenry and not to powerful leftists in government.

“We will never allow anyone to forget that this nation does not belong to them,” he promised. “This nation belongs to you…” “And we will make America Great Again! Thank you very much, God bless you all! Thank you Pennsylvania, thank you.”

MORE NEWS: Biden Continues To Accuse Republicans Of ‘Extremism’

Original Article Oann

45th Pres. Trump holds rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pa.

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 4:48 PM PT – Sunday, September 4, 2022

The 45th President of the United States has held his first rally after his private residence was raided by Joe Biden’s FBI. On Saturday in Wilkes-Barre, Donald J. Trump laid out to Pennsylvanians just how high the stakes are in November.

“This election is a referendum on skyrocketing inflation, rampant crime, soaring murders, crushing gas prices, millions and millions of illegal aliens pouring across our border, race and gender indoctrination perverting our schools, and above all this election is a referendum on the corruption and extremism of Joe Biden and the radical Democrat Party,” Trump stated to a roaring crowd.

Donald Trump then proceeded to slam Joe Biden for visiting Philadelphia, where he declared that half of the voters in the Country are anti-American extremists. In a direct rebuke to Biden’s rhetoric, Trump said MAGA Republicans are not the threat to democracy but rather that they are the people who are trying to save it. He slammed the Democrats by saying they are the pre-eminent threat to democracy. Trump said the raid on his private residence in Florida put the US in third world nation territory.

“On a phony pretext, getting permission from a highly political magistrate, who they handpicked late in the evening just days before the break in and trampled upon my rights and civil liberties as if our Country that we love so much were a 3rd world nation,” the Republican said.

The 45th President held nothing back when telling the American people the real reason why Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) January’ sixth committee and why Fani Willis’s (D-Ga.) grand jury are allowed to continue. The media didn’t escape the President’s scorn either. Trump implicated them in the destruction of everything that made America great in the first place.

“But this battle is not about me,” Trump confessed. “This is a struggle for the very fate of our republic. Our movement is fighting against a corrupt group of unelected tyrants who believe they can wield absolute power over you with the help of a willing and very corrupt media.”

According to Trump, pollsters have revealed that if the FBI did not cover up the Hunter Biden laptop story, he would have remained in office.

“It made a 10-20 point difference, not even including all the other totally determinative evidence of illegality that was found, having to do with the 2020 Presidential election scam, including ballot stuffing and not adhering to the laws, rules, and regulations of state legislatures, which is totally illegal,” the President said.

He said that the MAGA movement is bigger than ever before, as evidenced by just how many more votes he gained between the 2016 and 2020 elections.

“And likewise getting many more votes than — think about it. There’s never been a President, a sitting President, get anywhere near — I think we got like 10 million more votes than Obama got, Obama,” Trump remarked. “Ya know? So popular.”

To close out his speech the 45th President said that the US belongs to the citizenry and not to powerful leftists in government.

“We will never allow anyone to forget that this nation does not belong to them,” he promised. “This nation belongs to you…” “And we will make America Great Again! Thank you very much, God bless you all! Thank you Pennsylvania, thank you.”

Original Article Oann

Biden continues to accuse Republicans of ‘extremism’

A man speaking at a podium with the presidential seal, gesturing with his hand, against a dark background with spotlights during a discussion on extremism.

President Joe Biden speaks outside Independence Hall, Thursday, Sept. 1, 2022, in Philadelphia. (AP Photo/Matt Slocum)

President Joe Biden speaks outside Independence Hall, Thursday, Sept. 1, 2022, in Philadelphia. (AP Photo/Matt Slocum)

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 4:10 PM PT – Sunday, September 4, 2022

A message posted on Biden’s Twitter account on Sunday proposed that people who are a part of the Make America Great Again movement are ‘a threat’ to the soul of America.

A separate tweet claimed the Make America Great Again movement is an extremist agenda that contradicts the statement of the rule of law.

Biden is facing harsh criticism over his attacks on supporters of Donald J. Trump. Observers are saying that the claims Biden made during his speech are inflammatory and divisive. During his Save America Rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. on Saturday, the 45th President said Biden’s claims are vicious and hateful.

