Rep. Van Duyne to Newsmax: Dems, Media Don’t Care About Border ‘Crisis’

Rep. Van Duyne to Newsmax: Dems, Media Don't Care About Border 'Crisis' (Newsmax/"The Chris Salcedo Show")

By Jay Clemons | Tuesday, 27 September 2022 06:41 PM EDT

Rep. Beth Van Duyne, R-Texas, sees the similarities between Democrat leaders and left-leaning media, when Republicans attempt to initiate substantive discussions about the chaos at the United States-Mexico border.

As in, the Democrats and media have largely become indifferent to the specter of millions of undocumented migrants coming into this country, essentially unchecked.

"What you see on CNN is, 'There's nothing to see here,'" Van Duyne told Newsmax Tuesday afternoon, while appearing on "The Chris Salcedo Show."

Van Duyne speaks from experience with the last comment. During her recent appearance on CNN, one host chided the Republicans for not working with mayors and governors from Democrat-controlled cities and states, regarding the relocation of migrants to northern communities — even areas, such as the Massachusetts beach community of Martha's Vineyard, which proudly trumpets its "sanctuary" status.

"They blamed [Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis] for sending 50 people to Martha's Vineyard? If you want to talk about the [human] atrocities that are happening [with migrants], that's probably the poorest example," says Van Duyne.

From Van Duyne's perspective, 50 migrants flying comfortably to Massachusetts two weeks ago, and then being peacefully escorted off the island by 125 National Guard members some 44 hours later, cannot compare to the border towns in Texas, Arizona and New Mexico being overrun by migrants on a daily basis (5 million crossings over the last 20 months).

Van Duyne says that, prior to the Martha's Vineyard incident, Republican leaders tried to enlist the help of Democrats about the border crisis, but those calls "fell on deaf ears."

"At least now the Democrats are talking about [immigration]," says Van Duyne, while adding the mayors and governors from blue regions "are getting a little bit of a taste of what we asked for [help-wise], and the media was flipping out."

Van Duyne says she believes these same media outlets have mostly been silent amid reports of more than 267,000 unaccompanied children crossing the southern border during the Biden administration — compared to 10,000 children making similar crossings during President Donald Trump's tenure (2017-21).

"During [the Trump tenure], we tried everything, and we had [immigration] solved," laments Van Duyne. "And the Biden administration came in and completely unraveled it."

For this humanitarian crisis at the border, Van Duyne shared accounts of young migrant girls being handed condoms by adults "because they know their daughters will be [sexually assaulted] multiple times."

The Texas congresswoman also spoke of desolate pregnant women giving birth underneath dirty bridges along the border, out of necessity.

Van Duyne also discussed how the Mexican drug cartels have been using infant children as "bait" at various crossings.

"I'm talking about 6-month-old babies being thrown" into the Rio Grande River "to drown" … "because they know border officials will do everything to save them," says Van Duyne, while adding it's all a staged diversion, so cartels can smuggle in fentanyl at unmanned border entry points.

"It's a crisis," says Van Duyne.

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