Rep. Biggs to Newsmax: Biden’s Speech Walk-Back Feels ‘Phony’

Rep. Biggs to Newsmax: Biden's Speech Walk-Back Feels 'Phony'

(Newsmax/"National Report")

By Sandy Fitzgerald | Monday, 05 September 2022 03:17 PM EDT

President Joe Biden's move to walk back some of the anti-MAGA comments he made in his speech at Independence Hall felt "phony" as they didn't come until 12 hours later, Rep. Andy Biggs said on Newsmax on Monday.

"He decided, Well, I've got to take that back," the Arizona Republican said on Newsmax's "National Report," adding that he thought former President Donald Trump's Saturday night rally comments were "on the money."

"I mean, let's look at who's projecting fascism here," said Biggs, who has asked for an apology from Biden that he doesn't expect to get.

"I don't think he's going to even acknowledge my comment, but that's OK because I think most Americans realize that the speech he gave was incredibly divisive," said Biggs. "It's probably the most divisive rhetoric we've seen in the United States of America since our inception, 230 or so years ago."

Biggs said he also found it "outrageous" hearing from Trump that the FBI, during its warrant search of Trump's "Mar-a-Lago home, entered the bedrooms of Melania Trump and Trump's teenaged son, Barron."

"I do believe that some of the stuff that we're hearing, the fact that those are just cover sheets on the floor, that the staged photograph by the Department of Justice, all of this is being done to attack President Trump," Biggs said.

Biggs on Monday also discussed the ongoing border crisis and comments from the White House denying migrants are walking across the nation's borders.

"I was back down at the border again last week and I can tell you people do just walk across the border," he said. "They're not flying in. These are not people going through the ports of entry. These are between the ports of entry … they're simply walking across and we don't test them for COVID or anything else unless they have some kind of overt sign or symptom."


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