“Vilifying 75 million citizens, plus another probably 75 to 150, if we want to be accurate about it, as threats to democracy and as enemies of the state,” Trump stated. “You’re all enemies of the state. He’s an enemy of the state if you want to know the truth. The enemy of the state is him and the group that controls him, which is circling around him. ‘Do this. Do that, Joe. You got to do this, Joe’. Right.”

Biden also claimed the MAGA agenda violates the US Constitution and it doesn’t respect the will of the people.

MORE NEWS: J.D. Vance Is Fighting To Keep Ohio Republican

Original Article Oann

Biden continues to accuse Republicans of ‘extremism’

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 4:10 PM PT – Sunday, September 4, 2022

A message posted on Biden’s Twitter account on Sunday proposed that people who are a part of the Make America Great Again movement are ‘a threat’ to the soul of America.

A separate tweet claimed the Make America Great Again movement is an extremist agenda that contradicts the statement of the rule of law.

Biden is facing harsh criticism over his attacks on supporters of Donald J. Trump. Observers are saying that the claims Biden made during his speech are inflammatory and divisive. During his Save America Rally in Wilkes-Barre, Pa. on Saturday, the 45th President said Biden’s claims are vicious and hateful.

“Vilifying 75 million citizens, plus another probably 75 to 150, if we want to be accurate about it, as threats to democracy and as enemies of the state,” Trump stated. “You’re all enemies of the state. He’s an enemy of the state if you want to know the truth. The enemy of the state is him and the group that controls him, which is circling around him. ‘Do this. Do that, Joe. You got to do this, Joe’. Right.”

Biden also claimed the MAGA agenda violates the US Constitution and it doesn’t respect the will of the people.

Original Article Oann

Trump Lashes Out at Fox News for ‘Pushing’ a ‘Democrat Agenda’

Trump Lashes Out at Fox News for 'Pushing' a 'Democrat Agenda' Former President Donald Trump returned to the Save America rally circuit Saturday night in Wilkes-Barre Former President Donald Trump returned to the Save America rally circuit Saturday night in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, in a rally aired live on Newsmax. (Ed Jones/Getty Images)

By Eric Mack | Sunday, 04 September 2022 10:33 PM EDT

Former President Donald Trump continued his rebuke of Fox News, saying the conservative network is opening the door for competition by turning to share the "Democrat agenda."

"Wow! Fox News is really pushing the Democrats and the Democrat agenda," Trump wrote Sunday night on Truth Social. "Gets worse every single day. So many Dems interviewed with only softball questions, then Republican counterparts get creamed."

Among the specific Fox News targets was a frequent foil, Karl Rove, who was a former White House deputy chief of staff in President George W. Bush's administration – a regime that frequent draws rebukes from Trump on foreign policy.

"RINO Karl Rove is unwatchable, very negative, and on all the time – has a big record of losing!" Trump's statement added.

Trump's remarks come one night after Newsmax aired his Save America rally speech in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, in its entirety.

Trump also hit Fox News for airing Lincoln Project television ads. The Lincoln Project has come under fire in recent years because of lurid allegations levied against some of its founders.

"Not an easy place to be as a Republican, especially with all of the 'pervert' purchased ads," Trump's statement continued.

Trump even vowed to help the struggling CNN network – with he has often called the "Clinton News Network" – to become more conservative.

"If 'low ratings' CNN ever went conservative, they would be an absolute gold mine, and I would help them to do so!" Trump concluded.

Original Article

Trump Lashes Out at Fox News for ‘Pushing’ a ‘Democrat Agenda’

Trump Lashes Out at Fox News for 'Pushing' a 'Democrat Agenda' Former President Donald Trump returned to the Save America rally circuit Saturday night in Wilkes-Barre Former President Donald Trump returned to the Save America rally circuit Saturday night in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, in a rally aired live on Newsmax. (Ed Jones/Getty Images)

By Eric Mack | Sunday, 04 September 2022 10:33 PM EDT

Former President Donald Trump continued his rebuke of Fox News, saying the conservative network is opening the door for competition by turning to share the "Democrat agenda."

