McLaughlin Poll: Trump a GOP Runaway, Tops Biden by 4, Harris by 9

McLaughlin Poll: Trump a GOP Runaway, Tops Biden by 4, Harris by 9 (Newsmax)

By Eric Mack | Saturday, 24 September 2022 06:26 PM EDT

The midterm numbers look bad for Democrats, good for Republicans, and exceedingly strong for former President Donald Trump's potential 2024 presidential campaign, according to the latest McLaughlin & Associates poll released Friday.

Trump not only leads the Republican 2024 primary, but he also leads both President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in separate hypothetical matchups.

Among likely 2024 Republican primary voters, 71% want Trump to run again, and if he did run again, 86% of Republicans would support him. That includes a majority of 64% who said they would strongly support him if he ran.

"Thank you!" Trump wrote Saturday on Truth Social, hailing the poll results.

Trump drew 55% support in a large GOP 2024 primary field, leading Florida GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis (18%) by 37% points.

If Trump were to face off against Biden, he leads the sitting incumbent president by 4 points 49%-45%, almost drawing a majority of support. Against Harris, Trump gets the majority at 51%, leading the sitting vice president (42%) by 9 points.

In the far more near future, there were a number of warning signs for Democrats in these midterm elections this November:

  • Republicans nearly draw a majority (49%) on a generic midterm ballot, leading Democrats (45%) by 4 points.
  • 49% say they are "worse off" under Biden and Pelosi, while just 40% say they were "better off."
  • 68% say they disagree with Biden's claim inflation is "zero."
  • 53% believe in smaller government versus bigger government 32%.
  • 81% say they have been "impacted" by inflation.
  • 75% say they believe in capitalism versus socialism 10%.

The McLaughlin & Associates polled 1,000 likely voters Sept. 17-22.

Original Article