"Wow! Fox News is really pushing the Democrats and the Democrat agenda," Trump wrote Sunday night on Truth Social. "Gets worse every single day. So many Dems interviewed with only softball questions, then Republican counterparts get creamed."

Among the specific Fox News targets was a frequent foil, Karl Rove, who was a former White House deputy chief of staff in President George W. Bush's administration – a regime that frequent draws rebukes from Trump on foreign policy.

"RINO Karl Rove is unwatchable, very negative, and on all the time – has a big record of losing!" Trump's statement added.

Trump's remarks come one night after Newsmax aired his Save America rally speech in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, in its entirety.

Trump also hit Fox News for airing Lincoln Project television ads. The Lincoln Project has come under fire in recent years because of lurid allegations levied against some of its founders.

"Not an easy place to be as a Republican, especially with all of the 'pervert' purchased ads," Trump's statement continued.

Trump even vowed to help the struggling CNN network – with he has often called the "Clinton News Network" – to become more conservative.

"If 'low ratings' CNN ever went conservative, they would be an absolute gold mine, and I would help them to do so!" Trump concluded.

Trump Says Those Seeking to ‘Destroy’ Him Will Fail Again

Trump Says Those Seeking to 'Destroy' Him Will Fail Again (Newsmax/YouTube)

By Eric Mack | Sunday, 04 September 2022 10:10 PM EDT

Denouncing the relentless attacks from Democrats and Republicans in name only (RINOs), former President Donald Trump predicted the latest round of "hoaxes and scams" will only ultimately prove he "did nothing wrong."

"So much talk, back and forth, including from my many patriotic 'defenders & supporters,' about our federal government working every seldom (or never used) rule and regulation in order to get and destroy, at any cost, President Donald J. Trump," the former president wrote on Truth Social on Sunday night.

"Same concepts, anger, and radical left maniacs and RINOs who have been working the system of hoaxes and scams ever since I came down the "golden escalator" in Trump Tower seven years ago.

"They also have the same problem, however – I DID NOTHING WRONG!!!"

Trump's remarks came one night after he returned to the Save America rally circuit, blasting President Joe Biden and his Justice Department for raiding the "hopes and dreams" of Make America Great Again Republicans in addition to his private residence at Mar-a-Lago.

"It was not just my home that was raided last month — it was the hopes and dreams of every citizen who I have been fighting for since the moment I came down the golden escalator in 2015, wanting to represent the people, wanting to stop the massive corruption in this country," Trump told the Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania rally, which aired lived on Newsmax.

"The radical Democrats are engaging in a desperate attempt to keep me from returning to the White House, where they know I will clean this mess up again," Trump added. "They want to stop us from completing our mission to bring back American values."

Trump noted the raid was conducted "on a phony pretext" in order to deflect from Biden's struggles and the impending midterm elections.

"The Biden administration invaded the home of their chief political opponent, who is absolutely destroying him and everyone else in the polls — I hate to say it — even including the Republicans, but we love the Republicans," Trump said, noting the raid began only after "getting permission from a highly political magistrate, who they handpicked late in the evening, just days before the break in and trampled upon my rights and civil liberties."

Trump spoke to a raucous Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, crowd, stumping for his endorsed candidates Dr. Mehmet Oz for Senate and Doug Mastriano for governor in the state.

"It's impossible to explain how great the people last night were in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania," Trump wrote in a Save America PAC statement earlier Sunday on Truth Social. "The level of love they have for our country is both unbelievable and highly impressive — it is more than anyone would ever know.

"If the radical left lunatics that work so hard to destroy our country could just get a little bit of the love, energy, enthusiasm, spirit and patriotism that we witnessed last night, our country would go to the top of every list like a rocket ship."

Original Article

Alaska votes using ranked choice voting

A woman stands in front of a campaign banner that reads "sarah for alaska" with decorative stars and a map of Alaska. She is wearing glasses, a white jacket, and her hair is

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin addresses supporters at the opening of her new campaign headquarters in Anchorage, Alaska, on Wednesday, April 20, 2022. Palin, the first Republican female vice presidential nominee, is among 48 candidates running for the Alaska's lone seat in the U.S. House following the death last month of Republican Rep. Don Young, who held the job for 49 years. (AP Photo/Mark Thiessen)

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin addresses supporters at the opening of her new campaign headquarters in Anchorage, Alaska, on Wednesday, April 20, 2022. Palin, the first Republican female vice presidential nominee was among 48 candidates running for the Alaska’s lone seat in the U.S. House following the death last month of Republican Rep. Don Young, who held the job for 49 years. (AP Photo/Mark Thiessen)

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 2:26 PM PT – Sunday, September 4, 2022

For the first time in half a century, a Democrat is representing Alaska’s at-large seat in Washington, D.C.. In August’s special election to fill the remainder of the late Don Young’s (R-Alaska) term, Democrat Mary Peltola pulled about 40-percent of first preference votes compared to former Governor Sarah Palin’s (R-Alaska) 31-percent and Republican Nick Begich’s 29-percent

Begich was dropped in the subsequent round of counting preferences. Those who chose him as their first preference had their second preferences redistributed to the remaining candidates. About half of Begich’s voters chose Palin as their second choice and over a quarter chose Peltola. However, due to the distribution of Begich voters second choice and how well Peltola did with first preferences, she was able to eke out a less than three-point victory over second place Palin.

Under Alaska’s ranked choice voting, all candidates run in an open primary. The top four performing candidates go on to fight in the ranked choice general election. At the general election, voters are given the option to rank those four candidates by preference. If a majority votes for one candidate in the first round, then the winner is declared without preferences being counted. However, if nobody can hit that 50-percent plus one margin then the poorest performing candidate is dropped and their voters second preferences are redistributed to the remaining candidates. These rounds of counting go on until someone wins a majority.

Alaska is the second state to adopt ranked choice for federal elections. It was first done in Maine back in 2018. 45th President Donald Trump won one of the States electoral votes under the system during the 2020 election.

With Alaska’s general election fast approaching, many in Conservative media fear that the State’s voting system could very well hand Democrats another victory for a full term in the House and give anti-Trump Republican Lisa Murkowski another term in the Senate. Jack Posobiec, Senior Editor at Human Events spoke on the topic.

“You will always see Democrats or soft conservatives, soft Republicans, your one of fours, or even your four of fours who are more establishment types, they will put Murkowski as their second choice so she’ll pick up a larger swathe of voters,” Posobiec said. “Meanwhile, a MAGA Conservative is never going to say they want a Democrat as their second choice.”

While a quarter of moderate Begich supporters did give their preference to Peltola over Palin, the 11,000 who failed to rank further candidates preferenced about two-to-one for Palin like the rest did. However, Palin can still be headed to Washington with a slim majority of the vote. The system was originally pushed for by Murkowski donors and staffers. They assumed it would save the unpopular Senator once again from the wrath of Conservative Alaskans. While that could still prove true, if Republicans take full advantage of the system in November by ranking their preferences instead of exhausting their ballots, not only could Murkowski be defeated but Palin could wrangle the seat out of Democrat hands.

Murkowski’s top opponent, Trump endorsed Kelly Tshibaka, believes that the majority of Alaskans have never supported the Senator. In fact, Murkowski has never won a majority of the votes in any election she’s been in. According to Tshibaka, this combined with ranked choice voting could prove to be Murkowski’s ultimate undoing.

MORE NEWS: J.D. Vance Is Fighting To Keep Ohio Republican

Original Article Oann

Alaska votes using ranked choice voting

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 2:26 PM PT – Sunday, September 4, 2022

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin addresses supporters at the opening of her new campaign headquarters in Anchorage, Alaska, on Wednesday, April 20, 2022. Palin, the first Republican female vice presidential nominee, is among 48 candidates running for the Alaska's lone seat in the U.S. House following the death last month of Republican Rep. Don Young, who held the job for 49 years. (AP Photo/Mark Thiessen)
Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin addresses supporters at the opening of her new campaign headquarters in Anchorage, Alaska, on Wednesday, April 20, 2022. (AP Photo/Mark Thiessen)

For the first time in half a century, a Democrat is representing Alaska’s at-large seat in Washington, D.C.. In August’s special election to fill the remainder of the late Don Young’s (R-Alaska) term, Democrat Mary Peltola pulled about 40-percent of first preference votes compared to former Governor Sarah Palin’s (R-Alaska) 31-percent and Republican Nick Begich’s 29-percent.

Begich was dropped in the subsequent round of counting preferences. Those who chose him as their first preference had their second preferences redistributed to the remaining candidates. About half of Begich’s voters chose Palin as their second choice and over a quarter chose Peltola. However, due to the distribution of Begich voters second choice and how well Peltola did with first preferences, she was able to eke out a less than three-point victory over second place Palin.

Under Alaska’s ranked choice voting, all candidates run in an open primary. The top four performing candidates go on to fight in the ranked choice general election. At the general election, voters are given the option to rank those four candidates by preference. If a majority votes for one candidate in the first round, then the winner is declared without preferences being counted. However, if nobody can hit that 50-percent plus one margin then the poorest performing candidate is dropped and their voters second preferences are redistributed to the remaining candidates. These rounds of counting go on until someone wins a majority.

Alaska is the second state to adopt ranked choice for federal elections. It was first done in Maine back in 2018. 45th President Donald Trump won one of the States electoral votes under the system during the 2020 election.

With Alaska’s general election fast approaching, many in Conservative media fear that the State’s voting system could very well hand Democrats another victory for a full term in the House and give anti-Trump Republican Lisa Murkowski another term in the Senate. Jack Posobiec, Senior Editor at Human Events spoke on the topic.

“You will always see Democrats or soft conservatives, soft Republicans, your one of fours, or even your four of fours who are more establishment types, they will put Murkowski as their second choice so she’ll pick up a larger swathe of voters,” Posobiec said. “Meanwhile, a MAGA Conservative is never going to say they want a Democrat as their second choice.”

While a quarter of moderate Begich supporters did give their preference to Peltola over Palin, the 11,000 who failed to rank further candidates preferenced about two-to-one for Palin like the rest did. However, Palin can still be headed to Washington with a slim majority of the vote. The system was originally pushed for by Murkowski donors and staffers. They assumed it would save the unpopular Senator once again from the wrath of Conservative Alaskans. While that could still prove true, if Republicans take full advantage of the system in November by ranking their preferences instead of exhausting their ballots, not only could Murkowski be defeated but Palin could wrangle the seat out of Democrat hands.

Murkowski’s top opponent, Trump endorsed Kelly Tshibaka, believes that the majority of Alaskans have never supported the Senator. In fact, Murkowski has never won a majority of the votes in any election she’s been in. According to Tshibaka, this combined with ranked choice voting could prove to be Murkowski’s ultimate undoing.

Original Article Oann

Trafalgar Poll: Rep. Lee Zeldin Closing Ground on Dem Gov. Hochul

Trafalgar Poll: Rep. Lee Zeldin Closing Ground on Dem Gov. Hochul lee zeldin speaks during a campaign event Rep. Lee Zeldin, R-N.Y. (Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images)

By Eric Mack | Sunday, 04 September 2022 08:54 PM EDT

In one of the more promings poll results for the Republican Party in New York to date, Rep. Lee Zeldin, R-N.Y., is just percentage points outside the margin of error against incumbent Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul in the latest poll by The Trafalgar Group.

Hochul has led by more than double digits in most previous polls, but her lead is just 4.4 points in the latest Trafalgar poll. Trafalgar has been regarded as one of the most accurate pollsters in recent elections since 2016.

Former Trump administration Amb. Richard Grenell hailed the poll result as promising for the GOP in the historically Democrat-led state.

"Lee Zeldin is within striking distance to be Governor of New York," Grenell tweeted. "Get to work New Yorkers! You can flip this seat and save the state."

Hochul drew 47.8% support to Zeldin's 43.4% among likely midterm election voters in New York. Trafalgar's poll surveyed 53.6% Democrats and 27.5% Republicans in a state long dominated by the left.

The poll also surveyed more female likely voters (54.3%) compared to men (45.7%). New York is a state Democrats have campaigned heavily on the abortion issue after the Supreme Court overruled the Roe v. Wade precedent, kicking abortion law back to the states.

The Trafalgar Group polled 1,091 likely general election voters Aug. 31-Sept. 1. The poll had a margin of error of plus or minus 2.9 percentage points.

Original Article

Reporter Confronts WH: Has Biden ‘Given Up’ on 70M Voters?

Reporter Confronts WH: Has Biden 'Given Up' on 70M Voters?

Reporter Martha Raddatz (Jim Spellman/Getty Images)

By Nick Koutsobinas | Sunday, 04 September 2022 08:08 PM EDT

On Sunday, ABC News reporter Martha Raddatz confronted White House adviser Keisha Lance Bottoms on whether President Joe Biden has "given up" on 70 million Republican voters.

Raddatz's question comes as Biden on Thursday decried "MAGA Republicans" during a speech at Philadelphia's Independence Hall. In the speech, Biden stated: "Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic."

Biden, who ran as a unifier, qualified that "not every Republican, not even the majority of Republicans, are MAGA Republicans. Not every Republican embraces their extreme ideology. I know because I've been able to work with these mainstream Republicans.

"But," the president added, "there's no question that the Republican Party today is dominated, driven and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans. And that is a threat to this country. These are hard things."

Speaking on ABC News "This Week," Bottoms, who is the White House's Office of Public Engagement director, defended Biden.

During the interview, Raddatz pressed Bottoms, questioning if the president's speech was overly divisive. Bottoms maintained that the president was simply "calling out" to Americans regardless of who they voted for.

"What I see in this speech — I see words of encouragement. I see optimism. I see a commander in chief who is calling out to all of us, no matter our political affiliation," Bottoms stated.

"All of us?" Raddatz asked. "He wasn't calling out to the MAGA supporters, certainly. He mentioned them more than a dozen times as a threat to democracy. Has the president essentially given up on those MAGA Republicans — some 70 million people?"

Bottoms replied, "What the president has done is said that he will continue to work with mainstream Republicans, that he will work with Democrats, that he will work with independents to get things done in our country."

The White House adviser then extrapolated the thousands of rioters who showed up at the Capitol on Jan. 6 to the roughly 74 million voters of Trump in 2020. "But this MAGA Republican agenda," Bottoms continued, "this hate-fueled agenda that we saw incite violence on our nation's Capitol has no place in a democracy. And if we are not intentional about calling it out, which is what the president did, then our country — everything that our country is built upon is in danger."

On Friday, Biden defended his speech, according to Newsweek, stating that he wasn't referring to "any Trump voter" as a threat to American democracy — only those who advocate violence.

"I don't consider any Trump supporter to be a threat to the country," the president stated. "I do think anyone who calls for the use of violence, fails to condemn violence when it's used, refuses to acknowledge an election has been won, insists upon changing the way in which we rule and count votes, that is a threat to democracy."

But after Biden's speech was said and done, both liberals and conservatives came out critical of it.

"Seventy-four million people voted for Trump in 2020," Matt Taibbi wrote. "It's beyond delusional to think they are all violent extremists. A smart politician would recognize the overwhelming majority are just people who pay taxes, work crap jobs, raise kids, obey the law and give at most a tiny share of attention to politics."

On Friday, Matt Schlapp, the chairman of the American Conservative Union, told Newsmax that Biden showed in his speech he "hates half of America."

Original Article

Biden’s Federal Oil Leases a Record Low for First 19 Months

Biden's Federal Oil Leases a Record Low for First 19 Months an oil rig out in the middle of the open water (State Land Commission/AP)

By Eric Mack | Sunday, 04 September 2022 07:43 PM EDT

After former President Donald Trump's push for energy independence, President Joe Biden has slowed federal oil leases to a record low for the early days of the administration, The Wall Street Journal reported.

The Biden administration has leased fewer acres for offshore oil and gas drilling and on federal lands – as Biden promised during his campaign – than any administration at this stage since the end of the World War II, according to analysis of Bureau of Land Management and Bureau of Ocean Energy Management data.

Because it was still new then, President Harry Truman was the last president to lease out fewer acres (65,658) than the Biden Interior Department did (126,228) in the first 19 months of his administration. Only President Richard Nixon in 1969-70 had leased fewer than 4.4 million acres at this stage of a first presidential term since Truman.

"The president said he was going to stop leasing, and he's been remarkably successful," Trump administration Interior Secretary David Bernhardt told the Journal.

Leasing is down 97% from the first 19 months of the Trump administration, the Journal reported.

"No more drilling on federal lands, no more drilling including offshore — no ability for the oil industry to continue to drill — period," Biden said during his campaign.

While the leasing is down, the Interior Department issued a record number of drilling permits for existing leases last year, and spokeswoman Melissa Schwartz told the paper the industry has moved more toward private and state-owned lands.

Also, she said, only 60% of the 35 million acres leased from the federal government is actively producing currently.

"There is no shortage of opportunity to produce oil from federal lands," Schwartz told the Journal.

White House spokesman Abdullah Hasan maintains the U.S. is producing near-record amounts of oil, while "making America a magnet for clean energy manufacturing investment, securing America's clean energy future, and putting us on track to meet our climate goals."

The Interior – which held 35 onshore oil and gas lease sales under former President Barack Obama in 2010 – had none in the Biden administration's first year, according to the report.

"Stepping up domestic production has been a priority of every president from Nixon right up through Obama and of course Trump," S&P Global Vice Chair Daniel Yergin told the Journal. "Whether Democrats or Republicans, presidents have wanted to embrace the idea of energy independence and production."

The Inflation Reduction Act law signed by Biden in August, requires the Interior to offer at least 2 million acres of federal land and 60 million offshore acres to oil and gas producers every year for the next decade.

The Department told the Journal it is committed to abiding by terms of the law, "including direction regarding the federal oil and gas programs."

Original Article

Biden’s Federal Oil Leases a Record Low for First 19 Months

Biden's Federal Oil Leases a Record Low for First 19 Months an oil rig out in the middle of the open water (State Land Commission/AP)

By Eric Mack | Sunday, 04 September 2022 07:43 PM EDT

After former President Donald Trump's push for energy independence, President Joe Biden has slowed federal oil leases to a record low for the early days of the administration, The Wall Street Journal reported.

The Biden administration has leased fewer acres for offshore oil and gas drilling and on federal lands – as Biden promised during his campaign – than any administration at this stage since the end of the World War II, according to analysis of Bureau of Land Management and Bureau of Ocean Energy Management data.

Because it was still new then, President Harry Truman was the last president to lease out fewer acres (65,658) than the Biden Interior Department did (126,228) in the first 19 months of his administration. Only President Richard Nixon in 1969-70 had leased fewer than 4.4 million acres at this stage of a first presidential term since Truman.

"The president said he was going to stop leasing, and he's been remarkably successful," Trump administration Interior Secretary David Bernhardt told the Journal.

Leasing is down 97% from the first 19 months of the Trump administration, the Journal reported.

"No more drilling on federal lands, no more drilling including offshore — no ability for the oil industry to continue to drill — period," Biden said during his campaign.

While the leasing is down, the Interior Department issued a record number of drilling permits for existing leases last year, and spokeswoman Melissa Schwartz told the paper the industry has moved more toward private and state-owned lands.

Also, she said, only 60% of the 35 million acres leased from the federal government is actively producing currently.

"There is no shortage of opportunity to produce oil from federal lands," Schwartz told the Journal.

White House spokesman Abdullah Hasan maintains the U.S. is producing near-record amounts of oil, while "making America a magnet for clean energy manufacturing investment, securing America's clean energy future, and putting us on track to meet our climate goals."

The Interior – which held 35 onshore oil and gas lease sales under former President Barack Obama in 2010 – had none in the Biden administration's first year, according to the report.

"Stepping up domestic production has been a priority of every president from Nixon right up through Obama and of course Trump," S&P Global Vice Chair Daniel Yergin told the Journal. "Whether Democrats or Republicans, presidents have wanted to embrace the idea of energy independence and production."

The Inflation Reduction Act law signed by Biden in August, requires the Interior to offer at least 2 million acres of federal land and 60 million offshore acres to oil and gas producers every year for the next decade.

The Department told the Journal it is committed to abiding by terms of the law, "including direction regarding the federal oil and gas programs."